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I participated with my peers researching about learning styles by having nurses fill out

questionnaire survey.
Learning Styles Assessment Group Project Paper
Phuong Custer, Anonymous, Melissa Muratore
In order to optimize the learning experience, the presenter first assess each individual
preference for learning, this begins with communication. One aspect of optimal communication
is listening. Listening and incorporating each participants learning style into the lesson that is
being presented is key; therefore, gaining active participation from the audience as well as
gratification that each member have grasped the content being presented.
As a group, we collective decided to present the importance as well as the proper
techniques of handwashing to an audience of nurses. The survey that was conducted, was taking
from Education Each self-assessment consisted of 20 random questions. At the end,
the scores revealed whether one is an auditory, visual, or tactile learner. It further breaks down
each individuals preference into what percentage of ones learning style is auditory, visual, and
or tactile. The appreciable aspect of this self-assessment tool is that it provides each individual
with feedback/tips on how to optimize on the learning experience based on his or her style.
Based on the results of our survey each participant has a distinct pattern of how he or she learns
best. As a result, the self- assessment that was administered reflects that 80% of our audience are
auditory learners and the remaining 20% were visual learners. It further demonstrated that those
who are indeed auditory learners can also greatly benefit from content that is presented visually,
and those who are visual learners can benefit for material that is presented with an auditory style.
Based on this information, the teaching plan/content must be fashioned to meet the needs of both
visual as well as auditory learners.

The links provided below are the individual results of each participating member of our

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