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7. Describe a topic that would be most appropriate to study with each of the following types of sources. (6 points) Archeological The Stanley Cup writen The cui) War video 4/ |! Social Media The Fox Lake *wotiag Primary Dectarqtion of 1deemdone s war ST Secondary WoY |! 8. What is bias? How can yoy(ook for bias in a source} (3 points) Bias fs WAS 44 /Simesne 1S Frroreg fowards somerhiy/Semone else, Yor G4 look Sow Ce by lotkiing fo he Source 8S Mrafnly ahouft one 2. Compare and contrast Archeology and Anthropology. Explain at least two ways Archeology and Anthropology impact our knowledge of the world. Be specific (4 points) while arch vos more asyt MmGn Gry) witout Anthroflogy, we wuldrt kage how PeorPle ate yr pved and 4 wi toout” Ant ayoPslory ie how the caltsre wes paysit, 19 158 Ast wveulda-t Kaew, ra 4e fest Ike 3. What type of economic system do you think is ideal for starting a company? Why? Be specific. (3 points) rt turnk Maked weytd be bert, The Govern ment deerg% Contre) Can you, So Set what you You want, TE You wold what fo were Seifmrake ten Peo Phe ray moe be interes 72S And Vay ayy. have gS myeh SHER SS, a 4, Explain which form of government you believe is the most effective and why? (points) T titak Reeubl’e iS Most earecnve,

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