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Dear Parents,

I am super excited to have your little one in the classroom! The first day of
school will be exciting! We will first discuss the procedures of the day.( Ex.
Morning greetings, Picking a line leader for the day, and sitting in there
number assigned desks) Every student will be assigned by a number that
corresponds to everything they do in class. We will also have a classroom
contract to show respect for every child. It is important to me that everyone
has a great time in a safe learning environment. Classroom behavior will be
monitored by using a color chart.Each student will either move there
clothespin up for making good choices or down for making not so wise ones.
Every day each student will start the class period on green!

Class Room Rules:

1. Listen to the teacher, Follow directions

2. Keep hands and feet to self

3. Treat everyone with respect
Positive behavioral results:

Negative behavioral results:

verbal/ or written praise

Verbal redirection or warning

Moving up chart

Loss of privileges

Gain of privileges

Having student sit in another work space/

world in the room
Giving the student options on how to

We have read and discussed this discipline plan and will work with the
school to have a great school year.
Student Name___________________________________________________
Parent/ Guardian Signature________________________________________________

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