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Dear Mr.

Robert Aderholt,

As a high school student, I believe that an issue in today's society is the issue of
standardized testing. Colleges rely on ACT scores for admission and for most scholarships but
not everyone can make good onthe ACT. I, for one, can say that I am not good at standardized
testing. I have test arxiety. I am a very fotelligent student thougfu so it is hard forqe to accept
the fact that I cannot receive as much scholarship money as some students cfrr with a high ACT
score although I am a staight A high school student. I am in mostly honors classes but not that I
am a senior I dropped some of my advanced classes because I knew my high school grades
actually do not matter towards college and my advanced classes will not make a difference
towards admissions without a high ACT score. I am an intelligent young student who has worked
hard all through middle school and high school years to achieve my high ranked academic status
that has come to learn that all the work I have put into my grades and school work over the years
really doesn't have that big of an affect because of the standardized testing admission
requirements colleges have now. I am very dedicated to my academics but that dedication hasn't
quite paid offbecause of my lack of ability in testing. I do not think colleges should be able to
base their admissions and scholarships mostly on ACT scores but on high school transcripts and
the courses taken in high school. I am a very concered student that doesn't want my parents to
have to pay for my college just because I cannot get a high ACT score. Even though I am smarter
than a 21 on the ACT, college admissions is trying to tell me otherwise. My high school
credentials should push towards college scholarships as well because of all the hard work I have
put into my courses throughout my four years of high school. I believe standardized testing
should be limited and high school transcripts should be the main aspect.

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