UN Yemen Talks Documents Leaked To Inner City Press, December 2015

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The talks will be conducted between two delegations comprised of 6 members and 6 advisors per
delegation, No other representatives will be given access tq the venue during the talks. The inclusion of
additional members or advisors can be granted by the Special Envoy in agreement with both

Invitations to participate in the talks and appoint a delegation will be sent to: President Abdo Rabbo
Mansour Hadi representing the Government of Yemen on one side; and a to the Aref Zuka, Secretary
General of the GPC and Mohamed Abdel Salaam, spokesperson for Ansar Allah, who will joinly appoint a
single delegation.
Each side will be able to freely determine the membership of their respective delegations, but the
delegation should have the full authority to negotiation agreements and include persons with sufficient
knowledge and expertise in the questions of security arrangement, political dialogue and humanitarian
questions which will be addressed in the consultations.
Mindful of the NDC Outcomes and UNSC 1325 the Special Envoy strongly encourages each delegation to
include at least two women.
The negotiations will take place in Switzerland at a venue provided by the Swiss Government.
Press will be restricted from the venue with the exception for photos at the opening of the talks and at
other times determined by the Special Envoy.
Presence in the Venue will be limited to the 12 member of each delegation, the Office of the Special
Envoy and advisors invited by Special Envoy.
The Envoy will invite the Pact of Yemeni Women for Peace and Security to send representatives to
participate in the talks. The selection of the representative and the nature of their participation will be
determined by the Special Envoy in consultation with UNWomen and the parties.
The Agenda is composed of three principle components and the decision on next steps

1. General Framework for the Yemen's return to a peaceful and orderly transition. Building on
relevant UNSC resolutions, including UNSC 2216, tne CCC IRitiati"Q aDd tbQ



.. o~teomes, the General Framework should develop an agreed up road map for the steps and
benchmarks and their sequencing in the following areas:
The General Framework will include the sequencing and interdependence of the following

The development of a permanent and sustainable cease-fire

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The negotiated withdrawal of forces and interim security arrangements in areas of




The deployment of monitoring mechanisms


The return of the government control over state institutions and the resumption of their

The handling of heavy weapons

full functioning


The resumption of political dialogue


2. Confidence Building Measures and Immediate Steps which deliver tangible benefits for the
Yemeni population. These measures should seek to improve the well-being of the Yemeni
population in the short term, build confidence between the parties to the conflict in their ability
to conclude a successful agreement and build confidence of the Yemeni people in a peaceful
solution. All discussions should define (i) agreed actions; (ii) timeline, and (iii) monitoring of
The .Confidence Building Measures and Immediate Benefits should consider


Release of Prisoners


Measures to improve the humanitarian situation


Urgent Measure to Revive the Economy

Local Ceasefire as preliminary steps to national ceasefire

Implementation Plans of the General Framework and the Confidence Building Measures



Milestones and Timelines


Mechanism to resolve disputes ov~r implementation

Role ofthe UN
Role of the parties

Next Steps of the Negotiations


Date Venue and Format of Next

Formation of working groups to support the conclusion of a comprehensive agreement

Working groups to plans the next stages of Yemen's transition, including:

Reconstruction and Economic Recovery
Preservation of State Institutions and State Functions

Opening Session

Opening Prayer

Welcome by SESG

Photo of the 2 Delegations with the Special Envoy

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Introduction of Ground Rules

Recommitment by the Delegations to the Ground Rules

Statements by the Delegations

Pr~sentation of the Meeting Schedule by the SESG



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GROUND RULES FOR THE TALKS to Resolve the Crisis in Yemen


1. The Special Envoy shall:


Declare the opening and closing of each meeting;


Guide discussions in order to ensure the smooth running of the Talks, with a view of
enabling the Parties to reach an agreement;


Ensure that the ground rules are observed during the meetings.



The delegations shall respect the Special Envoy as the neutral facilitator of the Talks;


The Talks shall be held in closed sessions without media coverage and without the presence
of individuals who are not observers and also not part of the delegations


Communication on the substance and the process of the talks to the media will be done only
by the Special Envoy. The Special Envoy will consult with the Parties regarding the substance
of his updates to the press and media;


The delegations, their associated parties and the observers will refrain from any
commentaries in the press or social media;


Materials shared with the parties or the Special Envoy will not be shared with the media or


The Special Envoy shall provide equal opportunities for both parties to speak. Negotiators

groups outside of the talks;

shall request from the Special Envoy the floor to speak during the meetings;

Any issues that delegations wish to raise should be addressed to the Special Envoy via the
delegations' respective head;


When a delegate or the Special Envoy has the floor, all other delegates will refrain from
commenting or responding;

10. Punctuality shall be observed by all delegates;

11. The delegations and their members shall avoid actions that may discredit any Party;
12. The delegations and their members shall respect the opinions of others during discussions;
13. No offensive, degrading or inflammatory language shall be used. In the event of this, the
Special Envoy shall call the speaker to order;
14. Personal attacks or animosity shall not be accepted from any delegate;
15. The Special Envoy, in consultation with the heads of delegations, may set up committees to
consider specific subject matters;
16. At the request of either party the Special Envoy may adjourn the meeting for the purpose of
a brief consultation;
17. The Special Envoy may hold consultations with the heads of delegations, separately or
18. When, in the opinion of the Special Envoy, the debate of an issue is exhausted, as may be
signified by neither party seeking to speak or no new ideas are being advanced, the Special
Envoy shall summarize and the declare the discussion of the issue closed;


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Special Envoy of the Secretary General:

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Ismail Ouldcheikh Ahmed

For The Government of Yemen:
President Abdo Rabbo Mansour Hadi
For the GPC and Ansar-AIIah:
Aref ai-Zuka, Secretary General of the GPC
Mohamed Abdel Salaam, spokesperson for Ansar Allah

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