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By doing the reverse outline, I was able to see what my thesis

statement in each paragraphs are. This made me think about adding
and omitting some sentences to support my big thesis statement. I
noticed I was not answering most of the so what? questions so I
answered those sentences. I am content with my product after revising
my essay. I remember Z telling us that we do not need to include
before matrix so I really hope I did this right.
Final, Revised
What You Added/Omitted and
I used hedged language to seem more
mature writer. This also shows my
thesis statement.

All three of media shared similar

rhetorical features.

Same topic sentence for this

paragraph. I added more sentences in
the paragraph but these dont change
the topic sentence of my 2nd


Although CNN news included

good conventions to inform the
readers, the author failed to
achieve its one of the goals to be
approachable to the readers by not
describing scientific terms.

I added answers to so what?

questions in the paragraph because
I was not explaining the
conventions I found.


The authors own knowledge

can spice up the article even
more because they would know
how to rephrase scienc-y
phrases into more
understandable sentences.

This was not the original topic

sentence for this paragraph but it
became one after revision. This is
because my original topic sentence
lacked answering the so what?
question. In this paragraph, I added
why authors background knowledge
helps writing a more clear and
understandable article.

This article might attract more

readers with short and conciselooking informations but lack
of features of news article gave
the readers to misunderstand
the authors real purpose

NY Times have the conventions

that are most powerful in goals of
delivering information to the

In this paragraph, I explained why

not having the Dr. prefix would
seem disrespectful because it was
one of the comments I got from Z.
By adding this sentence, my topic
sentence became well-supported.
The topic sentence did not change
compared to before; I just added
explanations on my sub-topic
sentences by answering so what?

The knowledge that the writer has

and constraints that news article
writers have can cause similarities
and differences in this genre of
news article.

At this point, I am more building

towards my thesis statement by
defining constraints and how
difference in constraints can
change the genre of the article.

Therefore, reading news

articles from NY Times is the
best choice that any reader can

I also did not add or omit any

sentence. This paragraph was solid.

By doing the reverse outline for this WP2 assignment, I was able
to reorganize the whole essay. I took Zacks suggestion and organized
in number of ideas rather than sources. And I like the outcome because
I was able to find the topic sentence for each paragraph more easily
than before. It was hard before because I talked so much about one
source in one paragraph, which made me hard to find the topic
statement. Now, my revised WP2 is organized in idea way.

Final, Revised

Now, we can change Is this

scholarly article? into Oh, it is
scholarly article!

I revised this phrase because my

thesis statement was not clear (it had
confusing words like maybe-scholar
so I changed this into quotes to make
give clearer message.

The biological scholarly article

contains [purpose that are] similar
and dissimilar to economic
scholar article and non-academic
news article.
Even though three articles are
written about the same topic, the
audiences are different.

In this paragraph, compared and

contrasted the purpose of three

Different backgrounds of writers

affect how a writing piece is

This paragraph compared and

contrasted the tone and style of each
article but the main point was that
different backgrounds of writers
produce different tone and style of

The limitations in constraints

affect writers delineation of
genuine ideas and opinions.

What You Added/Omitted and

This is my thesis statement so
there is no change. I tried to use
eye-catching intro by putting a
song by Snoop Dogg.

In this paragraph, I compared and

contrasted the audiences of each
source and wrapped up at the end
saying even though the topic is
same, the audiences are different.



In this paragraph, I am comparing

and contrasting the length of each
article and explain why the length
is significantly long in scholarly
The conventions that this
In this paragraph, introducing the
scientific article had were charts
subtopics of what I am going to be
and figures, titled sections, detail
comparing and contrasting. And
in experiment procedures, length,
then the charts and figures in
and changes in font.
scientific scholarly article are
The charts and figures were also
I was going to compare and
provided in economical scholarly
contrast the charts and figures in
article like the biological scholarly three sources in one paragraph but
article but there were only two
it was lengthier than I thought. So I
compared the conventions of
economical article.
These distinctions in use of fonts
I am now comparing and
and italics are the results of
contrasting the use of fonts and
constraints that each discipline
italics in three sources. The
different use of fonts and italics
also come from what constraints
are in each discipline of article.
Thus, the moves that the author
I included the moves that each
use can affect how well the
article has and explained why the
readers can follow through the
moves are important. This supports
checkpoints that the writer wants
the thesis statement.
We can note that the length of the
article also contributes to the fact
that it is scholarly article because
it is generally longer than nonacademic articles.

them to reach.
how the data was collected, by
whom, and for what purposecan
also become part of an argument.


Thus, construction of writing

depends on the constraints that
each genre offers.


The amount of constraints that the

writer is offered with, affect the
freedom of creating ones own

This is Lunsfords claim and also

my topic sentence for this
paragraph because I explain in the
paragraph that the use of evidence
contributes to become an
In this paragraph, I am summing up
my points because this paragraph
is second to the last paragraph that
has my thesis statement. So I
connected the idea that constraints
can change the genre that one can
I wrapped up the points that I have
made to support my thesis
statement. I did not change my
thesis statement.

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