Obtaining and Updating Your TIN

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FIBS *eanass® ‘nape eaten Number a gu nae ‘ee AE tpn fn ‘pe toliwing nce aaron a8 upg TM OBTAININGTIN Fora Company Enterprise or Business Feaintered withthe Corporate Afairs mmission (CAC) 1 Dujeomotnd gation mfr 2 care feos for Campa) Ok hose business) is Daycare plat fr 8 Facts About Obtaining & Updating Sttsnry Card Gens pen 1 Aifomston mai * on appaton frm Wust Semen 0 meenncaetonsnte knee’ mbt ste ACTNE ie"deponeunbeuS Been ice vpDaTINGTIN ding TH athe Nato Single Wado Sten 4 seer pape emp ea ted Jey be i he es wh wy sce TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ‘The Joint Tax Board TIN UTBTIN) () TeratNedesonds atequr nplathcaren (6) Te sT8T i any ig ad et tne oto ‘emi noutaneyreonebe sah TIN is FREE ‘se Sis a at rps eit 1s solode Cert We fore abun gen sraqerssetr 1 dadomsse0218 a VALIDATING TIN IN validation ithe process of confrming that Updated TIN meets the necessary conditions for tansacting busines with other Organizations such as Nigerian Customs Service (NCS), Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), National ‘Agency ‘or Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAQ) ete. A Taxpayer can validate higher TIN directy on the RS Trade Portal degovnglirs by following the simple procedure and ulesbelow (0) Enter the TIN and the sa ‘Was provided tthe Tax Ott mail acess that "hen updating (i) NEXT, enter the security word (captcha) and flick on "Validate (i) 1 the validation 's successful, the folowing confirmation notice shale" displayed! fagisterwith NS. Done” (i) THEN, an automatic email notification from Nigeria Single. Window" "with 2. login password and insttuction on ho to complete {he registration process would be sent tothe Taxpayersemal adores, (0) Usor completing the validation exerts, an mal wil automaticaly be sent 10 the ema Sddress_ provided. “confirming. successtul ‘aldation! A taxpayer should thereto check Yheeral incudrigapom alder 18S) ENED ere a tei AUTHENTICATING TIN “hiss for the Taye to reconfirm hier updated andvaiated TN ‘A Taxpayer experiencing diffi in validating TN (reaving Eror Messages) should seek professions assitance from the Tx Office of s80d email to tinupdete@rsgoungor suppert@ovalaveteecom com Itis the duty of FIRS to serve taxpayers FREE OF CHARGE Beco

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