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Week 13

Thank you to Shanessa and Nolan! They were super-duper classroom leaders this

Hard to believe that we are already on Week 13 of our school year! We can
definitely feel the excitement from your children. Christmas quick approach has
everyone feeling very, veryvery merry these days! The childrens energy just
shows how truly magical Christmas can be.

Language: This week we learned about the letters Jj and Zz. The children are very
comfortable now using the smartboard during these lessons. They enjoy being able
to come up and move things around on the large screen. Its such a wonderful tool
to have in our roomwe are sooooo lucky!
We completed another Writers Workshop as well. This week the 1 st year students
had to print BABY JESUS and the 2nd year students printed Baby Jesus was
born. I want to again mention encouraging as much print as possible at home. The
children have the Writers bug and many enjoy printing during free time. Lots of
practice with letter sounds and letter recognition will assist in making print and
reading much easier.
Phys. Ed: There was no formal phys.ed this week.

Art/Music/Drama: What a group of talented children!!!! We have been practicing

for our FDK Christmas Concert. The children are very animated and having lots of
fun with this event. We have been creating many works of art this week. The 2 nd
year students created Jellyfish for the letter Jj and we all made two different
artistic versions of the Nativity Story. We also created some delicious little
Santaswhos beard was made of popcorn!! Yummy!
We talked about the needs of a baby this week, and revisited our predictions of
what the baby will be able to do. Our weather inquiry began this week. We talked
about the seasons, what kind of weather we experience during these seasons, and
how to dress properly for the weather. Finally, there was a lot of sand, water and
building discovery going on in the class during inquiry time. We were building
mountains and sky scrapers and tearing them down in a day.
This week we continued to count our way to day 100 with straws. Today is day 61!!!
We also talked about counting backward from 24 with our paper chains leading us
to a beautiful decoration on Christmas Eve. We started to count by 5son our way
to 100! Yah! Finally, we worked on number four. The poem that helps us remember
4 is down and over and down once more, thats how we make the number 4.
Big week this week with the start of Advent. We lit our first candle on our wreath,
started counting down with our Advent calendar, and with our classroom paper
chain. We also read several Christmas stories and reenacted the story of the First
Christmas with a play.
Important Dates:
(please remember the 12 days of Christmas calendar sent to you from Student
Dec 15 FDK Christmas Concert 9:15 am
Dec 16 Family Advent Mass and Celebration at St. Michael Parish 6:30pm
Dec 18 Baby Jesus Birthday Party

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