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LSW: the Galaxy Oil Case

For this assignment, please work on the Galaxy Oil case in the following

There are five different things that Jane Asher has claimed are
examples of sexual harassment as judged by the companys policy.
Choose one of these five and write at least one good, convincing
paragraph in which you demonstrate how the described behavior does
or does not constitute sexual harassment.
America has allowed young women to see the comments the
men were making about her breasts and her body as something that is
normal and although not welcome, it is something that happens in our
society, because that is how the world works and this is what to be
expected from men. Any normal woman would become uncomfortable
and intimidated by these sexist and inappropriate remarks. Media
outlets, TV shows, movies and the inequality between genders in
America encourage this attitude and allows for it to be tolerated. This
culture has increased the number of sexual assault cases. Ms. Asher
should not tolerate nor allow for such behavior not to be reported

immediately. These inappropriate remarks are not only unsuitable but

also intimidating.

If you are arguing that the chosen behavior does not constitute sexual
harassment according to the company policy, youll need to show that
neither of the two criteria is likely to be met.

Your work will be graded according to which of the following your

paragraph accomplishes:

___ convincing judgment about whether behavior is harassing

or not
___ convincing demonstration that the behavior is or is not likely
to lead to one (or both) of the outcomes described in the
companys policy
___ careful and thorough development, including attention to
any likely objections to the points being made
___ clear and easily understood writing

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