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Writing Organization Using Sequence Words

PSU Student: Bailey Marcotte

Content Area: Reading

Grade Level: 4


STRAND: Writing
BOX SUB HEADING: Text Types and Purposes
STANDARD: W.4.2c. Link ideas within categories of information using
words and phrases (e.g., another, for example, also, because.)
STANDARD: W.4.3c. use a variety of transitional words and phrases to
manage the sequence of events


STANDARD: L.4.2a. Use correct capitalization.


The students will be able to add sequence words to their writing. To
demonstrate this, students will create a writing piece that has an
introduction sentence, three sentences with one sequence word in each
sentence, and a closing sentence.
2 highlighters
Box of graham crackers
Tub of chocolate frosting
Plastic knife
Paper towels
Paper with sequence words
Hamburger organization model poster
Hamburger poster for each student
Hamburger writing template x2
Mixed-up chocolate chip cookie recipe
Organized chocolate chip cookie recipe x2 (for highlighting)
I will set out the box of graham crackers and tub of frosting out on the
table. This will lead students to wonder what the lesson is going to be about.
I will then put the list of transition words in front of them.
Today we are going to go into more detail about organization from the six
traits of writing. With learning about organization, we are going to work on
sequence and/or transition words.

Do you remember last session how we went over this sheet? (Pointing
at the six trait writing poster). We are going to practice this one,
organization, with the hamburger picture. When you write you should have
an introduction, like the bun on a hamburger. Next you have the inside where
you give juicy details. Just like how you have the juicy hamburger, tomato,
and lettuce on the inside. After you have given your details you end your
writing by having an ending sentence, like the bottom bun. We are going to
practice writing with organization and including sequence/ transition words.
Writing with sequence and/or transition words will help your writing flow
together better.
Transition and sequence words are words like: first, next, then, after, finally.
If you read a recipe, wouldnt it make more sense if it contained sequence
words/ transition words like: first, second, after that, then, as soon as, and
I will read out loud a mixed up chocolate chip cookie recipe that has no
sequence words or transition words. I will ask students how that sounded.
Did it sound confusing and/or look confusing? Next, I will read out loud the
chocolate chip cookie recipe that is in an organized layout and contains
sequence words. Then, I will ask students which recipe sounded more
organized and easier to follow? Ill ask which one they would rather use. Let
the students look at the recipes next to each other to see how the second
recipe looks more organized.
After reading out loud the two recipes, have students highlight the sequence
and transition words within the second recipe (the organized recipe).
Today you are going to help me put frosting on graham crackers. You have to
begin each command with a sequence word or else I cant perform the
command. For example, First, you need to open the box of graham
crackers. You can use the words on the list in front of you. This will give you
good practice using sequence and transition words!
Each practicum student will take turns giving me a command. Each student
will give a command until the frosting is on the graham cracker.
Students will use the hamburger template to write about how to put frosting
on graham crackers. They will use three sequence words in the body part of
the writing. The writing sample will include and introduction sentence, a
body, and concluding sentence. Students will then take the draft on their
hamburger template and write it in paragraph style for a final draft.

In todays lesson we worked on having organized writing. To have organized
writing you use sequence and transition words. Sequence and transition
words include words such as: first, second, after that, then, as soon as, and
finally. Lets brainstorm four more words. I will write these words down as
each student shares so that they can see the spelling for these words. Using
sequence words will help your writing flow together in an organized way.
None needed

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