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The Bennington Crier 2015-2016

School Bulletin # 2
Week of September 21-25, 2015
Monday, September 21, 2015

1. Safety Meeting, period 2

2. MOSL Committee Mtg. 3:00 pm APs Office

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


2. Professional Learning Communities J.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Thursday, September 24, 2015


Friday, September 25, 2015

The Principal's Word of the Week for next week will be visualize.
Since it is another short week, we will continue with last week's
Please be advised that Mrs. Gerace and Mrs. Pantano will be organizing and
managing all schedule changes and coverages this school year. You must
email them when you have been approved to attend an outside professional
development session, leave early or need a coverage (IEP meetings, Safety
meeting etc). Be sure to email them your sub plans when you are absent by
7:00 am. Also, the Master Schedule which was updated as of 9/18 is in
A staff member left a set of keys in Mrs. Sedottos office on Thursday,
September 17, 2015. The keys contain a key ring that says, #1 Teacher.
If this is your set of keys, kindly see Mrs. Sedotto.
The Sounding Board Committee needs ONE student from EACH 3 rd and 4th
grade class to be a representative for this school year. Teachers choose a
student that demonstrates good leadership skills, is a good public
speaker and a responsible classroom citizen.
There will be a sign-up sheet on the Today At starting on Monday. Please
choose your students by Friday, September 25th. Please see Ms. Orlando
or Ms. Minichiello if you have any questions. Thank you!

A class set regarding an HIV/AIDS lesson will be placed in your mailbox. If

you receive an opt-out letter from a parent, please give all opt out letters to
Mrs. Peralta.

Principals Luncheon and Student of the Month

Please select a student for Principals Luncheon and Student of the month by
September 22, 2015. The lists are posted on the Today At. Thank you. Ms.
2014-2015 Teacher Survey Results
Classroom and cluster teachers who consistently serviced 3rd, 4th and/or
5th grade students during the 2014-2015 school year should have received
an email with their student survey results from last year. Please review and
reflect on these survey results and use the information it provides as you
plan for this school year. If you have any questions please reach out to the
supervisor for your grade.
Bus - Safety Drill - All Classroom Teachers
In your mailboxes is a letter and directions for conducting a mock bus-safety
drill. Please conduct this drill on Monday Sept. 21. It should not take more
than 10-15 minutes. Thank you.
Staf: There is a bucket filler bulletin board right outside the main office
that will be for staff members to celebrate each other. If you would like to
make a shout out to another staff member that has filled your bucket, you
can get a slip of paper in the envelope on the board, write who and how
they filled your bucket and staple it to the bulletin board. Lets fill each
others buckets!!
Attendance Updates:
1. Our attendance committee submitted the attached proposal for an
attendance grant which would enhance our chronic absenteeism initiative.
If we are awarded the grant we also get a budget of up to $15,000 to
support our work! A special thank you to Micaela, Melissa and Harvey
Kaplan (CEI Support) for writing this grant!! Keep your fingers crossed!!
2. Classroom attendance must be submitted to the general office by
9:00 a.m. daily.
3. Since classroom teachers DO NOT have Working Class Lists please
be sure you are logging your classes daily attendance to log onto
Septembers Working Class List once you receive it. See your grade leader if
you have any questions.

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