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I will respect my teacher and classmates.

By following directions the first time they are given

By completing all work to the best of my ability

By raising my hand and waiting to speak

By keeping my hands, feet and other objects to myself

By allowing my teacher to teach

Students will receive the following rewards for good behavior and work

COMPLIMENTS = A special treat chosen by the students and teacher

Table Group Points = Choose an item from the Prize Box or a Homework pass

Special prizes and privileges for students who move up the behavior chart

Good Notes or Calls Home / Stickers or Stamps

Sharing work with the Principal and Assistant Principal

Consequences for Poor Behavior:

Warnings for poor behavior will be given to students. The teacher will speak
with the student about what behavior is expected of them.

If disruptive behavior continues, the student will need to move their light
color from Green to Yellow. Student will walk the Thinking Path for 5 minutes at

If disruptive behavior continues still, the student will move their light to
Orange and walk the Thinking Path for 10 minutes at recess.

If disruptive behavior persists, the student will change their light color from
Orange to Red. Student will walk the Thinking Path for the full 15 minute recess.

5 or more yellow/orange lights in a 4 week period will result in an N on

the Progress Report. 3 or more red lights will result in a U on the Progress Report.

10 or more yellow/orange lights during the Quarter will result in an N on the

Report Card. 6 or more red lights will result in a U on the Report Card.

A Behavior Tracking Form will be used to track consistently poor behavior and
a note or phone call to the parents will be made.

If immediate time out is needed, it will be served in the adjoining classroom.

A conference with parents will be scheduled if poor behavior choices are
consistent. If needed, a Behavior Plan will be written.

If no progress is made a referral will be written.

Students causing severe disruptions will be sent to the office immediately.

Severe disruptions:

Inflicting physical harm on another person


Destroying property


Refusing to obey staff members


Using profanity

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