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Enrichment Project

This project is designed to

individualize and enrich the
childrens learning
experiences. All projects
are planned according to
Howard Gardners Multiple
Intelligence theory. Those
students that complete
projects will receive extra
The students are to pick
any topic of interest to
them. Research can be
done at home on the
computer, through
interviews or with the use
of books. If they would
like, students can bring
research materials to
school to use independently
when they finish their work
in the classroom.
Projects are due on the
first of each month.
Students will present their
report to the class
upon completion.
Write a rap
or song to tell
about your

Interpersonal Intelligence
Linguistic Intelligence
Write a poem to tell about
your topic.

Interview an expert on
your topic and share a
summary of that

Make an ABC book.

Create a documentary.

Create a picture
dictionary .

Write a campaign speech

or advertisement in
support of your topic.
Be ready to share it
with the class!

Create a brochure.
Write a report. The
report should be a
minimum of one typed
page or be written
Write a screen play.
Research a famous person.
Write a journal entry as
that person.

After reading a
biography, compare
and contrast
character traits of
that person with
your own traits.

Learn about a famous

person and come dressed
as that person to tell
their story to the class!
Make a time line.
Create a Power Point
Visual / Artistic
Paint or draw a picture
to tell about the topic
that you researched.
Construct a diorama or a
Make a comic strip.

Make up a dance to tell
about your topic.

Make a scrap book.

Take pictures pertaining
to your topic and place
them on a display board
with captions.

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