Artf 101 Lecture 12

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Monday, November 9, 2015

Contemporary Issues in Art Education!

Jennifer OConnor

- Best/worst job ever!

- taught at a community art center (non-profit)!
south side of chicago!
working class neighborhood!
historically irish neighborhood!
Classes: visual art, dance, music, theatre!
outreach program to schools that didn't have full time art teachers!
mentoring relationship rather than professorially !
- started Preschool of the arts!
parents didn't like that some preschools didn't have a good arts program!
started with 3 kids, then got to like 18-20 kids at a time!
- Gallery!
shows work that are not meant to be sold!
more like a museum!
very little budget !
had almost no budget, so they relied on artists bringing their work to them !
several gallery spaces that showed contemporary artists, local artists, student work!
supported Arts for Life!
- program for adults with intellectual disabilities!
- students sign up for a space and then get a mentor!
- show work at Starbucks most often!
Kenny Williams (artist that shows at Art Center)!

Monday, November 9, 2015

- takes magic markers and draws a dilapidated area of Chicago, then makes it an
ideal work showing how the place should be built up!

- makes these places prettier!

- works from memory!
- works with people with mental illnesses!
- highs and lows of teaching non-profit!
difficult, draining, but some of the most rewarding work you will do!
try volunteering at an art center!
always in need of new ideas and new people!
- non-profit led her into research interests!
how community based art education creates access and the potential benefits!
- community based Art-Education!
outside of K-12 schools!
can be at centers, museums, correctional facilities, etc!
allows for inventive and positive learning!
creates relationship to community and culture

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