Psychology 1010 Eportfolioreflection

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Bashore 1

Madeline Bashore
Professor Kwan
Psychology 1010
30 November 2015
Eportfolio Reflection

This section of my Salt Lake Community College ePortfolio is representative of my

Psychology 1010 class and the information I have learned throughout the semester. I have never
had the opportunity to take a psychology class before college and had always been interested in
the brain, human development, and how psychology worked.
I did not know what to expect in a psychology class and was nervous to start a subject I
never had to work with and had no background knowledge of. The only exposure I had previous
to this class was family that had been in the psychology field. When I was in high school I never
made psychology a priority because I thought it was irrelevant to the degree I wanted to Pursue.
Entering College I noticed that psychology would benefit my career and decided to take
it. Now that I have taken this class I see psychology as a type of science. I see that not everyone
behaves the same way, but that everyone has different ways they communicate. In taking this
class I have learned how humans develop cognitively as well as physically and how nature and
nurture affect a person's traits and personality.
My assumptions and understandings about psychology have changed dramatically
throughout the semester. Before the semester started I believed people in the psychology field
would determine who a person was by the body language another person used. I now understand
this is not the case. I have learned how body language is used and how it differs from culture to
culture, and is different for each person.

Bashore 2

The assignment that changed my perspective on psychology was the behavior

modification trial. I learned I am the only one in charge of my behavior and I am the only one
who can change it. Psychology has taught me that different ways of learning, and has proved
motivation can change my behavior.
I feel I have become more aware of those around me. I believe I am able to understand
why people act and think differently. This has given me a better knowledge on how to handle
future situations because I know not everyone develops and thinks the same way. The
information I have learned I hope to be able to apply to my future to allow me to make more
conscientious decisions.

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