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ESC 100 - Introduction to Exercise Science

Health/Medical Technology: In-class Worksheet

NAMES: Natalie Romenesko & Jordan Finkbeiner

DATE: 11/16/15

Directions: This assignment will be completed in pairs. You will begin working on this
assignment in class and then finish up as a homework assignment.
For each of the following areas, identify at least 3 different software programs,
interactive online resources (can include those from a publisher) OR apps that you feel
would be the most useful in assisting you in developing the foundational and/or applied
knowledge, skills and abilities in the exercise sciences. For each one, include the URL
(or name of software program and/or website name) and then briefly state the unique
features and benefits that prompted you to select it.
Anatomy and Physiology/Kinesiology, etc.:
1. Anatomy & Physiology for Windows Desktop is
an app you can download for your windows computer that allows people to study
the core concept of undergraduate anatomy and physiology courses. This
program includes animations that show anatomical function and allows you to
review physiology. This program includes fifty chapters that provides 3D images,
illustrations, and animations. There are on-screen controls for zooming, panning,
rotating, and dissecting 3D models of the twelve body systems. This includes the
3D bony features on the appendicular and axil skeletons. Another unique feature
this program includes is the audio voice recordings of pronunciations and
definitions for hundreds of anatomy terms. When you think you understand the
material enough, you can quiz yourself with the over sixty-five multiple choice
and dissection quizzes. If you take the quiz and realize you need to study more,
there is a unique note card feature to practice. There are quizzes for each topic,
which allows you to test your skills on everything they teach on this app. We
chose this program because it provides people with many unique features that
allow people to learn in various aspects. Having the ability to closely look over
the bones, and if you do not know how to pronounce something-the program will
demonstrate it for you. Instead of making physical flashcards, you have to ability
to keep everything in one place, so after a quiz, you can refer back to flash cards.
Therefore, the aforementioned aspect is the reason why we chose this program.
2. A.D.A.M. Interactive Anatomy is one of the more
comprehensive online interactive resources for anatomy and physiology with
over 3,000 illustrations, 3D images, curriculum builders and more. This website is
unique in that you can register as a student or a teacher to get better programs
for you. They have a team of medial writers, instructional designers, graphic
designers, project managers, medical illustrators, and subject-matter experts that

formed to produce programs for the health care industry, with different level
programs. This program also includes quizzes of the human body, family life
curriculum, and health literacy, so this program touches on a variety of topics.
The plus side about the quizzes is that you make your own. This is beneficial
because you can mold them specifically to what you are learning in your class to
create a better study technique. A.D.A.M. accommodates small-group learning, full
classroom participation, and individual use for differentiated learning. It serves
intuitive learners as well as those who require a more structured learning framework.
However, unlike the first app, this program only contains ten of the body systems
including the Cardiovascular, Muscular, Respiratory, Nervous, Urinary, Fluids and
Electrolytes, Nervous II, Endocrine, Digestive and Immune Systems. The last
unique feature about this program is that they have over 31,000 images of
diseases including injuries, conditions, tests, treatments, surgery procedures,
and human anatomy and license for immediate use. Though some might think it
will be hard to find specific images because there are so many, this program
allows you to search by a wide range of key terms and words. It is even possible
to search for the images in English and Spanish. These images have are both
labeled and non-labeled, so that provides yet another study technique for users.
You can even add images to your own light boxes in order to refer back to them
later. If you would like to print these pictures, there are higher resolution options
in order to get a better view of the disease. This last aspect is what sets this apart
from the first example of anatomy and physiology programs because it
demonstrates how there are different aspects of anatomy that can be studied.
We, personally, would use this website to refer to the absurd amount of disease
pictures. It is a very nice feature to have because it would be more credible to get
the pictures from this website rather than google images, because you know
exactly what you are looking at. The aforementioned will be beneficial in our later
years of school by being able to cite it and trust the website. We know it is
credible because you can subscribe to it and understand even more information
than the free version.
3. Muscle and
Motion Anatomy focuses on learning the muscles and understanding how they
work. This program includes images and 3D videos to better understand how
muscles connect to bones, and how the muscles move the bones. Every
movement contains multiple videos from different angles in order to fully
understand each movement. When focusing on the bones, you can rotate them
360 degrees in order to see every aspect of each bone. Each point also has an
explanation for it. This program also allows people to see the point of attachment
between the bones and muscles and just to view the muscles themselves. The
last unique aspect about this program is that it includes a free version, or for
more anatomy based personnel, there is a subscription that you can buy. We
chose this program because you can either register as a teacher or student;
therefore it is more education based. This program also specializes in muscles
and how they work, so it will be a knowledgeable resource on the topic because
it does not have to provide information for other body systems. This program will
be beneficial when learning the muscular system because of all the different
services it provides and its specialization.

Developing Exercise Plans:

mt=8 Workout Plan- Fitness and Journal app is available for free on the iTunes
store and allows you to create and manage your own set of exercises. This app
has a scheduling feature that allows you to plan ahead your exercises with a
variety of repeating exercises. It does not have to be every day either, this app
can let you repeat exercises randomly two days a week that works best for you. It
can also manage multiple exercise workouts- each with their own schedule and
exercises. If you get this app, it will remind you of upcoming and expired work
outs. If you are too busy to complete the exercise, then you can skip them
without becoming overdue. Therefore, we chose this app because it would be
beneficial to have in our lives as college students. With our classes being at
different times each day, we can schedule exercises that will fit in with our busy
college schedule. If we have a busier day, then we can plan a lighter work out.
On the other side, on days where we have only a few classes, we can have a
harder work out. This app will allow us to do so.

Fitness Testing (Note. These must focus on selecting appropriate fitness tests with
norms, and be different from the ones you selected for exercise planning)
Geared toward clinical populations, our age group, elderly to differentiates
1. The Presidential Youth
Fitness Program is a free developed to ensure what happens before, during, and
after the fitness assessment is beneficial to students and allows them to lead an
active life. Physical education instructors develop programs that will help the kids
pass the fitness test which includes the pacer, balanced body composition, trunk
lift, push-up test, and the sit and reach. A student will be measured on their ability
to pass these tests by a dedicated age standard. In order to motivate students,
they can be part of a challenge. This challenge states that you need to be active
60 minutes a day, at least 5 days a week, for 6 out of 8 weeks. As an alternative,
you can count your daily activity steps using a pedometer (goal: 12,000). They
provide a free activity log in order for kids to track their progress. If you stick to
this challenge, you will win the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award, and what kid
does not like winning an award. We chose this challenge because when we were
in grade school and high school, it was required for us to participate in this fitness
testing. The pacer, balanced body composition, trunk lift, push-up test, and sit

and reach are familiar forms of testing for us, but we did not have the motivation
to do better like this program promotes. Our physical education teachers led
activities that would increase our ability to do better in the aforementioned tests,
but having students get the opportunity to have an award for outside class
participation will help students strive to do better. Later, students results may
increase due to this program.
2. This fitness
testing app is primarily used for people that participate on an athletic team or
adults that would like to test their physical abilities. The app provides the coopers
12 min run, Bruce treadmill test, any distance run test, Beep-Test (Yo-Yo test),
The Andersen test, Watt-max bicycle test, Aastrand bicycle test, to-stage bicycle
test, The Danish step test, and the one mile walk test. Other functions of this app
include the calculation of heart rate, interval timer, and pace/speed calculator.
There is a GPS that tracks your distance so you can perform running test on any
road. There is also an option for vibration in relevant tests in order to notify you
on certain milestones. You can create any number of profiles and divide them
into groups, so it is easy to work with friends on the same installation. It is even
possible to open your results on a spread sheet. We chose this app because it is
beneficial for our age group and it seems easy to use. There are also a lot of
different tests on this app that can measure my fitness. We like that we can
document our progress. This app is useful because we can do tests for separate
people on it. Though you have to pay $2.99 for it, you will get your money worth.
Lastly, we like that we can individually check our fitness at any time we can
because our generation carries our phones on us wherever we go.
Fitness Tests- for PE Teachers and Coaches is an app designed for physical
education teachers, personal trainers, and coaches. This app includes over 30
fitness tests from aerobic capacity, through flexibility. Upon beginning the test,
you will be provided with the aim, equipment, procedure, and the normal
standards so you can easily and accurately complete the tests you desire. 20m
Shuttle Run, 12 Minute Run, 1.6km Run, Harvard Step Test, Queens Step Test,
300/400/800m Run Tests, RAST tests, Handgrip Dynamometer, 1RM Bench
Press, 1RM Leg Press, Timed Push-ups, Pull Up Test, Squats Test, Sit and
Reach Test, Trunk Rotation Test, Shoulder Elevation Test, Waist Circumference,
Body Mass Index, Waist-Hip Ratio, Vertical Jump Test, Standing Broad Jump,
35m Sprint, 50m Sprint, Illinois Agility Test, T-Test, Stork Balance Test, Standing
Balance Test, Alternate Hand Wall Test, Soft Drink Can Test, and the Ruler Drop
Test are just some examples of fitness tests this app offers to the aforementioned
professionals. These tests especially help coaches test their team on how well
they can perform on these certain exercises. This will help them determine who
starts and which positions their athletes will be playing. This will also help
personal trainers determine areas they need to have their clients emphasize.
This app will benefit the clients by uncovering the areas they lack. Lastly, physical
education teachers can use this app for a fun, competitive, relay activity, or for a
learning purpose. For those reasons, we thought this app would be beneficial to
those select professionals using it. All of which contain an exercise science
degree, which demonstrates that this app will be helpful in our future.
4. This website allows you to test
your ability to run for twelve minutes. First the runner must do a short warm up
before they run as fast as they can for twelve minutes. The recorder will write
down how far they were able to get at the twelve minute mark. It offers a

calculator in which you can enter your sex, age, and distance. It will calculate it
and give you your METs, VO2 Max, population average, score and whether you
rate poor, average, good, or great. Lastly, if a person wants to individually record
their records, they can mark their own improvements off of this website. This
website is unique because it is for any age and both genders. Therefore, that is
what makes this website unique. Other websites or apps specified which age
group their product would reach out to the best, but this one has a wider range.
That is why we picked this website. We knew it was reliable and would work to
the persons benefit because we used it in class.

Diet: (Note. These must focus on eating behavior and be different from the ones you
selected for exercise planning and fitness testing)
Cannot include fitness

Writing or Research Resources:

One database one interactive website on how to write in a scholarly manor.

What is the take-home message of this assignment?

There are many take home messages that can be taken home from this
assignment. We are now more educated on how to make sure our sources are more

reliable by checking if they are sponsored by a company, use government websites or

organization websites. We learned to double check that the program is not made by one
person, because anyone can post on the internet. Therefore, we can teach our clients
which websites would be beneficial and which ones to stay away from. We are now
aware of different apps because our generation as we get older will be more comfortable
with technology. These apps have an educational value to them, so later on we can refer
them to clients and use them ourselves. We also learned that not every learns in the
same way, so there are many programs on the internet that comply with each learning
style. Having these resources out there for us to view will be beneficial as we progress in
our education. We learned about these new study techniques and how to find purposeful
and reliable programs that we did not know of before. We will be able to refer back to
these and more as needed. Lastly, we learned that there are resources online for
anything we need, whether it is to track our fitness tests, or monitor our diet plans. Due
to the progression in technology, there is ample opportunities to seek help, and with
years to come, there will be even more. All and all, you cannot believe everything you
see online, but some stuff will be beneficial to our lives, and our future clients.

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