Evaluation of Sources

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5 sources MLA citation

1) Currency:
This article was published in 2006 and has been revised. My topic requires current
information as well as older sources in order to compare past with present. The links
are functional.
This information tells me about the long term psychosocial effects of parental
divorce which does relate to my topic. I do not think this information has been
revised or updated. The intended audience would be and is at an appropriate level
for my understanding. I looked at other sources before choosing this one and I feel
comfortable citing it in my paper.
There are multiple authors for this article, Taina Huurre, Hanna Junkkari, and Hillevi
Aro. The authors affiliations are with the National Public Health Institute and the
Department of Mental Health and Alcohol Research. The authors are qualified to
write on this topic but there is no contact information or reveal anything with the
URL source.
This information comes from the EBSCOhost database so it is reliable. Ive learned a
little bit about my topic in another class and some of the information in this source
has been taught in my other class so I trust it. My topic can be a little emotional so I
feel like with some of the findings and research in this article it just brings the read
to recognition. The spelling and grammar is all correct.
The purpose of this article is to inform the reader of the long term psychosocial
effects divorce has on children, which is made perfectly clear from the author due to
the valid description and factual evidence to back up statements made. The point of
view to me seems to be objective.

2) Currency:
The information was revised and published in 1979. My topic with this article
requires current information and maybe some older sources in order to do some
comparison. The links are functional with this source.
The information does relate to my topic and answers my question. The intended
audience would probably be a scholarly audience. The information is not too
advanced, can be a little complicated understanding some of the data presented
but overall is understandable enough to where I could cite it in my paper.

The author of this source is Kulka, Richard A. and Weingarten, Helen. The source is a
Journal of Social Issues. The authors are affiliated with the survey research center
and the University of Michigan. There is no contact information and there is a URL
you could copy if you wanted to. I believe that the authors are qualified to write
about this topic based on their affiliations.
The information comes from studies based off of social issues. There is information
supported by the evidence in the source which is statistics and studies that have
been proven to support the topic. Based on some of the things I have read about I
have been able to apply to the information I have learned in my other classes. The
tone the writer uses through the source can be emotional at times because children
in danger is a sensitive topic.
The purpose of this source is to analyze the relationships between experiencing a
parental divorce or separation prior to age 16. The point of view seems to be
objective and the information presented seems more factual than anything else.
The authors make the statements pretty clear throughout the source.
3) Currency:
This information was published in 1978 and has been revised. My topic requires
information that is both old and current. The links provided are functional as well.
The information does relate to my topic and the indeed audience would be the
general public. The information provided is at an appropriate level to understand
and I looked at a variety of sources before determining this one. I would feel
comfortable citing this in my paper.
The authors of this source are Kelly, Robert, and Berg, Berthold. The source is a
Journal of Clinical Psychology and the authors are affiliated with the University of
Dayton. I would think that the authors are qualified to write about this source,
however, it does not state the authors having any experience with psychology.
The information that is provided in this source is supported by a lot of case studies
and factual evidence. I have not learned a lot of about psychology in the classes
that I am in and I do not know a ton about psychology so I kind of need to trust what
the authors are saying and really evaluate it. The language in the source seemed to
be unbiased.

The purpose of the source was to examine childrens reactions to divorce. Also, it
focuses on the concerns that the impact of divorce has on children. The intentions
the authors make are clear, which is to make sure the reader understands what a
child may go through when experiencing divorce. The point of view with the author
seems to be objective.
4) Currency:
This source does not state when the information was published or posted. And my
topic does require current information as well as older information.
There was some useful information in this source that was relatable to my topic. The
intended audience would be the general public and I think the information was at an
appropriate level to understand. I did search for a variety before choosing this one. I
dont think I would be comfortable citing this source in my research paper because
it not have too much information that was relevant.
The authors of this source are Amato, Paul R., and Booth, Alan. These authors are
affiliated with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The source of this article was a
Journal of Family Issues. I think the authors are qualified to write about this topic
because they are familiar with the study of family issues. The URL ends with .edu
which means that it is educational and can be more reliable.
The information in this source involves quite a few different studies that analyze
cause and effect and provide tables to help the viewer see the statistics. The
language used does portray a little bit of emotion and I think that is so the reader
can really take into account the seriousness of the topic and sort of lean toward
agreeing with the authors point of view.
The purpose of this source was to study the consequences of divorce for attitudes
toward divorce and gender roles. For the most part the point of view was objective,
however I think there was a little bit of propaganda. There also seemed to be a little
bit of cultural biases in this source.
5) Currency:
This was the most recent source I had, being published in 2002. It had been revised
and requires up to date information. The links are functional as well.
The information does relate to my topic and the intended audience could be the
general public. The information presented in this source could be a little
complicated to understand at times but for the most part was not too elementary. I

did look at a variety of sources before choosing this one and I would feel
comfortable citing this in my paper.
The author of this source is Shansky, Janet, who is associated with Iona College. The
source is a Journal of Pastoral Counseling and does not mention any other
affiliations or organizations. I would not know for sure if this author is qualified to
write about this topic because there is no real background information on the
The information comes from theories that have been tested by research and case
studies. The author does a pretty good job describing the studies and theories made
while underlining the overall finding and understanding. I could relate some of the
things in this source to other information I have learned in my classes.
The purpose of this source was to evaluate several studies on the negative effects
of divorce on children and the adolescent psychosocial adjustment. The authors
made their intentions/purpose clear by portraying many facts and lots of data and
stats to present the reasoning for their findings, which would mean most of the
information is factual. The point of view was objective and there was no personal

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