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A. Hook
B. Divorce has been rapidly increasing in the past years and research shows
the different ways it has impacted the family but most importantly, the
C. There are many different factors for why parents may divorce whither it be
the age they married, financial income concerns, religion, or even race
and ethnicity . Couples who marry at a young age are at a higher-risk of
divorcing because they tend to be poorly prepared for marriage. Financial
issues can contribute toward divorce as well because the stress level is
overwhelming. Religion can also attribute to divorce depending on the
cultural practice. Lastly, different racial or ethnic groups have different
divorce tendencies.
2. Body- Ways Divorce affects children
A. Family Brokenness
Mother/father- child relationship weakens
B. Childs ability to handle conflict weakens
Lack of communication
C. Psychological/ Emotional affects
Substance abuse
Trust issues
3. Conclusion
A. Recap of overall affects divorce can take on for the child.
B. Include positive note on how to support child
C. Closing sentence

Appendum: Research Timeline Format



September 15
September 20
October 2
October 9
October 15
October 21
October 28
November 3
November 6
November 8

Establish and research first 3 sources:

Establish and research next 3 sources:
Establish and research next 3 sources:
Establish and research next 3 sources:
Complete introduction
Complete first 2 subheadings:
Complete next 2 subheadings:
Complete conclusion and abstract
Turn in 1st draft
Write peer review and receiver own peer

November 10-20
November 21

Write final draft
Turn in final paper

Topic Proposal

The topic that I have chosen to explore is divorce in the family

and how that can affect the child. Divorce is becoming more
common in society and the rates of divorce are increasing.
There are many factors to why married couples may decide to
get a divorce. Some of these factors include race and
ethnicity, religion, financial income, and age at marriage.
Couples who marry at a young age are more at risk to divorce
because they are not always ready to handle the
responsibilities including financial income. Married couples
who have a low income job are more likely to be stressed with
the bills that need to be paid which carries onto the
relationship, which can lead to constant argument. Race and
ethnicity are taken into consideration because there are

different ethnic groups who have higher ratings of divorce. For

example, the higher rate for a certain race may have to do
with the lack of jobs, unemployment or poverty. Some people
argue that divorce has no role in affecting the child but it has
been proven otherwise. The child can suffer from familybrokenness, the ability to handle difficult situations, as well as
psychologically, and emotionally. This essay is going to dive
deeper in the ways children can suffer from divorce and it will
also look at the arguments for how children do not suffer from

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