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Fall 2012 CE205

(10 pts)

Due Monday 10am

Q1) Score:

Name: __________________

SCID#(last 5 digits): ________________



i) (1pt) Find the reactions at the supports A and B (symmetry?).

ii) (9pt) With x=0 ft on the left end, so that A is x=15 ft, B is x=45 ft, and the right end
is x=60 ft, find (compute) and draw (the shear and moment diagram):


Weekly Quiz#12

dV ( x )


and integrate to get (2pt)

dM ( x )
V ( x)


0 x 15ft
15 x 45ft
45 x 60ft

0 x 15ft
15 x 45ft
45 x 60ft

Compute x 0 x 15 x 45 x 60 (any jumps?),
then integrate V(x) to get M(x) (3pt):
0 x 15ft

M ( x)
15 x 45ft

45 x 60ft

M , M x 15 , M x 45 , M x 60
Compute x 0
and to draw the shear and moment diagram (3pt).

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