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Of Mice and Men Oral Presentations




The oral presentation rubric

English Language Arts

Year 1 (Gr. 7)



Cycle One

Year 2 (Gr. 8)

Year 1 (Gr. 9)
Cycle Two

Year 3 (Gr. 11)

Year 2 (Gr. 10)

Students will be able to:


-Understand a character of their choosing.

-Understand key elements of the plot.
-Clearly articulate this knowledge to their peers in the form of an oral presentation.
Cycle One

Competency 1. Uses language/talk to communicate and to learn

Competency 2. Represents her/his literacy in different media
Competency 3. Reads and listens to written, spoken and media texts
Competency 4. Writes a variety of genres for personal and social purposes

Cycle Two

Competency 1. Uses language/talk to communicate and to learn

Competency 2. Reads and listens to written, spoken and media texts
Competency 3. Produces texts for personal and social purposes


Competency 1. Uses information

Competency 6. Uses ICT

Competency 2. Solves problems

Competency 7. Achieves his/her potential

Competency 3. Exercises critical judgment

Competency 8. Cooperates with others

Competency 4. Uses creativity

Competency 9. Communicates appropriately

Competency 5. Adopts effective work methods


Health and Well-Being

Environmental Awareness /

Media Literacy

Personal and

Consumer Rights and


Citizenship and

Career Planning

Community Life




LEARNING ACTIVITY 1: Oral Presentations


10 minutes

The class will start as usual with 10 minutes of silent reading. When the ten minutes are
up, ask the students if they have any questions about anything at all before we get
started. We are going to get as many presentations done as possible today. Anyone that
does not get the chance to go will present first thing next week.

45 minutes

For this assignment, students were asked to choose one of the following characters from
Of Mice and Men: George, Curley, Curleys wife, Candy, Carlson, Crooks, or Slim.
Students are responsible for understanding the mentality and mindset of their chosen
character, as well as have a strong knowledge of the plot of the novel.
Students are to come to class and present as the characters they have chosen. When it is a
students turn to present, he or she will stand at the front of the class. Then, I will ask this
student approximately five prepared questions that they must answer AS their character
would answer. Each presentation should last between one to two minutes. Students are
encouraged to dress up, speak in an accent, bring props or do anything else that may
enhance this creative presentation.
Time to get started with the oral presentations. Give each student a piece of paper with a
random number on it between 1-18. These numbers represent the order of the
presentations. Once everyone has a number, allow the students a few minutes to trade
amongst themselves. Do not let this activity take more than five minutes, as the students
can debate back and forth forever.
Remind the students to behave themselves and in no way distract the student that is
presenting. Now that everyone is ready, get started with the presentations! While the
students present, sit at the back of class and take notes on the students presentations.

5 minutes

Thank and congratulate the students that presented today. Remind students that anyone
that didnt go today will go next week.
Multi-level Modifications
Unfortunately this is an oral presentation and so the amount of modifications is certainly
limited. Moreover, this is the students second oral presentation and they seem to be
generally comfortable in front of the class.

Of Mice And Men

Character Interview Rubric
Students will choose a character from Of Mice and Men (except Lennie)
and will be interviewed on a variety of topics from the book. Students
must demonstrate that they understand their character as well as a
complete knowledge of the overall plot.
Each character will be asked between 5 and 10 questions.
This is a creative assignment so costumes, props and accents are
Students will be graded on the following criteria:

1. Understanding the mentality, motives and mindset of the

2. Knowledge of the story.


3. Accuracy of answers.


4. Creativity...


5. Bonus marks..




Of Mice and Men Oral Questions


What made you want to take care of Lennie?

Who cared for Lennie before you?
Why did you let Candy into your dream?
If you could do it all again, would you be friends with Lennie?
Whats it like being friends with Lennie?
You always threaten leaving Lennie, do you ever consider actually doing it?
Do you think youd be a good father?
Do you feel like Lennie appreciates everything you do for him? How does this affect your
Did you really believe that you would eventually have your dream farm? If not, why not?
Why are you and Lennie different from the other ranch workers?
Do you love Lennie? Name a few things you do for him?
Why do you think people are suspicious of why you care for Lennie?
What did you think of Curleys wife when you first met her? DId you think anything bad would
What was the event that happened that caused you to stop playing pranks on Lennie and to take
care of him? Tell us about this event.
What was going through your mind when you found out the workers wanted to find and kill
What was it like telling the story of the farm for the last time?
Whose gun did you take?
What do you think is the value or significance in having the dream you had? How does it make
you stand out?
What do other ranch workers think of your dream?


Why did you give in and let Carlson shoot your dog?
In what ways do you feel similar to your dog?
Are you worried you might be fired?
Why are you willing to give your life savings to live with George and Lennie?
How does it feel being the oldest person on the ranch?
Do you have any physical disabilities?
Why did you tell George you wish you had shot your dog yourself?
How did you feel when you discovered Curleys wifes body?
Why did you only tell George when you found Curleys wifes body?


Why did you drown those puppies? Couldnt you have given them away?
Whats your opinion of George and his relationship with Lennie?
Why do you think the other workers respect you as much as they do?
How is Lennie as a worker?
Do you regret telling Candy to have his dog killed?

When Carlson wanted to kill candys dog, he checked in with you first. Why do you think that is?
What happened after Lennie broke Curleys hand? What did you do? How did you know it would
What did you think of George killing Lennie?


Why did you seem to be intimidated by Lennie when you first met him?
Have you ever been a professional athlete?
You seem to pick fights with guys bigger than you. Why is that?
Why do you not like your wife socializing with the other workers?
Why do you think you have such a short temper?
Who is your father in the book?
Why didnt you tell your Dad what happened to your hand?
What do you wear to set yourself apart from the other workers? Why do you feel the need to do
Why do you think your wifes name never comes up?
What happened when you found your wife dead?

Curleys wife
You seem to really not enjoy being with Curley. Why did you marry him?
Have you ever thought of committing suicide?
Why do you keep trying to talk to workers even though your husband doesnt like it?
If you could do it over again, what would you do differently?
Do you think you could have found another way to get attention other than being a tart?
Why do you seem to confide in Lennie more than the other workers?
What dreams and ambitions did you have when you were younger? What came of them?
What is it you let Lennie touch in the barn?
What are some nickames or insults youve been called?
how might you represent temptation to the other men on the ranch?
Why did you kill Candys dog?
How did it feel killing Candys dog?
Why were you so confused that Slim was consoling George?
What do you think of Candy?
Why dont you think that old people and animals deserve to live?
What do you think happened to your gun when it went missing?
Do you consider yourself sensitive the feelings of others?


What is it that makes you feel so isolated and alone from the other workers?
Why didnt you want to let Lennie into your room when he came to see you?
How might you and Lennie be similar?
Why do they call you Crooks?
Where were the other workers the night you were with Lennie?
Why did you taunt Lennie that something had happened to George?
Why did you also want to be a part of George and Lennies dream?
What did you think of Curleys wife and how she treated you? (lynch threat)
What happened to your back?
Where do you live on the ranch?
How does that make you feel?
Why did you eventually let Lennie into your room?
You and Curleys wife are both considered weak characters. Who do you think is weaker and
Are there any other black men on the ranch?
Who do you think has treated you with the most respect and why?
Were your descendants slaves or landowners? Are you a proud man?
Do you consider yourself lonely?
Do you have any hobbies you like to do when youre alone in the barn?

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