Science Inquiry Lessons

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1"t Grade Sciepce






Introduction to Mini-lnquiry Proiects

-Sho* the power point presentation of scientists.

Scientist Presentation
-Big Book - National Geographic Read p.4-9
-Share Living Like a Scientist poster
-students record observations of their lima bean plants in their Plant Book. If time,
writevocabwords and questionstheyhave rightnow.- x

- DaYZ





- Read Me...lane or-'Man Fish to introduce research.

-Teacher models dsing padlet (with a downloaded photo as the background) or their
own chart paper noticings, student record their own noticings. Next, teacher
models own questions and reviews chart below. -Students record own wonders on
same chart paper. -With printed out pictures of plants, students will write down
noticings and wonders in small groups on chart paper. Pictures
-Groups share out. . 'r'.



- Continue Questioning :' . L itri*-Finish sharing ,,

-0n a separate piece ofchart paper record all questions students have about plants.
Have them think about the pictures they looked at and the plants we have planted to
pose more questions.
-Have students choose a question they want to research and have them write that
on a notecard
Guided Inquiry Topics:
Why do plants need roots?
What do plants need a stem?
What do plants need leaves?
What do some plants have flowers?
Life cycle of a plant
How do bees help flowers grow? [Pollen)



VOay 4 - Model How to Find and Research a Question *Make Anchor Chart* i


Read Me...]ane, or@Sbto start conversation about looking for an answer

to questions and wonderingS
CHART: Getting Started
I have a question - now what?
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