Science Inquiry Lesson2

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Introduce researching and note taking by modeling with a question: Can

plants grow without soil? How do leaves change colors? Use Pebble Go,
Britannica, KidRex or Wonderopolis or books to model how to find answers
to their questions.
If doing question on growing without soil, do "planting" of wheat in a straw, - Vi ie,, 69 HzD
to demonstrate experimenting as a way of researching on this day, or next. - 6Alzlg orr ttf
- Researching the Answer and Preparing the Presentation I 01
Show a clip of a basketball game.
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Do the Collaboration lesson about teamwork.
CHART: Collaboration (Student generated chart)

\Mhat does it sound like?

No fighting
Kids taking turns
Agreeing (disagreeing politely)
One person isn't doing all the talking
Asking if partner needs help
All members are talking mostly to team'
Peaceful noise "bt)zz"
Asking questions
Encouraging words
Play to each other's strengths

What does it look like?

Helping each other
All group members working
Kids suggesting solutions
All kids working toward same goal
Kids staying on topic
Sharing resources
Kids solving problems


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Day 6 - Going Public with Learning
Brainstorm ways that students can represent their learning
Record on chart
When researching keep ideas in mind on how going to share learning with
the class
Show a couple of the videos from last year of student presentations
Ideas for Going Public: Skitch, Pic Collage, Sonic Pics, Drawing Pad, Paper
Drawing, Poster, Poem, Song, Booh Skit/Act it Out



Day 7 - Working in a Group to Come up with a Researchable Question

Form small groups according to similar interests/questions (2 or 3 students
in a group)
Students research additional resources and take notes with their questions in
Students prepare a poster, skit, or other presentation


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