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Ryan McCrerey

Professor Mojena
ENC 1001
Each of us are given choices in life, all of us come across forks in the road. Depending
on the decision you make your life may change foreversometimes good and
sometimes bad. I came across this fork in the road and made the only decision that
seems fitting to me at the time. Some told me I had made the worst decision of my life,
while others told me I had made the best decision of my life. Personally, Im still figuring
out whether it was a good decision or bad decision, but either wayIm committed to it.
I grew up in your classic middle-class home around 1600 square feet with a nice back
yard. My father was a warehouse manager for a local Arts and Crafts company and my
mother was a school teacher. Every night my mom would cook dinner and every
Sunday thered be a lot of food for the football games. Life was pretty good, and I
couldnt really complain about my childhood too much up to this point, nothing really bad
had ever happened to me nor did I ever have to go through any serious hardships.
School was school, I always got relatively decent grades with the occasional C, and was
on the basketball team. I had played basketball pretty much my whole life, starting in
recreational leagues and eventually playing AAU and traveling across the state.
Basketball was a pretty large part of my life.
I think it was around my junior year of high school that my perception on life and social
norms really started to change. I began to resent the way everyone was expected to live

their life and the constant pressure put upon me by my family and the rest of society. I
was given a mold, a life that I was supposed to live. I began to realize how little
decisions we make for ourselves during our youth and how this carries with us our
whole lives to the point where once we start making decisions for ourselves, all previous
decisions were unknowingly made for us and at this time our own decisions arent
even our decisions. Theyre societys decisions.
Ever since I could remember it was the incessant droning of Go to school, Go to
college, Get a job, we all have grown up slaves to a purpose undefined to us as a
generation, and this has been going on since the beginning of Industrialization.
Needless to say I kept going along social norms applying for colleges, getting accepted
and life seemed dandy. I was following along the track laid out for all of us, and was
going to school not because I wanted to but because it had been so ingrained in me as
the normal thing to do, to the point where I didnt even question it.
Ill never forget the day I was supposed to leave for college. I woke up to my barren
room, suitcases on the floor and things ready to get put in the car. I looked out my
window one last time and knew it would be months before I came back.
I sat there and thought, I thought about everything I had done and every decision I had
made that led me up to this point. I thought about where I was going in life and what I
really wanted to do with my life, and finally I asked myself if I was really happy. I got up
and walked around our house. My parents were still asleep and the house was still, not
a thing stirred or moved and it was dead silent.
I sat in our living room and found a Survival book on the coffee table my father had
picked up years back. I started flipping through the pages and seeing how people would

disconnect themselves from society. Some referred to them as hermits while others
referred to them as mountain men, but however you referred to them, they were men
completely responsible for their own survival. They lived off the land, built their own
shelter, hunted their own food, and did everything for themselves. As I thought about
this more and more I realized this would give me fulfillment. This wasnt something Id
have to do forever but it was at this moment I decided it was what I was going to do.
I quickly got out a pad and paper and started writing my parents a note. On the day I
was supposed to leave for college I was going to leave my house and essentially
become willingly homeless. Sometimes I still ask myself why I made this decisionwas
it to make a stand and rebel against society? Was it an act of rebellion against my
parents? But as I ask myself this the answer becomes apparent I had something to
prove to myself. My whole life I had been given everything and this was the first
instance where I was becoming completely and solely responsible for myself.
After writing the note I quickly ran to our garage and started filling my back pack with
necessary supplies. I packed matches, and lighters, a large knife and other items that
seemed as if the could come in handy. I packed some food as well as some clothes and
a notebook so I could document each day of my life from this moment forward.
I put on my back pack and looked at the table with the note in it, it was at this moment I
realized to fully follow through with this decision what it would require. I took my cell
phone and wallet out of my pocket and set them on the table. I took one last look at my
house and one last inhale of the smell unique to every home. I turned and left never
looking back.

After a couple hours of walking in one direction two thoughts had dawned on me, the
first being my parents had probably called the authorities and had an active search
party going on right now. This led me to my second realization that I had to move faster
and smarter. As I was walking I proceeded to raise my right hand thumb up hoping a
person would stop their car and give me a ride for as long they could.
I realized we were in the 21 century and hitchhiking really wasnt a common practice

anymore, but I still had hope and sure enough a car stopped. The window closest to me
rolled down and two rough looking men who had just finished some hard labor said,
You need a ride somewhere son? I abruptly turned my head and replied As far in that
direction you can take me. It was at this moment my life would change forever.
I opened the door and got in the car without hesitation. As soon as I closed the
door the car lurched forward and we were on our way. Where you from? said the
driver. I dont live too far off, about an hour south near Brownsville. I replied.
Why are you leaving your home if I may ask?
Nothing for me there anymore.
After this it was a silent car ride and no other words were said. I found myself constantly
thinking about my parents, what they were doing and what was going through their
minds. You see, I really did love my parents, they had done everything for me, and as
much as they were probably blaming this incident on themselves...or convinced I had
mental health problems, I was doing this for me.
After about five hours on the road the drivers told me they had reached their destination
and it was time for me to resume on foot. By this time night was approaching and was
about time for me to eat and find some shelter. I wasnt really sure where I was but I

had brought about a hundred dollars with me to last the first few days and spotted a
small diner which looked appealing and decided this was where Id go have my meal.
I walked in sat down and quickly knew whatd Id order. I waited for a waitress to
come and as I was waiting I saw a girl who had to be one of the prettiest girls I had ever
laid my eyes on. I asked myself what a girl like her would be doing in a place like this,
and sure enough this girl of remarkable beauty was my waitress.
What would you like to order? She said in her angelic way.
Id like a burger and fries with a coke please. I replied
She gave me a smile and told me itd be out shortly. As she turned I got a wave of her
perfume which seemed to cast a spell over me. It was an interesting phenomena to for
a girl I didnt even know to enrapture me so much. Again I had reached another fork in
the road, do I talk to her and possibly end this journey that hadnt even started, or do I
proceed with my life on this trek for the wild.
After combating these ideas for a time unbeknownst to me, my meal had arrived and my
waitress was back. She set my plate down and the conversation started.
Where are we right now? I said
Were in Jackson, she replied.
My next response entailed me inquiring her as to why she was here, working at a job
like this and I came to find out that she was completely on her own. She told me that
father had passed away a few months ago and her mother was unemployed, living off
government care. I realized you never know a persons story or what they have to say.
Here was essentially some random girl I had just met and I never would have guessed a
girl looking the way she does would have to slave away every day just to make ends

meet. I told her I wouldve thought she lived in a palace and after learning all about her
and me telling her all about myself I felt closer with her at that moment than anyone else
in the world.
I began to question what I was doing, was I really making the right decision, casting
myself away from civilization. Its amazing how just one person can make you question
so much. I quickly came to the conclusion that I was already committed to this life I was
about to live and if I were to be swayed so easily thatd really say something in regards
to my determination. I told her it was time for me to leave but asked her for phone
number, and told her in the most honest way possible that when I had found what I was
looking for thatd I give her call.
There I went, continuing along my path with no exact end or destination. I came across
a highway rest spot some hours later, and decided this is where Id reside for the night. I
had all the essentials with me, including a sleeping bag and pillow and arguably had the
best sleep Ive ever had. I woke up slightly confused, momentarily forgetting the last 24
hours. As you can possibly imagine from have woken up in my room my whole life, at
first glance the change of scenery had come as a slight shock.
I did as I had done before and would continue to do, I got up, packed my gear, and
continued heading north on the highway with my hand up waiting for someone to pick
me up. Eventually after a couple hours of walking a car stopped, this time a couple, and
they asked me where I needed a ride to. I gave them my previous spiel and they came
across gung-ho and told me to get in their car.
From the second I stepped foot in their car, I was assaulted with a barrage of questions.
Why had I decided to leave home? What was home like? Where was home?

The questions were incessant and never took a rest. Although at first finding their
interest in me intriguing and enjoying the attention. I began to feel uncomfortable and
tried to ride out the car ride for as long as I could. I began to question them. I asked
them where they were going, what theyre plans were, and more importantly why they
decided to pick up a random guy off the side of the road and give him a ride.
As I questioned them, I could see them growing more uncomfortable by the question.
The man driving started to become agitated almost snapping me when replying to my
questions. It became apparent that there were more to these people then that they let
on and the only rational decision was to get out of the car.
This is far enough, I told them.
Wouldnt you like us to take you further? the woman replied.
At this response I realized these people had an agenda for me, whether that be turning
me in or some sick, twisted plan...they had not intended on letting me out of the car
quite yet.
Listen, I appreciate how far you folks have driven me but I feel content with the
distance Ive gone and would like to be let out now.
After stating this there had been a momentary pause. I knew they were trying to think of
a response as to why I couldnt leave quite yet. It was at this moment survival instincts
kicked in and I drew out my knife.
Stop this car right now before we start a problem we both dont want, I said
brandishing the knife.
It was obvious they both were not expecting a move like this to be made for the second
the driver saw my knife he slammed on his breaks almost flipping the car killing us all. I

got out of the car and watched them drive off, wondering what it was they had in store
for me. I was pretty perturbed from this and realized we had driven the whole day. From
dawn until dusk I was in the car with them and realized I was probably a few states up
at this point. I had reached an adequate distance up north that would remain somewhat
temperate and would not get freezing cold nor blazing hot during my residence here. I
set up camp for the night and realized tomorrow the work would begin.
After waking I knew first thing was first, I had to set up a dependable camp that would
allow me to live and be safe for the next couple weeks until I had a definite foundation in
place. I set up shrubs and branches, making a sort of canopy and set up traps I had
learned to set for small game whether that be squirrels or rabbits. I had thought ahead
before embarking and had brought with me a collapsible axe. I was going to build a
makeshift house and live here until I had gotten the answers to my questions regarding
life. Over the span of the next few weeks I had become 100% self sufficient. I hunted for
all my food, cooked all my food, built my own shelter and was the sole reason for my
survival. I learned more about myself in these weeks in desolation then I had my whole
There were days this life was easy, and days this life was hard. Weeks turned into
months and before I knew it, Winter was on. By this time I had built a decent sized
home (if youd want to call it that) and had a fireplace. I knew I needed to start storing
food because thered be less game to hunt during the Winter. I began hunting everyday
and freezing meat as well as pickling vegetables and fruits I had grown over the last few
months. I knew that if I couldnt live through this Winter that Id have to come home, and
that was something I did not want to do.

I occasionally thought about my parents, although I knew, they knew I was alive and
that Id see them again one day. Right now though, I only had one concern in mind and
that was the Winter. I had the toughest four months ahead of me and had to make sure
I would be adequately prepared to take it on, but I chose this life, and I wasnt going to
turn back now.

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