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Caesar Concha

Annotated Bibliography
Fisher, M. (2012). A Land Without Guns: How Japan Has Virtually Eliminated Shooting
Deaths. The Atlantic. Retrieved from
I chose this article to counter the argument that there is no point in outlawing guns, as people will
find a way to get them anyways. This effectively rebuttals that opinion through facts when
applied to another nation.
Fisher, M. (2012). The U.S. has far more gun-related killings than any other developed
country. The Washington Post. Retrieved from
I used this article to show the high statistic at which the United States is ranked in terms of
shootings and gun violence. This will help the reader see where the United States stands when
compared to other nations when it comes to mass shooting related deaths.
Follman, M. (2015). No, mental illness is not the main cause of shootings in America. Mother
Jones. Retrieved from
This article is meant to counter argue the opinion that mental health is the main cause of mass
shootings, often cited when people say guns do not kill people, people kill people. This shows
the statistics correlating mass shootings to mentally unstable people.
Ingraham, C. (2015). Shooting in Oregon: So far in 2015, weve had 274 days and 294
mass shootings. The Washington Post. Retrieved from
I used this article to show just how large of a scale shootings in the U.S are in this year alone.
Along with the article was a visual source I chose to better display information to the reader and
catch their attention.
J. Morton, Robert. (2005). Serial murder; Multi-disciplinary perspectives for
investigators. Retrieved from
I used this article because it clarifies what is considered to be a mass shooting/murder in the
United States according to the FBI. This is the most official source I use in my essay and gives
my opinion even more credibility.
M4 carbine specification (2013). M4 5.56mm carbine. Global security. Retrieved from
I use this article to lay out information on the current capabilities of rifles in the U.S today. In the
essay I use it to juxtapose rifles used when the 2nd amendment was passed.

Caesar Concha

Mass shooting tracker. (2015). [Graphic calendar of data compiled by] 274 days, 294 mass shootings. Retrieved
This gave me specific instances of shootings in the United States, in great detail. It laid out every
instance a shooting was considered to be a mass shooting.
Milligan, S. (2015). Congress is all talk, no action after gun deaths. U.S news and world report.
Retrieved from
This article shows a point of view that despite heavy debate from both sides of the gun control
issue, there is insufficient and unequal action being taken on the issues. Both sides are very
opinionated, but neither want to do anything in a congressional standpoint.

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