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Erica BerkeleyIn reflection of my approach towards this intervention, a school-wide approach; involving school

management, staff, parents and pupils was taken to deal with the problem of bullying behaviour
as a key element of effective practice. Everyone agreed from the very beginning that bullying is
an issue which needs to be dealt with and so my initiative was appraised. I therefore had
involvement of everyone as being a part of a team effort. Bullying behaviour affects not only
those immediately involved. It can affect everyone in the classroom, in the school and,
ultimately, in the wider community.
Upon the introduction for approval of this program, a meeting was held and from there I gained
full support. The school recognizes the right of each member of the school community to enjoy
school in a protected atmosphere. I issued three different questionnaires; to a student, to a teacher
and one to a parent to get some feedback from them about bullying. This was a helpful start to
the program.
From the supportive stakeholders, I realised that the school acknowledges the distinctiveness of
students and their worth as human beings. The school has always attempted to promote positive
habits of self-respect, self-discipline and responsibility among all its members from daily
interaction with students, be it in the form of lessons or within general assemblies. The school
policies already prohibits uncouth, violent, or other destructive behaviour or language by any
student which will assist my action plan. The school has the capacity to change in response to
students needs. The school identifies aspects of curriculum through which positive and lasting
influences can be exerted towards forming pupils attitudes and values. These are a list of
measures which serves as a backbone for the implementation of the Anti-bullying program. From
this exercise I found that effective leadership, supporting a school culture and climate that revels
difference, is key to good practice. The role of all leadership within the school is of great
importance in stimulating a school-wide approach to preventing and tackling bullying.
I believe that the drive of pertinent home/school/community links is important for all schools in
regard to countering bullying behaviour and should be encouraged as a normal part of the
schools effective operation. For instance, bullying behaviour often occurs on the way to and/or
from school. An anti-bullying school policy should involve those members of the wider
community who come directly in daily contact with school pupils. School bus drivers, school
traffic wardens and local shopkeepers could be a part of the team in playing a positive role in
assisting schools to counter bullying behaviour by reporting such behaviour to parents and/or to
the school as appropriate.
In reality, this program is part fulfilment of a course, Reflective Practice in Action 2, which is
due on November 5 2015 and as such there is limited time for the full implementation of the
program. To this regard, I wish to hold unto this program to revise and then put into effect since
the problem exists within my school and I already have a supportive staff. The mentors,
counsellors, other stakeholder needed to facilitate and the resources are within reach for

There are a few implications worth noting for my school situation. Effective practice includes
prevention and awareness promoting measures across all aspects of bullying and involves

strategies to captivate students in addressing problems when they arise. Students must be given a
voice. Let there be avenues for them to relate matters of concern. My school needs to ensure that
such strategies build empathy, respect and resilience in students as a means of further support to
them. Moreover, as self-esteem is a major factor in determining behaviour, schools should,
through both their curricular and extra-curricular programmes, provide pupils with opportunities
to develop a positive sense of self-worth. These were highlighted within the program but teachers
can begin or continue to influence attitudes to bullying behaviour in a positive manner through a
range of curricular initiatives as evidence of readiness. Also an evaluation for effectiveness of
program is needed a regular basis, for example one a year, to make necessary adjustments for
effectiveness. In this regard, teachers need to conduct investigation to identify schools with
successful anti-bullying programs and then conduct research in assessing school that have been
successful in lowering their incidences of bullying.
Peer Review
Keitha Southwell Hi Erica let me congratulate you on receiving the full support of your staff to address the issue of
bullying in your institution. Change is often met with resistance and the very fact that you did not get any resistance is
evidence that your stakeholders recognize the need for change. It is notable that you recognize the need to include
the wider community as they too come in contact with our students. I agree with you that in addition to the antibullying programme that teacher need to influence positive attitudes within their classrooms; after all, of all the
stakeholder with the exception of parents we spend the most time with the students. Erica you must also be
commended on your notation that the programme needs to be evaluated periodically. Finally let me commend your
efforts at implementing the Anti-Bullying Programme in your institution
Erica Berkeley Thank you Keitha. I got full support because bullying is prevalent in the school. It is no longer seen as
the pushing or bigger students fighting with younger ones. It occurs is all forms and with both genders. As a school
we believe that the study is timely to eradicate the issue and to help develop the institution. Further, the school has
many policies and rules to govern respect to others. It is time to acknowledge whst the school stands for bearing on
mind both its vision and mission statements as we work for continuous success.
Ronalita Thomas Ramdeen Erica, I commend you for making sure that all stakeholders were part of the anti-bullying
initiative. Stakeholders are very important in any program you would want to implement in the school. They will assist
in making sure you achieve your desired goals. The main goal to this program would be making school free from
bullying. When children know that the school they attend actively works to make the learning environment a safe
environment, and that bullying is not tolerated, they can afford to relax their guard and divert more of their attention to
learning rather than staying safe. Even students who cannot be categorized as victims or bullies, but who witness
bullying, feel more comfortable when they know that the school community, students, staff and administration stand
together against bullying.
Arnika Polydore Hi Erica, Congratulations on the implementation of such a comprehensive Anti Bullying program at
your school. I am particularly impressed by your decision to use strategies that will allow students to have a voice; in
this way they will be able to differentiate the behaviors are acceptable and those which are not. I also concur with your
decision to adjust the program in line with your own school situation. The support of your staff and parents are vital to
the success of the implementation, a safe environment is indeed necessary to achieve maximum output of all. I
applaud you for your effort.
Ifeula Redhead Hi Erica, Congratulations on your approach to deal with bullying at your school.Tackling this problem
at the school level is very important, as the presence of bullying often creates a barrier for students to grow / develop
into well - adjusted adults. Your first step was to ensure you gain full support , important step, this ensures the level of
success of your program. By creating a whole school prevention program you are building your school to become a

safer, more welcoming and promoting positive school climate. Your effort of implementing this Anti- Bullying Program
will see that your school culture would be enhanced and enriched as students attitudes and behaviours change due to
the various interventions the program offered. Teachers can concentrate on teaching and students can now learn

Ife-Conducting this research at my school came in the most appropriate timing. As bullying has
been the topic of discussion of lately. Amongst the administration, staff, student body and PTA.
Over the last year bullying at the school seem to have risen, attempts have been made to address
the situation with discussion and parental consultations but this method did not fully address the
problem. Therefore implementing this plan with its interventions , honestly participating in the
surveys were completed and warmly welcomed by the institution. The Anti-bullying
interventions laid out by the research showed the need to focus on how bullying is managed
within my school setting. If students perceive teachers as being incompetent, they are unlikely to
tell them that it is occurring either for themselves or others. This may result in the bullying
continuing and students feeling unsafe. The implementation of the programmes proved to be an
absolute necessity in order for my school to cope with not only bullying but the contemporary
complexity and a variety of challenges affecting everyday life at school.
With all good intentions there tend to be restrictions and challenges that will come along.
Resistance often appeared disguised in time limitations, bureaucracy, matters of responsibility,
difficulties in communication and intentions to protect the students. It was certainly a great
challenge for the school to overcome all the resistance but it seems that besides the existing
difficulties, the benefits are substantial. It is hoped that in the long run this attempt to implement
these programmes of intervention at school community, may contribute to a more effective and
organized process in dealing with the issue of bullying.
Peer Review
Erica Berkeley Hi Ifeula, it is great that you have attempted to implement a much needed program at your school.
Thanks to our studies for making this a timely and welcomed initiative. With every implementation there is a process
which is sometimes costly or restricted by time. I am happy that this inexpensive program will do well within your
school to detour students from old habits and cause them to reflect in bringing about new and positive behaviors as
evidence of change. Do not cease rather continue with this program and urge your fellow teachers to get on board in
an attempt to improve the general well being of your school. As a matter of fact, all stakeholders need to get involved
as change agents because being involved in the process means initiating the change you/they want to see take effect.

Arnika Polydore Hi Ife, You have attempted to implement a is essential to all schools as the problem of bullying is
evident in these institutions. This intervention will enhance the effectiveness of your school as there are many
negative side effects of bullying. It must be recognized that not only the bullied students are affected; the bullies
themselves, families and the society are also impacted. You have included all the stakeholders which is a necessary
component in successful implementation. Continuous evaluation will be necessary to gauge success and implement
changes which may be needed. I wish you success in this bringing this worthwhile program to fruition.
Keitha Southwell Hi Ifeula It is good that the topic of bullying is being discussed at your school prior to your efforts to
implement; this reflects the institutions recognition that it is a problem that requires change. Anything that is different
form the norm though necessary is often met with resistance; however it is up to us to win over those stakeholders
that are not in support of change. A good way to do this is to get them involve not aggressively but by changing their
attitude towards the change. i have no doubt that the implementation of a well thought out anti-bullying programme
will not only change the culture of the school but there will be a significant improvement in student behaviour and
academic achievement as well. Kudos to you on your attempt at implementing the programme in your school.

Ronalita Thomas Ramdeen Ifeula, I like how you mentioned that if students perceive teachers as being incompetent,
they may result in the bullying to continue and students will feel unsafe. I will like to add that it is important that the
school maintains the active teaching of non-bullying behaviors, and encourage students to report incidents of bullying.

Initially the task seemed a challenge; however there can be no change if there is no challenge. At
my institution the program was discussed with the HFLE teacher and the Principal who agreed
that it should be implemented as a whole school approach and it forms part of the schools
curriculum. The problem is prevalent throughout the school and it was felt that all stakeholders
should be involved as it is beneficial that each group should be able to identify the problem when

it exists and be equipped with strategies to deal with it. Additionally it has been realised that it
affects all stakeholders in some way and would eventually determine the society which we live
The program was discussed with staff who noted a marked increase in hostility and intolerance
among students. As a Catholic school which believes in high morals and values politeness,
tolerance, love, acceptance, respect and good discipline are promoted. Poor behaviours and
discriminative behaviours are not allowed as there are rules governing behaviours of students.
Values are also instilled through the Social Studies and HFLE and the hidden curriculum.
Tackling the bullying problem became essential as it was identified as a problem more common
among low achievers and disruptive students. We realised that students who were bullied were
often reluctant to report and we needed to find avenues to encourage them to do so. The program
was essential to help the school to cope with other issues caused by bullying.
The program needed a few minor adjustments but since there was limited time to begin full
implementation as the topic is not covered during the first term which has been further shortened
by the effects of the Storm Erika. Therefore my school intends to begin full implementation next
term so that an Anti-Bullying street walk will be held to coincide with Reading Week finale.
(Students and parents will prepare slogans and placards). However the questionnaire to identify
the frequency, awareness and prevalence of Bullying has been administered to a sample
Furthermore, it has been decided that my school needs to provide a friendlier environment for
students; this will also entail teachers attitudes towards students. The efforts of students also
need to be recognized and celebrated. The need for monitoring and evaluating the program was
recommended to allow adjustments where necessary and enhance the success of the intervention.

Peer Review
Erica Berkeley Ann, you must be praised for initiating change in your situation, especially at this time, after the
devastation of Dominica by Erika (May God Bless you all). Bullying is no easy situation to deal with. It is a wide-range
issue which is packaged in all shapes and sizes; without any doubt, it is a challenge. Great job on your attempt to
commence implementation of an eight weeks program within such a short time frame. It shows true dedication and
team spirit. Sharing your plan and seeking approval from staff is one of the first steps of getting started. You have
done well. Additionally, you have identified the strengths of the school which indicates how you proceed. The school
has strong values and policies to build your program. It further implies the extent of your task. I hope that your
continue to execute this program and in your follow up meetings with the stakeholders ensure that you do an
evaluation to monitor progress of the program. Make necessary changes as you proceed and record your
achievements to celebrate change.

Ronalita Thomas Ramdeen Ann, I would like to add that All parents want to know that their children are safe at
school. When a child does not feel safe at school, it affects everything else that goes on in that childs life.
Implementing an anti-bullying program would definitely make children feel safe at school. Once the issue of bullying is
brought into the open by the school, and the community is made aware of the "No Bullying" policy, the school gains a
reputation of being safe for all children and is seen as an active partner in taking care of children.
Ifeula Redhead Hi Ann.
Dealing with the issue of bullying is indeed a difficult task. Your whole school approach to the Anti Bullying Prevention
Program next term will indeed run successfully due to the pre-strategies you are putting in place from now. Starting
with the parents working with their children. Interventions within the family are extremely important, allowing parents
of the school to be partners in this program is valuable and at the same time, the same information is overlapped in
multiple areas of the students lives. The school acting as a moderator of this information, providing evening
workshops and presentations for the parents and community, connecting parents to outside supports, and providing
students with developmental and comprehensive programming that addresses the multifaceted issues that surround

bullying, self development, and citizenship.

All the Best in your program
Keitha Southwell Hi Ann H.F.L.E has been a topic of discussion to be taught in all schools however, only the primary
schools have thus far included it in their curricula. The programme if merged into the HFLE curricula would make
implementation that much easier as the tenets involved in H.F.L.E are those the programme is geared toward sharing.
I like the idea of the Anti-Bullying Street walk to raise awareness. Ann your decision to fully implement the programme
next term is notable as Dominica is still recovering from Erica's destruction. It is also notable that you seem not to
have had any resistance among your staff which speaks to your stakeholders recognition that bullying is indeed a
problem. Congrats Ann on your attempt at implementing the Anti-Bullying Programme.

Keithas Bullying Implementation Report

Being that I teach at a girls secondary school, many persons initially said to me there is no
bullying at your school; however, I had seen evidence of it so I did not allow them to deter me.
Prior to my attempt at implementing change in my institution, I discussed the problem of
bullying with my principal, a few teachers and the guidance counsellor. In a meeting, I shared
with the principal, deputy principal and teacher in a staff meeting my intentions about
implementing an anti-bullying program. The principal, her deputy and some teachers expressed
positive thoughts about my plans. One teacher shared that my plans needed to be implemented
for a term to ascertain any definitive results as to the effectiveness of the plan; she believes that
the eight weeks timeline suggested was insufficient. Another teacher expressed that we have
access to the necessary resources and the resource personnel to aid full implementation and
bullying is indeed a problem. A few teachers expressed that we did not need such a programme
as they did not think we have a bullying problem; they thought that I was being melodramatic
and that I was not attached to the school long enough to do a thorough assessment of the school.
I proceeded to share what I had observed thus far in the short weeks that I was there; the teacher
were in shock, and other teacher joined me in recounting some problems that were indeed
evidence of bullying.
Knowing time constraints were a limitation, a questionnaire was used to ascertain the reflections
about bullying from some stakeholders. I explained to principal and colleagues that the antibullying programme will not be fully implemented at this time as it is to fulfil part of my group
assignment for a course that I was pursuing and that it becomes due on the 5th November, 2015.
The questionnaire confirmed my fears that bullying is indeed present in my institution. Many
students at the school confides in the school's counsellor so she was an integral stakeholder for
implementing the anti-bullying program and she too was able to recount cases of bullying. In
another setting, some teachers, students and parents were selected randomly to complete some a
survey. Though the programme was not fully implemented, I was able to create some level of
awareness that bullying was present in the institution and it needed to be addressed. The

principal advised me that when we decide to fully implement such a program the Parent Teachers
Association, Ministry of Education and the community needs to be an integral part of it. I shared
with the principal that the programme was developed by my group; however it can be amended
to specifically satisfy and address the needs of our school. The action plan was specifically
designed to target bullying among students, teachers and students, parents and students, etc. The
plan was designed to be implemented over an eight weeks period.

Erica Berkeley Keitha, while I started reading my first thought was that the some stakeholders may think that bullying
does not exist at the school. They need to realise that bullying is not gender based but it is about someone's attitude
and actions to hurt another. Girls bully each other and they bully boys as well. I think that you took a good approach to
peack to the principal and then staff about the anti-bullying program. It is more effective to have your staff as part of
the team to assist with implementation. I am impressed to read that you and other teachers pointed out behaviours or
events of bullying to justify the intervention. Even though eight weeks is a short time to get the program in full gear be
not discouraged, you should still continue to created a transformed school environment as your contribution to the
development of the institution.
Arnika Polydore Keitha. God job. I am impressed with your resilience at not allowing the negatives to deter you in
your effort for change and development at your school. Many individuals view bullying as a phase and does not
recognize that it is a repetitive behavior that has negative consequences for the school climate and reputation; it is not
a single conflict or fight. I am however consoled by the fact that with the help of the school's counselor you were able
to find data to confirm the existence of bullying at your institution, making the program a necessary intervention. The
successful implementation of any program needs the support of all stakeholders. I am now confident that the Anti
bullying program will assist in curbing bullying at your school. I wish you well. Keep the campaign alive.
Ifeula Redhead Hi Keitha.,
Commendation on the implementation of an anti Bullying program at your school. I also read some of the comments
your teachers gave, and one particularly stood out where you mentioned A few teachers expressed that we did not
need such a programme as they did not think we have a bullying problem; they thought that I was being melodramatic
and that I was not attached to the school long enough to do a thorough assessment of the school. Keitha your school
is not alone where these views are concern, they are the views of many teachers. School that have major bullying
problems once made these comment, mainly because they dont understand the nature of bullying. For years
students have been experiencing power struggles, embarrassment, fear, isolation, guilt, loss of self-esteem, loss of
friends; issues that follow a person into their adult years if they are not intervened. This alone should be enough of a
concern to educators, parents and students to want to work towards finding better solutions to bullying or harassment
issues , whatever they choose to call it because bullying may sound harsh. Continue the implementation of the
program, when you get into communicating what is bullying and the treat it causes on the school culture, some of
those teachers may change their tune.

Ronalita -

The purpose of this study was to decrease the frequency of bullying behaviors among students at
the St. Johns Anglican school. A school wide approach was taken and all stakeholders were
involved. Everyone agreed at a parent teacher meeting that bullying was a problem that needed
to be addressed. We all agreed that we would implement an anti-bullying program that will help
reduce bullying at the school. Anonymous Questionnaires were given out to both parents and
students to fill out.
There were a total of 63 females and 50 males that participated in this research. The types of
bullying behaviors being documented were malicious teasing, name-calling, exclusion, physical
aggression, and gossiping or spreading rumors. During the weeks of intervention, various
activities were originated from the teacher researchers, while other strategies were discovered via
the Internet. Some of the activities used included participants creating anti-bullying posters, roleplaying, and discussion.
During the first few days we began documenting observable bullying behaviors.
Name-calling, teasing, and exclusion were the most observed behaviors during the observational
period. It was also alarming how the students behavior deteriorated when the instructor was out
of the room for just a short period of time.
The teacher researchers began the intervention strategy. We had group discussions on what
bullying is and the types of bullying the participants had experienced and or witnessed at their
schools. Based on those discussions the students created a concept map that labeled bullying and
categorized the different types of bullying as accurately as possible. The boys tended to define
bullying in physical terms whereas girls defined bullying in more verbal terms.
The students as well as the teacher researchers were surprised at all the different forms of
bullying and were surprised to learn that the types of bullying considered as verbal equaled the
types that were considered physical. All around, there were some attention grabbing discussions
with almost all students willing to share experiences they had. It was startling to discover that
many of the students were bullying and didnt even realize it. A couple of discouraging aspects
were that some of the students made fun of other students during the discussions and that most of
the boys didnt feel bullying was a problem at their school. On the other hand, the objective of
making the students more aware of bullying and better able to recognize bullying behaviors, we
feel was accomplished.
Peer Review
Arnika Polydore Ronalita, I am really like in awe! Your account is so exciting. I really like the interaction with the
students that they were able to share their experiences which gave an idea of the type and frequency of bullying
which occur at the school. It is very common for bullies to perceive their actions as normal until it is brought to their
attention. Your stakeholder involvement was exceptional, especially with the teachers observing and assisting in
gathering the data; you have done tremendous work. The activities you have selected are excellent. Keep at it, your
results will be worth it.

Keitha Southwell Hi Ronalita I like that you included the number of persons that participated in your study. I also like
that you shared the forms of bullying experienced at your school. It is also commendable that you had the full support
of your teachers. This is evidence of the that they all recognize that Bullying is a problem and that change is
necessary. Congrats on your attempt at implementing the anti-bullying programme.

Ifeula Redhead Hi Rona,

Great program implemented, I like how you took the time to observe bullying behaviours for the first few days. For
years students have been experiencing power struggles, embarrassment, fear, isolation, guilt, loss of self-esteem,
loss of friends; and just passed off as petty issues .These issues follow a person into their adult years if they are not
intervened. Witnessing / observing these negative actions is not always obvious for staff or other students because
bullying can be physical, relational or psychological. There can be direct behaviours such as teasing and taunting,
racial, ethnic, and sexual slurs or harassment, threatening, hitting, and stealing (Harris, Petrie & Willoughby, 2002,
p.4), or indirect behaviours such as spreading rumours, socially excluding students, and dirty looks in passing are
much harder to catch or prove and are sometimes the most cases. So Ronalita I think taking the time to observe was
a good strategy also your other intervention strategies on point, some similar to interventions I that worked at my
Erica Berkeley Quite an impressive report to note your experience re implementation of the Anti-bullying program at
your school. I believe that you have approached it appropriately with the involvement of all stakeholders. It is
important to do so since bullying occurs not just in school but also on the way to and from school. Parents and other
stakeholders must also be a part of the program because bullying also exists in the homes and most likely the
program would create significant decrease in its presence there. You have accomplished must in a short time as you
began to issue questionnaires to collect information from students, parents and teachers. Make excellent use of the
data so that your program can be successful. I admire that you made observations and documented notes of it. Do
not allow the students to discourage your progress. Keep on pressing on, change is ahead.

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