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Unit Plan Outline

Unit Plan Title: The Middle Ages & The Environment

Subject(s): Social Studies and Science
Teacher: Miss Mak

Grade: 4
Term: 1

Enduring Understanding(s) / Big Idea(s)

By investigating the causes and consequences of the Black Plague, students will develop an understanding of
how greatly humans depend on their surrounding environment as well as how greatly humans can impact
their surrounding environment. Accordingly, students will learn how the natural environment supports our
basic needs and thus how important it is that society practice environmental stewardship.
Culminating Activity
At the end of this unit, students will be given time to perform a group investigation on another early society,
specifically focusing on the relationship between this chosen society and its surrounding natural environment.
Why did the chosen early society decide to build its civilization where it did? How were the needs of the society
met by the natural features of the surrounding environment? What positive or negative impact did the society
have on its surrounding environment? What can we learn from the success or demise of this early society?
By allowing students to inquire and research about their chosen society, and by giving them time to probe
these aforementioned questions, it will help them understand two big ideas in the Social Sciences and Science:
that we can better understand the present by studying the past and that it is ever so important for us to
balance our human needs/wants with environmental stewardship. Their learning can then be extended by
discussions and creations of action plans on maintaining a healthy relationship with the environment in our
modern communities.
Timeline of the Activity
(1) Split students into carefully planned groupings of 3-4 students.
(2) Allow students to choose from the list of early civilizations below to research.
(3) Provide time for students to research their chosen civilization and create their assessment piece.
(4) Have students present their assessment piece to the class.
(5) Discuss (and reflect on) as a class things that stuck out during the presentations.
(6) Give students time to fill out a peer and self evaluation form.
(7) Hand back marked rubrics and feedback in a timely manner.
Examples of early civilizations that students may choose to research (no repeats):
The Mayans
The Aztecs
The Incas
The Harappans
Ancient Greece
Ancient Egypt
Ancient China
Another civilization (approved by the teacher)

What must I include in my research project?

Location and time period in which the chosen civilization thrived.

Physical features of the natural environment on which the chosen civilization was built.
Benefits of the natural environment for the chosen civilization (Why did they situate themselves there?)
Political and social organization of the chosen civilization.
Values and beliefs of the chosen civilization.
Details of daily life in the chosen civilization (food, family roles, homes, clothing, recreation, etc.).
Impact of the chosen civilization on the environment (positive and/or negative).
Lessons learned through the success or demise of the chosen civilization.
Visuals to enhance presentation including, but not limited to, maps and relevant pictures.

Peer and Self Evaluation



Write the names of your group members in the numbered boxes. Then, assign each person, including
yourself, a value from 1-5 for each attribute listed below. Please be honest with your answers.


Participated in
group discussions
Helped keep the
group on task
Contributed useful
ideas to the group
Listened respectfully
to other members
Did a fair share of
the work load
Completed quality,
accurate work
Our group did best at

Next time, our group could improve at

We could improve by




Student Name:






Demonstrates comprehensive
understanding of key aspects of the
chosen civilization.

Demonstrates adequate
understanding of key aspects of the
chosen civilization.

Demonstrates some understanding

of key aspects of the chosen

Uses planning skills and strategies to

research and organize information
with a high degree of effectiveness.

Uses planning skills and strategies to Uses planning skills and strategies to
research and organize information
research and organize information
with some effectiveness.
with adequate effectiveness.

Uses critical thinking skills to

investigate the chosen civilizations
dependence, and impact, on its
surrounding environment with a
high degree of effectiveness.

Uses critical thinking skills to

investigate the chosen civilizations
dependence, and impact, on its
surrounding environment with
adequate effectiveness.

Uses critical thinking skills to

investigate the chosen civilizations
dependence, and impact, on its
surrounding environment with
some effectiveness.

Uses critical thinking skills to

investigate the chosen civilizations
dependence, and impact, on its
surrounding environment with
limited effectiveness.

Expresses and organizes ideas and

information with a high degree of

Expresses and organizes ideas and

information with adequate

Expresses and organizes ideas and

information with some

Expresses and organizes ideas and

information with limited

Uses conventions, vocabulary, and

terminology with a high degree of

Uses conventions, vocabulary, and

terminology with adequate

Uses conventions, vocabulary, and

terminology with some

Uses conventions, vocabulary, and

terminology with limited

Applies understanding of the past to

better understand present-day
situations and choices with a high
degree of effectiveness.

Applies understanding of the past to

better understand present-day
situations and choices with
adequate effectiveness.

Applies understanding of the past to

better understand present-day
situations and choices with some

Applies understanding of the past to

better understand present-day
situations and choices with limited

Makes connections between society

and the environment with a high
degree of effectiveness.

Makes connections between society

and the environment with adequate

Makes connections between society

and the environment with some

Makes connections between society

and the environment with limited

Teacher Comments:

Demonstrates little understanding
of key aspects of the chosen
Uses planning skills and strategies to
research and organize information
with limited effectiveness.

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