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Alex Ford
Salt Lake Community College



Psychology sparked an intriguing light in how I viewed how people operate and
the processes behind those motives. I hadnt known how mental disabilities could be
alleviated nor what may have caused them to be in the first place. As I worked on my
second signature assignment I began to realize that any number of factors effect how we
think internally and how we behave externally. Ive mastered the elements of personality
classifications and the theories involved. The Big Five Factor Personality Model was
elaborated and dissected to categorize a particular targets personality traits.
Creating this signature assignment required reading comprehension and critical
thinking to categorize the most appropriate traits to certain actions. Situational awareness
was needed to analyze what affected motives in particular settings. So I learned that it
takes a considerable amount of critical thinking and analyzation to tie in a personality
type merely with the actions the person partakes. Memory recall is a largely underrated
My signature assignment was strong in providing examples of personality traits
and behaviors that were labeled with those traits. Such as when Phil is being sarcastic to
his cameraman proving that he is low on the agreeableness trait. The weakest link,
though, is the main cohesion that connects the facts and sentence structures between
paragraphs. The sub heading The Winter Conflict Arises doesnt clearly define any
conflict that Phil faced.
Working on this assignment distinctly proved that assignment requirements arent
as important as what I learned from doing them. The main part of education isnt just to
be concentrated on the specifics but to look at them in a broader perspective. I dont let


myself get hung up on the smaller challenges that I face. A paper isnt going to determine
how fruitful my future is going to be but it may help illuminate things I didnt know
about myself and about the world around me. These signature assignments proved to me
that small things dont bother me.

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