The Lorax

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Ali Capener

BIOL 1120 Taylor


1. The Truffula Trees were scarce, valuable natural resources. What made
the valuable and scarce? Their tussles much softer than silk.
2. Why did the Once-ler chop down the first Truffula Tree? To create a
3. What benefit did the Thneed have for consumers? According to the Onceler, it can do anything. It can be a shirt, sheets, etc.
4. The Lorax did not think anyone would want to purchase a Thneed. Was
he correct? He was incorrect. People kept coming and coming for the Thneeds.
5. What new capital resource did the Once-ler invent? How did this help
his business? He built a factory and got all of his family to help make Thneeds. It
helped it grow because there were more people to make more and more Thneeds.
Therefore, he got more money.
6. Who was harmed as more and more Truffula Trees were chopped down
and they became more scarce? The Swamee-Swans, the Barbaloots, the fish, the
Truffula trees and the land.
7. Was it wise of the Once-ler to chop down all the trees? No, it wasnt wise,
it was very stupid.
8. In the story, all the trees were chopped down. In the modern U.S.
economy, why would this not happen? This wouldnt happen in our current
economy because we need the trees for our environment.
9. What situation or condition would promote the cutting down of all
trees or the overuse of natural resources? I think the condition of greediness
and idiocy. Currently we are using up all our natural resource of water very rapidly
because we are very wasteful and stupid.
10. When a good, service, or natural resource becomes more and more
scarce, what happens to the price? It gets continuously higher.
11. Compare the Once-ler's attitude toward the environment at the
beginning of the story with his attitude at the end. In the beginning, he
couldnt care less about the environment. Hence his cutting down of all the Truffula
trees. In the end, he realized that the environment was much more important than
he originally thought.
1. Both the Onceler and the Lorax were passionate about their goals.
Discuss several reasons to explain why the Onceler succeeded while the

Lorax failed. I think the Onceler succeeded because he made his ideas a reality.
He took the Truffula tree and made the Thneed. He created something that all of
humanity needed and used it to his advantage. He made an empire out of his
Thneed creation. The Lorax failed because he didnt really act on anything he said.
He tried his hardest to stand up for the trees and the Barbaloots and the Swamee
Swans, but he didnt really do anything to protect them.
3. Can aesthetic appreciation and value be taught? Why or why not? Is it
possible to persuade someone that a mountain vista or seashore is
beautiful if they did not already appreciate it? Why or why not? I believe
that aesthetic appreciation and value can be taught, yes. Why? Well because I think
its important to appreciate your surroundings and I think that can definitely be
taught. Yes, it is very possibly to persuade someone that mountains or a seashore is
beautiful. How is it possible? Simpletake them up to the mountains and let them
see how breathtaking they are. Or take them to the seashore and let them
experience it themselves.
6. The Lorax says that the Once-ler is greedy. Greed is defined as a
selfish desire for food, money, or possessions over and above what one
needs. What are some of the ways that the Once-ler proved his greed?
He says, "I biggered my money which every needs." Is it true that
everyone needs money? How much money do people need? Is it right to
make a ton of money while destroying the environment? The Onceler proved
his greed by chopping down every single Truffula tree, by creating a huge factory
that harmed the environment and by not listening to anything The Lorax had to say.
Yes, I believe its true that everyone needs at least some money. Money is
necessary for most everything in this world. I think people need a comfortable
amount of money to survive off of. No, in fact it is very wrong to make a ton of
money while destroying the environment. You shouldnt be able to bank off of that,
but people do anyway. Its a sad reality.
7. What did the once-ler mean by "UN-LESS"? What responsibility does he
seem to think "someone like you" needs to take? What kinds of things can
we do today to ensure that natural resources will be available for
purposes in the future? By using the word UNLESS, the Onceler meant that
unless we do something, things will stay the same and never get better. UNLESS
someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. Its not. He
seems to think that someone like you needs take responsibility of the
environment and try to make it better by doing things differently. We can recycle,
we can stop wasting so much water, we can unplug our cords from outlets, we can
use more efficient toilets, etc.
9. The Lorax says he speaks for the trees. What does this mean to you?
What is the Lorax's attitude at the end of the story? When The Lorax says he
speaks for the trees, to me it means that because the trees have no voice, he IS
their voice. The trees cant protect themselves so The Lorax steps up to protect
them in any way he can. The Loraxs attitude at the end of the story is very
melancholy and defeated. At least, thats the message I get. He is very sad and

defeated because essentially the Once-ler won. He chopped down every last Truffula
tree and ruined the environment for everyone.

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