356 Brochure 1

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University of Arizona Nursing

Program May 6, 2014

Brain: Addiction
Ears: Hearing loss

Amy AP, Martha B,

Lauren G, Kristin G

Eyes: Can cause blindness and difficulties with

night vision

Mouth: Cavities, mouth sores, ulcers, gum

disease, mouth and throat cancer

Face: Wrinkles, skin dull and grayish

Heart: High blood pressure, blood clots,
increased cholesterol

Lungs: Inflammation leading to scar tissue,

emphysema, respiratory infections

Cancer: Smoking can cause cancer almost

anywhere in the body

Blood and Immune System: High white

blood cell count, weakened immune system

Muscles and Bones: muscle deterioration,

thinning of bone tissue and loss of bone density.
(Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking, 2014).

Be Tobacco Free.gov. (2014) Retrieved from.
Harms of smoking and health benefits of quitting National Cancer Institute. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking. (2014,
February 6). Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention. Retrieved April 25, 2014, from
Tobacco Free.org. (2014) The Truth About
Tobacco Retrieved from.

Tumor Causing Teeth
Staining Smelly Puking Habit

Cigarette smoking causes more

Admitting that you're smoking

more out of addiction than
choice will help motivate you
to go on to the next steps
-- taking control of yourself
and becoming a nonsmoker
(Tobacco Free.org. (2014)

than 480,000 deaths each year in

the United States (Health Effects
of Cigarette Smoking, 2014)
Within a few hours, the level of
carbon monoxide in the blood

Do not be a statistic;
tobacco is tumor
causing, teeth
staining, and a
smelly puking
Tobacco has negative
health effects that
are preventable.

begins to decline. (National Cancer

Institute NCI)

Smokeless tobacco is tobacco that

is not burned. It includes chewing
tobacco, dip, snuff, and betel quid.
At least 28 chemicals in these
products have been found to cause
cancer, including:

People who quit smoking will have

an improved sense of smell, and
food will taste better. (NCI)

Esophageal cancer
Lip cancer
Mouth cancer
Pharynx cancer
Tongue cancer (Be Tobacco
Free.gov 2014).


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