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Lesson Plan 7: Persuasive Appeals

UTL 640E
Andrea Khawaja
October 23, 2015
Class Period / Time: 1st Period (A day 8:55-10:25)

Chrissy Hinkle
English I Inclusion/ 9th Grade
Teach(es) #8

Enduring Understanding(s) & Essential Question(s):

In constructing an argument, an individual uses one or more of the three types of
persuasive appeals (ethos, pathos, logos) in accordance with the receptiveness and
demography of his or her audience.
What is an appeal to ethos? (F)
o With whom is this effective? (C)
o What is an example of an appeal to ethos? (F)
What is an appeal to logos? (F)
o With whom is this effective? (C)
o What is an example of an appeal to logos? (F)
What is an appeal to pathos? (F)
o With whom is this effective? (C)
o What is an example of an appeal to pathos? (F)
Who uses these appeals? (F/C) Why? (C)
Is it unethical to use persuasive appeals to manipulate an audience? (P)
o Do advertisers manipulate their audiences? If so, is that a violation of trust?

Lesson Objective(s):

First as individuals, then as a class, students will complete a three-column chart

identifying and explaining the different kinds of appeals present in 4 media clips,
including advertisements and political speeches, in order to improve their critical
thinking and analysis of persuasive information.

A. TO DO before the day of the lesson:
Make copies of the appeals notes/worksheet (Attached to email)
Make Prezi of advertisements/speeches (Attached to second email)
Create and make copies of the media analysis activity (attached to second email)
Make copies of Great Debaters handout (attached to email)
B. For the lesson itself:
Have the agenda Prezi up (Slide 14: )

Have notes on the bookshelf for students to pick up

Have Great Debaters WS on bookshelf

TEKS/SEs Addressed in the Lesson:

(10) Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Persuasive Text. Students analyze,
make inferences and draw conclusions about persuasive text and provide evidence from
text to support their analysis.
(A) analyze the relevance, quality, and credibility of evidence given to support or
oppose an argument for a specific audience; and
(B) analyze famous speeches for the rhetorical structures and devices used to
convince the reader of the authors' propositions

Steps in Lesson:
ENGAGEMENT (14 minutes)
Short Prezi about different uses for commas

Students will complete a review of comma usage as part of a grammar review during this
6-weeks (page 30 of file attached to the email)


Today we are going to talk about the three different persuasive appeals that are often
found in advertisements and political speeches and other fun places. Then we are going to
look at some of these advertisements and political speeches and see if which appeals we
can find in those examples.
o Its important that we do this so that we can be productive members of society
because if we can pick out different types of appeals that politicians are using on
us, we can be more critical of what theyre saying. We can ask ourselves if what
theyre saying is actually credible or if they are just pulling at our heartstrings.
And if all goes well, we should have about 25 minutes left at the end of class to start
watching The Great Debaters with Denzel Washington, a movie about argumentation and
persuasion. While youre watching, you will be completing a handout that Ms. Khawaja
has put together for you. We will finish the film on Monday.
Introduction/Explanation: (15 minutes)
o Students will spirit read the notes handout. I am going to give them pneumonic
devices to remember each:
pathos arguments are trying to make a PATH to your heart (same root
word as sympathy/empathy),
logos is a LOGical approach,
ethos uses ETHics to try to get to you using the ethical credibility of
public figures.
o Relatethistotherhetoricaltrianglebetweenthespeaker,theaudience,and



After each appeal the students will give examples of these appeals that they have
seen in the media.

Application/Evaluation: (30 minutes)

o (10 minutes) Students will independently complete the practice section of
their notes handout. Once they have finished, we will go over the best
answers as a class.
o (20 minutes- ~7 min. each) Students will look at one advertisement, one
commercial, and one clip from the recent Democratic debate and complete
the table on their activity sheet.

After each clip, and the students have written the appeals present
and justified them, two students will be asked to share what they

CLOSURE (5 minutes)

Three Wso

Students will be asked to discuss with a partner for 2 minutes What they think
we learned today, Why it is important, and Now What do we do with this

After talking in pairs, students will be asked to share what they came up with
while talking with their partner.


Modifications/Differentiation Strategies:

Luis will not be required to read aloud.

Elijah does not need his device for the activities during this lesson.
Visual learners will be able to see the different appeals in action when analyzing
different media types.
Auditory learners will be able to listen to the speech of the politicians and hear the
appeals being used.
Auditory learners will be able to talk with a partner about what they think the
answers are and what they learned through the course of the class.
Understanding learners are able to summarize, classify, compare and contrast
Mastery learners have the opportunity to observe, describe, memorize and
practice new information.

Evaluation Strategies:

Students will be evaluated on their participation in class discussion, on the

handouts and during the warm up.

Students will be turning in their commercial handouts for completion.

Students are able to evaluate what they have learned with a partner through the
Three Ws exercise during the closure.

Notes/Recommendations for next time:

Luis volunteered to read for me! YAAAY! (Not really a suggestion, but just a
really cool feeling.)

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