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Name _____________________________________

Assessment of Field Teaching Portfolio

The teacher candidate will submit the following for each lesson:
Lesson Plan Format (15 points per lesson)


Time Frame:


Objective(s): The students will be able to

Materials: Include materials used for the lesson




Day 1

Day 2 (if needed)


Assessment: (Include sample and grading scale checklist or rubric)

Accommodations / Modifications:

Mentor Teachers signature

Reflection Format (10 points per lesson)

Describe how you planned for the lesson.

Describe the strengths of your lesson.
Describe how you would improve your lesson or do it differently next time.
Describe learner response to your lesson

Describe what you learned about literacy instruction from this lesson. Here are some
questions to help you dig deeper when answering this question: What was the most
important piece of your lesson? How might this impact your teaching of literacy in the
future? What was particularly difficult about teaching literacy during this lesson? Also
think about modifications/accommodations were you able to implement these
effectively and smoothly? (These are just questions to get you thinking. You may
respond in a different manner or extend your response beyond these questions.)
Include the following:
o Name of field school and phone number
o Field school administrator name and email
o Classroom teacher name and email

Total: 50 points per lesson

50 points x 4 lessons = 200 possible points
Grading scale:
200 180 = A
179 - 160 = B
159 - 140 = C
139 - 120 = D
119 and below = F

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