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Melissa Ogas
November 29, 2015

Raft Card Example:

ROLE (student)
Row 1




A DJ of a science

Your favorite

An informative

Have you ever

radio station

radio station

podcast report

wondered what a


drop of water feels

like as it travels
through the water

You will be able to describe how a drop of water travels through the steps of the water cycle.
Student Role:
A DJ of a science radio station
Your favorite radio station listeners
An informative podcast report
Have you ever wondered what a drop of water feels like as it travels through the water cycle?


1. Visit The Water Cycle: A Guide for Students to learn more about the water cycle.
2. Use a storyboard worksheet to map out your script.
3. Type your script so it is easy to read.
4. Practice reading your script aloud until you feel you can read it fluently and with
5. Create a Voki at Build a suitable avatar for this project.
6. Read and record your script as the Vokis voice.
Websites to visit:
Water Cycle Diagram
Water Education
The Hydrological Cycle
The Water Cycle
The Global Hydrological Cycle
Prepare a 1-minute script for a radio segment to explain how a drop of water travels through the
steps of the water cycle.
You will receive up to 25 points for each of the following: written script, storyboard, Voki, and
recorded script.

Raft Card 1:

Row 1

ROLE (student)

Your best friend

A letter explaining

Do you wonder


why tinsel is a

Objective: You will be able to tell someone why tinsel is a Christmas decoration.
Student Role: You are yourself.
Audience: Your best friend.

On a white board write a letter to your friend telling them how tinsel became a

Christmas decoration.
Topic: Have you wondered why tinsel is a Christmas tree decoration.

1. Visit /Christmas-stories/
2. Read The Legend of the Christmas Spider.
3. The students will work in small groups and compare note from white boards.
4. Then they will write a letter to their friend explaining how tinsel became a decoration.


Websites to visit:
Write a letter to your best friend and explain to them how tinsel became a Christmas
decoration. Tell the story in your own words.
You will receive 25 points for your letter.
Raft Card 2:
ROLE (student)

Row 2

Christ Child

A letter

Why you want to
see the

Objective: Explain why you want to see the decorations.

Student Role: You are the spider.
Audience: The Christ Child

A letter

Topic: Explain why you want to see the decorations. Make a good case.

1. Write a letter from the view of the spider. Persuade the Christ Child to allow you to
see the decorations.

2. Use a promethean board to write your letter.

Promethean board.
You letter will be written on a promethean board. 25 point for doing so.
Raft Card 3:

Row 3

ROLE (student)
Christ Child



What you plan to

Objective: As the Christ Child what do you plan to do?

Student Role: You are the Christ Child.
Audience: The Spider
Format: Write a note explaining what you plan to do.
Topic: Tinsel becomes a decoration.

1. Write a note explaining what you plan to do.
2. Visit Kidpix or digital photo to get pictures for your letters.
3. Publish as a class blog for parents to see.
Resources: and

Assessment: 50 points for completed blogs.

Entry 3: Differentiating Instruction through Technology
The major point or purpose of differentiating instruction through technology is to tailor the
instruction to meet the needs of every student in every lesson. Just as babies grow at different
rates, so too are the minds of our students. They develop at different rates and have different
learning styles. Through the use of technology the barriers are broken. Technology should
engage the students creativity. Students learn much more quickly through the use of technology
be it, multimedia applications, or interactive digital media applications. All applications enhance
education because they allow the student hands on exploration. They interact and become part of
the adventure.
Multimedia applications
Multimedia applications: Multimedia just simply means more than one media. Multimedia
incorporates a variety of elements, including text, graphics, audio, video, and animation.
(Teachers Discovering Computers, Gunter/Gunter, pg. 204) I would use multimedia to enhance a
lesson that might otherwise seem dry or boring. For instance if I were teaching a math lesson it
may become more fun and challenging if I were to find a math game online, and incorporate that
to expand on the lesson. Being able to see and hear the I have a Dream speech by Martin
Luther King Jr. has more of an impact on a student then just simply reading it. Lessons that use
technology in order to tailor the instruction to meet the needs of every student this is

differentiating instruction. Multimedia applications allow different venues in which the lesson
can be enhanced therefore giving greater definition to the lessons over all point. It reaches the
attention of those students who might not easily grasp content. Multimedia applications fall in
line with all of the ISTE standards for students. It involves all aspects of the ISTE standards
creativity, innovation, encourages the students to work together collaboratively, research, critical
thinking, and decision making.
Interactive Digital Media: Interactive digital media allows the students to become part of these
learning adventures. With many digital media applications, you navigate through the content by
clicking or tapping links. (Teachers Discovering Computer, Gunter/Gunter, pg. 205) This would
be great for a study or lesson on Martin Luther King Jr., the student would be able to travel
through time and follow the timeline of MLK Jr. Life. Or if I were to have my students explore
something with in the encyclopedia Britannica for instance. This would also allow students who
are easily distracted to have a focus. This type of media applications would work nicely to
differentiate instruction. Students would exceed expectations because of the influence of digital
media application. It connects to the ISTE because if fulfills every part of the standards for
students as well.
The World Wide Web: The internet has a host of reasons why it would enhance instruction and
differentiate instruction. Because it provides access to seemingly infinite amount of
information, has the capability of addressing learner differences, and, thus, leveling the playing
field for all students. (Teachers Discovering Technology, Gunter/Gunter, Fig. 5-22) The Web
most definitely meets the ISTE standards because the standards are all about technology and
integrating technology for students to have the very best educational experience. It meets all.

Pros and Cons


Computers connect in a lab together making them easier to maintain and low cost to the

If technology is readily available in the classroom it will be used more.
Teachers know that computer technologies can hold students attention.
Encourages students to think in words and pictures, also colors, sounds, animations, and

Web is engaging and allows students to control the flow of information.
When used properly, technology is extremely beneficial in the learning process. (Teachers

Discovering Computers, Gunter/Gunter, Ch. 5)

Technology is only a tool its not the teacher.
Technology should not drive the curriculum.
Not all teachers embrace new technology.
Budget constraints.
Lack of teacher training.
Security constraints.
Lack of administrative support.
Limited time for teacher training.
Computer placement in remote locations making it difficult to access.
Lack of high speed school networks.
Basic resistance to change by many educators.
Concluding Paragraph
Although technology has both good and bad side or ups and downs it can still be side
that technology strengthens learning. It gives students the opportunity to all learn in new
and different ways. It gives new perspectives, encouraging creativity and give other ways
in which to express ones self. Technology is beneficial to both teachers and students its
engaging and allows students to control the flow of information. Everyone can benefit
from the use of technology in the classroom.

Gunter, Glenda A., Gunter, Randolph E., 2015. Teachers Discovering Computers Integrating
Technology in a Changing World, Eighth Ed.

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