Observation Presentation Handout

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Noelle Knight

INTR 1600
Observation Presentation Handout

UTRID Workshop Observation

UTRID Workshop on Self Employment
In a conference room
Unique Features:
ASL class joined in
Challenges / Advantages:
More hearing people attending than expecting
Complex topics
What I learned:
Your team is the greatest asset
To interrupt or not interrupt?

Book Reading Observation:

At SLCC for Disability Awareness Week Book Reading.
The event was mainly out in the open, then in a classroom for a small lunch.
Teaming Interpreters.
Unique features:
Where everyone was sitting.
Challenges / Advantages:
Microphone Malfunction
Sitting Situation
What I learned:
Microphone Malfunction
Early bird get the best seats

VRS Observation
Sorenson VRS
Cubical and Headphones
Unique Features:
Can type messages
Challenges / Advantages:

Calls from across the country

Typed messages
Cants see hearing person
Unknown topic
What I learned:
Not a typing operator
First time

Higher Education Observation

Night Anthropology Class
Teaming Interpreters
Unique Features:
Higher level class
Challenges / Advantages:
Student talks for themselves
Closed captioned video
What I learned:
Not all videos have captions (more so in High School)
Occupy yourself
20 minutes late policy

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