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Game Based Learning Lesson Plan


Jaymin Riley


Head Basketball Coach and Health and Physical Education Teacher


Coalgate Middle School




Grade Level(s)

5th- 8th

Content Area

Instructional Technologies

Time line

Fall 2015

Content Standards

Technology Education OK PASS standard 10

NETS*S Standards:

ISTE Student Standards 4.A,B,C,D


This lesson will focus on GBL (game based learning) and how it can benefit students in and out of the
classroom. Looking at the type of games there are and how they are supposed to help students learn.
Essential Questions
What is Game Based learning? How does it Help students? Where can you find these Games? What
kind of games are there?
1. Students will create a Webquest of Internet links/resources (minimum 8-10) about Game Based
2. Students will type a short paragraph explaining what GBL is.
3. Then they will send a link of any game they liked or found interesting to a classmate via their email.
Students: 1. Will utilize the Internet via their Chrome or Firefox browser and Google Search
2. Visit for learning games. 3. Use for resources. (templates) 4. School or personal
Email site to send links. Students should have basic technology skills for this project.

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Instructional Plan Preparation

Students should have experience in playing computer games before at any level. They should have done
google searches and sent emails if they havent I will be there to see they are having trouble and can help.
Students may have the most difficulty with the webquest.
Students will work in the lab with partners. Their partner will be the person they send the email link to and
can finish up the assignment at home if they need to.
Instruction and Activities
I will provide all the necessary instructions, work with them on the projector helping to guide them through it as
they work separately. My role is to serve as a mentor/coach. They will also have their partner. Students will
only have to deliver the webquest and show me the email they send to their partner.

1. Students will be able to choose what game they link, and their partner. 2. I will lecture from the front and
help but also give individual attention if they need it.
Closure and Reflection
Students will be asked to talk a little bit about the game they liked the most and if they think GBL is a good
Approach to learning. Ask students if they have any comments or questions on the lesson and activities.

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