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Marissa Santiago

November 17, 2015

Dr. Conte, ACB
Makefield Elementary School
Mrs. Genzel, Kindergarten
The Sense of Smell
1. Title or Topic of the lesson and Grade Level
Title: The Sense of Smell
Grade: Kindergarten
2. Lesson Guiding Question(s):
What body do you use to smell?
What kind of scents can your nose smell?
3. Standards:
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.K.7 With prompting and support, describe the relationship
between illustrations and the text in which they appear (e.g., what person, place, thing,
or idea in the text an illustration depicts).
4. A. Learning Goals (Behavioral Objectives) and Assessments:
Learning Objectives


Students will be able to understand

that they use their nose for different

Students will have a discussion about

the different smells

Students will be able to identify a

variety of smells.

Students will smell different scents and

make an educated guess about what
the object is.

5. Materials:
Do Now
Sniff, Sniff: A Book about Smell by Dana Rau
Alumni Foil
Chocolate syrup
Coffee grounds
Chopped onions

Applesauce Air-freshener
Touch board
Video Nose and sense of smell- A 5 senses Sing-Along!

6. Pre-lesson assignments and/or prior knowledge:

In the morning, the students had morning work circling objects that are able to smell
versus objects that they are not able to smell.
Students will know they use their nose to smell different scents.
Students will know smell is one of the Five Senses.
7. Lesson Beginning:
The trigger song will be played to signify the start of the five senses unit.
To introduce this book, the teacher will ask the students What type of scents have they
smelled before? The teacher will then guide a conversation about different scents? The
teacher will then bring the Do-Now that the students did in the morning on the projector.
The teacher will have a discussion with the students about what objects you can and
cannot smell. The book Sniff, Sniff: A Book about Smell will be read.
8. Instructional Plan:
After the teacher finishes reading the book Sniff, Sniff: A Book about Smell the teacher
will give the instructions for the activity.
The teacher break the class into three groups. Each table will have a teacher that will
then put the eight cups onto the table. Each student will receive the worksheet with the
mystery cups labels number one to eight. The students will then smell the scent through
the slit in the alumni foil. After they guess the scent they will label if it was a good smell
or bad smell. Lastly, they will write what they believe the object is. They will repeat this
step for all eight cups.
o Differentiation:
Students who are not able to write what word they think the object is will be able to draw
a picture.
Students will be placed in groups of mixed ability.

o Questions:
What scents can you smell?
What objects can smell?
What objects can you not smell?
Is it a good scent of a bad scent?
What do you believe is in cup number one?
What do you believe is in cup number two?
What do you believe is in cup number three?

What do you believe is in cup number four?

What do you believe is in cup number five?
What do you believe is in cup number six?
What do you believe is in cup number seven?
What do you believe is in cup number eight?
Who liked the smell?

o Instructional Management:
Students will be broken into three groups. Each group will have a teacher supervising
the students as they smell the cups.
Each table will have the eight different cups placed, so there will be no need for
switching the cups.
Teachers will facilitate the sharing of the cups.
o Transitions:
Students will count off by threes to be broken into three groups.
Students will then go to their assigned table, as they follow the number they were given.
9. Closure:
After the class has had a chance to smell each cup, we will then come together at the
rug. The students will bring their completed worksheet with them. The teacher will take
two to three guesses about what the students think the object in the cup is. The teacher
will then ask them Who thinks it is a good smell? The teacher will then use a bar
graph on the Touch-Board to label the amount of students who believe the smell was
good. Lastly, the teacher will reveal what the mystery object in the cup is to the
students. This process will be repeated for cups one to eight.
The video of the song Nose and sense of smell- A 5 senses Sing-Along! will be played.

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