Day 8-lp 2-Touch

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Marissa Santiago

November 24, 2015

Dr. Conte, ACB
Makefield Elementary School
Mrs. Genzel, Kindergarten
The Sense of Touch Day 2
1. Title or Topic of the lesson and Grade Level
Title: The Sense of Touch - Day 2
Grade: Kindergarten
2. Lesson Guiding Question(s):
What part of your body do you use to touch and feel?
What kind of textures can we feel?
Can we identify an object just by feeling it and not looking?
3. Standards:
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.K.2: Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to
compose informative/explanatory texts in which they name what they are writing about
and supply some information about the topic.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.K.8: With guidance and support from adults, recall information
from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question.
4. A. Learning Goals (Behavioral Objectives) and Assessments:

Learning Objectives


Students will be able to use describing

words for selected objects and their

Students will place their hands in brown

paper bags and be able to describe
what they physically feel

Students will be able to describe what

they feel and come to a conclusion
about what they are touching

The students will write three describing

words for what they are touching, draw
a picture of what they think it is, and
make an educated guess

5. Materials:
Ice pack
Cotton Balls.
Piece of a tree.

4 brown paper bags

What Am I Touching packets
Video: Skin-Human Body Parts
6. Pre-lesson assignments and/or prior knowledge:
This will be the students second day learning about the sense of touch.
They will already know they feel with their skin and use their fingers to touch.
They will know describing texture words based on the prior days activities including,
soft, bumpy, hard, rough, and smooth.
7. Lesson Beginning:
The trigger song will be played to signify the start of the five senses unit.
An informational video will be played titled Skin-Human Body Parts.
Students will be split up into three groups.

8. Instructional Plan:
Each table will work with a teacher and the teacher will help the students pass around a
brown paper bag filled with a mystery item.
Each table with get three to five minutes to pass around the bag so each member of the
table gets a turn to feel what is inside.
During this time, the students will write three describing words pertaining to their
mystery object.
They students will get a chance to draw a picture and guess what they think it is.
There will be four bags rotating around the room, labeled A through D.
The students will be sure to fill out the proper page in their packet pertaining to what
they thought was in the bag.
Students will have a chance to feel and write about all four.

o Differentiation:
Students who are not able to write what word they think the object is will be able to draw
a picture.
Students will be placed in groups of mixed ability.
Teachers will pay closer attention to students who may need extra help or supervision.

o Questions:
What part of your body do you use to feel again?
Who remembers the describing words we talked about yesterday?
What is an example of something rough?
What is an example of something smooth?
How would you describe what is in bag A?
What do you think is in bag A?
How would you describe what is in bag B?
What do you think is in bag B?
How would you describe what is in bag C?

What do you think is in bag C?

How would you describe bag D?
What do you think is in bag D?

o Instructional Management:
Students will be broken into three groups. Each group will have a teacher supervising
the students as they feel the bags.
Each table will have the one different bag placed in front of them at a time.
Bags will rotate when the timer rings and when the teacher tells them it is time.
Teachers will monitor and make sure the bags and their contents are being handled
o Transitions:
The smallest table will be broken up amongst the other tables so there are only three
groups to work with.
A timer will be set for the amount of time they have either each bag. The buzzer will
sound and the teacher will tell them to pass their bags clockwise around the room.
When all three groups have felt all four bags, the teachers will collect them and the
students will head to the rug for a big reveal.
The students will bring their packets to the wrong where the closure will take place.
9. Closure:
The teacher will conduct an exciting reveal for what is in each bag.
The teacher will ask the students to share a few different answers to what they think is
in each bag.
The teacher will than take each item out of each bag and the students will know.
The lesson will then end with a sing-a-long video titled A Five senses sing-along- Ears
and Hearing.

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