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Daily 5 Unit

Ellie Rashid

Daily Five Unit Overview

For this Daily Five layout, there will be four groups of anywhere from three to six students each. They will be distributed
according to reading level. Each of the rotations will last approximately twenty minutes. There will be a timer that is set at the
beginning of each rotation. One students, who is the time keeper, will be in charge of resetting the timer at the end of each
rotation. Time keepers will be predetermined for the week on a set schedule. When the timer sounds at the end of a rotation,
that will be students cue to quiet down. Should students not do so, the teacher will use some sort of attention getter (Hands on
top That means stop, Macaroni and Cheese Everybody freeze). Once students are calm, they will be told to rotate to the
next station. At each station, students will have something different to work on. Instructions for the station will be posted visibly
for students to see. When the Daily Five rotations for the day are complete, students will place any finished work in the
assignment bins for the corresponding subject; any incomplete work should be placed in their Working on It folder at their desk.
Every day before Daily Five, the teacher will do an overview of what each station for that day will look like. Rules and
expectations will be reviewed at this time as well. The teacher will take questions at this time to make sure all students
understand what each station will look like. It is expected that each group will work diligently and for the duration of the twenty
minutes. Should students have questions while the teacher is working with a reading group, we will use the See Three Before Me
concept. Students will quietly and respectfully ask three friends (who are in their same group) the question. If none of the three
know the answer, then the student may patiently approach the teacher. He or she may have to wait a few minutes until the
teacher is finished talking.
Behavior during the Daily Five will be monitored using a clip chart system. Each day, students will begin on the Ready to
go! section of the chart. They have the opportunity to clip up three times as well as down three times. Positive behavior allows
them to be asked to clip up while negative behavior warrants a clip down. Depending on behavior, students may be given a
warning before being asked to clip down. Should a students behavior become extremely disruptive, they may be asked to head
to a buddy room or a safe seat.

Students will complete four different rotations each day. As stated, each rotation will last twenty minutes. The stations
will include Read to Self/Listen to Reading, Word Work, Work on Writing and Meet with the Teacher. For the Read to Self
rotation, students will read a book of their choice from their Book Bags. Each student will have their own Book Bag with
appropriate books they have chosen from the class library. They wil have the opportunity to find new books at the beginning of
each week. This station is meant to build their reading stamina. On Tuesday and Thursday, students will have the opportunity to
Listen to Reading rather than Read to Self. During Listen to Reading, students will listen to a book on tape on an iPad. Anything
other than listening to a book will not be tolerated. Activities for Word Work, Work on Writing and Meet with the Teacher will
vary from day to day.

Rotation Schedule
Rotation 1

Rotation 2

Rotation 3

Rotation 4

Read to Self/Listen to

Red Group

Green Group

Yellow Group

Orange Group

Word Work

Orange Group

Red Group

Green Group

Yellow Group

Work on Writing

Yellow Group

Orange Group

Red Group

Green Group

Meet with the Teacher

Green Group

Yellow Group

Orange Group

Red Group

Red Group = Highest Reading Level

Orange Group = Second Highest Reading Level
Yellow Group = Lower Middle Reading Group
Green Group = Lowest Reading Level
The rotation schedule will change weekly so that students are not completing stations in the same order all of the
time. Reading groups are based on reading level so they will change as readers improve. The rotation schedule will be posted in
the classroom so students can refer to it should they forget where they are supposed to be.

Daily Five Station Schedule for One Week

Read to
Self/Listen to

Word Work
Work on Writing
Meet with the

Read an
appropriate book
of choice to self.

Stamp or Rainbow
Write Vocabulary
Note to a Friend
Red Group: A Vet
for all Animals
Orange Group:
Annie Makes a
Yellow Group:
What Can You
Green Group:
Helping Our

Read an
appropriate book
of choice to self.
Listen to a book
on tape on an

Read an
appropriate book
of choice to self.

Prompt Journals

Sil y Sentences
Using Vocabulary
Bags of Stuff!

Red Group: A Vet

for all Animals
Orange Group:
Annie Makes a
Yellow Group:
What Can You
Green Group:
Helping Our

Red Group: A Vet

for all Animals
Orange Group:
Annie Makes a
Yellow Group:
What Can You
Green Group:
Helping Our

Weekly Vocabulary Words:









Read an
appropriate book
of choice to self.
Listen to a book
on tape on an

Read an
appropriate book
of choice to self.

Magnetic Word
Red Group: A Vet
for all Animals
Orange Group:
Annie Makes a
Yellow Group:
What Can You
Green Group:
Helping Our

Draw it Out!

Blend It! Game

Red Group: A Vet

for all Animals
Orange Group:
Annie Makes a
Yellow Group:
What Can You
Green Group:
Helping Our

Title: Day 1: Monday
Your name: Ellie Rashid

Age or Grade Level:

Second Grade

Disciplines/Subjects: Daily

Time frame for

Lesson: 90 Minutes


LA 2.1.5 Vocabulary: Students will build and use conversational, academic, and content-specific grade-level vocabulary.
LA 2.2.2 Writing Modes: Students will write in multiple modes for a variety of purposes and audiences across disciplines.
The students will be able to:
Discuss different aspects of the book during the book walk in Meet with the Teacher.
Identify different aspects we havent seen before in the new book.
After the Meet with the Teacher station, students will write two things that are unique about the new book for the week.
Students will need to note that the new books for the week have labels and headings. These are the aspects we would have
never seen in previous stories. Students may also respond with the fact that these stories are nonfiction. This would be an
acceptable answer.
Leveled reading books, lined paper, colored writing utensils, letter stamps and ink, letter anchor chart, paper to write letters
on, classroom library books

Anticipatory Set:
Start with students on the carpet. Explain that we are going to be starting new stories and they are going to be a little
different than ones we have read before. Ask for input on different types of stories we have read and what the new ones
could possibly be like.
Teacher will do:
-Review rules and expectations for Daily Five.
-Explain each of the different stations and what is
expected at them.
Read to Self:
-Students will read appropriate book of choice to self
Word Work:
-Place new vocabulary lists at the Word Work area.
-Have colorful writing utensils and stamps available.

Student will do:

-Listen as teacher explains expectations and guidelines for the
Read to Self:
-Select appropriate book from their book bag.
-Read silently to themselves for the duration of the rotation.
Word Work:
-Look over new vocabulary list.

-Provide lined paper for words to go on.

-Explain to students that they are to use the new vocab
list to either rainbow write or stamp the new words (or a
combination) on the given paper.
-Explain that students are to write them another way if
there is still time.

-Use lined paper to rainbow write, stamp or a combination of

the two, the new words.
-Write them a second time in a different way if there is time.
-Turn work in at the end of the rotation.
Work on Writing:
-Decide who to write a letter to.
-Use anchor chart to fil in the correct information for a letter.
-Compose letter to chosen person that is at least four
-Write another letter if time permits.
-Turn it in at the end of the rotation.

Work on Writing:
-Provide letter writing anchor chart and paper.
-Explain to students that they are to write a letter to a
friend, parent or teacher about a topic of their choice.
They must use the anchor chart format.
-Emphasize the fact that we are working on stamina and
need to be writing the entire time.
Meet with the Teacher:
-Students can write several letters if they choose but
-Listen to teacher as she introduces the new text.
each must have at least four sentences.
-Participate in discussion of the features and elements of the
Meet with the Teacher:
-Ask questions about the book if needed.
-Preview the text with all groups.
-Engage in the new text and discuss what it could possibly be
-Have students identify parts of the book that intrigue
them or parts they have never seen before (headings
-Think about the different aspects of the new book and write
and captions in red and yellow groups and diagrams in
down two things that are unique about the book we are going
to begin.
-Discuss what students think the books are going to be
-Ask students to write two things that are unique about
the books we are beginning to read. This will be their
Meet with the Teacher exit ticket.
Part of the closure every day will include a Class Meeting on the carpet. Students will share work from the day and any
updates that needed to be shared. Teacher will ask for an honest thumbs up or thumbs down in regard to behavior. I want
students to be responsible for their behavior so it will be discussed frequently.

-Students who may struggle with having to work in close proximity to other students (at the writing center) may sit at their desks
to complete their Work on Writing activity.
-A para or practicum student (if available) can guide the Work on Writing station for those who may need assistance completing
their writing.
Content Knowledge:
The students must know that not all stories are going to be the same. Some previous work with genre should cover this. The
different headings and diagrams they will see in their book walk will help guide this understanding.

Teaching Methods/Strategies:
Independent Work
Small Group Work

Title: Day 2: Tuesday
Your name: Ellie Rashid

Age or Grade Level:

Second Grade

Disciplines/Subjects: Daily

Time frame for

Lesson: 90 Minutes


LA 2.1.4 Fluency: Students will develop accuracy, phrasing, and expression while reading a variety of grade-level print/digital
text to support comprehension.
LA 2.1.4.a Listen to and read text of increasing length and/or complexity to increase reader stamina.
LA 2.1.6.a Identify authors purpose(s) (e.g., explain, entertain, inform, persuade) to support text comprehension.
LA 2.1.6.b Identify elements of literary text (e.g., characters, setting, plot).
After reading the new book for the first time, students will complete worksheet describing the characters, setting and main
During the Meet with the Teacher station, we will read the new book for each group aloud. Students will then complete the
attached book overview worksheet. Students may discuss with the teacher and other group members if struggling. Teacher will
look over responses to check for understanding after the first reading.
Classroom library books, leveled readers, paper, pencils, prompt journals, vocab word lists, iPads, headphones, character sheet,
contraction cut and paste sheet

Anticipatory Set:
Class will begin with an activity dealing with contractions. Each student will be given either a red or a blue note card with a
word on it. The red cards will have the words I, you, we, they, what, that, she, that, it, etc. The blue cards will have the words
will, not, would, have and had. Since there are more students than words, some of the cards will have the same words on
them. Students will be asked to pair up with someone with the opposite color card as them. When they find a partner,
together they will decide what contraction their words make together.
Teacher will do:
-Review rules and expectations for Daily Five.
-Explain each of the different stations and what is
expected at them.
Read to Self OR Listen to Reading:
-Students will read appropriate book of choice to self

Student will do:

-Listen as teacher explains expectations and guidelines for the
Read to Self OR Listen to Reading:
-Select appropriate book from their book bag.
-Read silently to themselves for the duration of the rotation.

-Remind students that it is Tuesday and that means they

have the option of listening to a book on the iPad.
-Review rules about Listen to Reading
Word Work:
-Explain that the focus today will be contractions.
-Quickly go over a few contractions as a group so
students recognize what they are.
-Place contractions cut and paste sheet at Word Work
-When students are finished with this activity, they will
begin creating a list of all of the contractions they can
come up with.
Work on Writing:
-Explain that students will be working with their prompt
-Place prompt journals at the writing center.
-Prompt journal consists of a number of prompts
-Write about your favorite book.
-Write about your family.
-If I were president for a day
-What the animals at the zoo do at night.
-Write about your favorite holiday.
-Review with students that this station is meant to work
on our writing stamina and they need to be writing the
entire time.
-If they feel they need to begin a new prompt, they can
flip the page and start another one.

-If choosing to listen to a book, quickly and carefully find a spot

to sit with the iPad. Choose one of the books already loaded and
ready to go.
-Listen to story and follow along on screen.
Word Work:
-Use new vocab list for the week to create sil y sentences using
the words.
-Create sentences that do not begin with the same word every
-When finished, begin drawing pictures of each of the
Work on Writing:
-Remember that this station is meant to build stamina!
-Open prompt journal and find a prompt to write about.
-Before writing, think of some ideas that could work for a good
-Begin writing using the prompt chosen.
-Should the student run out of ideas, they may choose another

Meet with the Teacher:

-Participate in review of the new book.
-Read out loud individually when called on.
-Follow along while others are reading.
-Read silently when teacher is working specifically with one
-When reading aloud, work on fluency and paying attention to
-Express knowledge of main characters, setting, and overall
Meet with the Teacher:
-Quickly review what they discovered about each book the understanding as teacher asks questions.
previous day.
-Begin reading stories out loud, one page at a time,
student by student. Keep a running record.
-Stop frequently to ask questions for understanding.
-Model for students what it means to monitor your
reading by asking questions or rereading where
Once again, the class will meet on the carpet to discuss the days stations. This is the time where any behavior issues I
noticed throughout the time will be brought up. Students will be asked to review what they accomplished during Daily Five. I will
ask for an honest thumbs up or thumbs down in regard to their behavior. This is also the time students will have a chance to
share any work they completed, specifically something they wrote during Work on Writing. To limit the amount of time spent
sharing, two students will be able to share each day.

On this day, students will also add contractions from their word work sheet (or ones they came up with) to the class word wall.
-Students who may struggle with having to work in close proximity to other students (at the writing center) may sit at their desks
to complete their Work on Writing activity.
-A para or practicum student (if available) can guide the Work on Writing station for those who may need assistance completing
their writing.
Content Knowledge:
Students will need to bring prior knowledge of contractions. This is a concept that would be recognizable to students.
Teaching Methods/Strategies:
Independent Work
Small Group Work

Title: Day 3: Wednesday
Your name: Ellie Rashid

Age or Grade Level:

Second Grade

Disciplines/Subjects: Daily

Time frame for

Lesson: 90 Minutes


LA 2.1.6.l Build background knowledge and activate prior knowledge to identify text-to self, text-to-text, and text-to-world
connections before, during, and after reading.
LA 2.1.6.i Construct and/or answer literal and inferential questions and support answers with specific evidence from the text
or additional sources.
The students will be able to:
Create a T chart using cause and effect situations from the text and real life with seventy five percent accuracy (3 out of
the 4 examples are correct).
Students charts will need to have at least two examples of cause and effect from the story from their Meet with the
Teacher groups, and two from real life. Teacher will read over each section of the T Chart to check for understanding of
Classroom library books, vocabulary lists, glue, scissors, bags of stuff (random objects for students to write about), paper,
pencils, leveled readers, If you Give a Mouse a Cookie book

Anticipatory Set:
This lesson will begin with the teacher reading If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Numeroff. Once finished reading teacher will
present the idea of cause and effect Use examples from the story to demonstrate the relationship. Examples will be given that
deal with cause and effect in real life (what happens when you dont do your chores? When you study hard for a test? Etc). Have
students provide some examples of cause and effect in their own life. Explain that we have seen some of these relationships in our
books for the week and that it will be discussed more during Meet with the Teacher.

Teacher will do:

-Review rules and expectations for Daily Five.
-Explain each of the different stations and what is
expected at them.
Read to Self:
-Students will read appropriate book of choice to self
Word Work:
-Make sure that vocab lists are available for students.
-Explain that they will be writing sil y sentences using their
vocabulary words for the week.
-Sentences cannot begin with the same word every time.
-If students complete all of their sentences, they may
draw a picture to go along with each.
Work on Writing:
-Provide bags of stuff and paper in the writing center.
-These bags of stuff will include any number of gadgets,
trinkets, small action figures, objects, etc.
-Explain to students that they will be writing their own
stories using the different objects in their bag of stuff.
-Explain that their stories can be whatever kind of story
they want it to be (nonfiction, fiction, etc.)
Meet with the Teacher:
-Have students think back to the beginning of Daily Five
when I talked about cause and effect.
-Have students give some examples of cause and effect
in their lives. (If I do this, then this happens)
-Reread the story aloud.
-Show students example of a T chart where one side
says cause and the other says effect.
-Guide students to fil ing in this chart with examples from
the story.

Student will do:

-Listen as teacher explains expectations and guidelines for the
Read to Self:
-Select appropriate book from their book bag.
-Read silently to themselves for the duration of the rotation.
Word Work:
-Listen as teacher explains what the word work activity will be.
-Ask questions about contractions if needed.
-Cut out each contraction and paste it in the appropriate
-Once this activity is completed, they will turn it in and begin
creating their list of contractions. Students will need to write as
many contractions as they can come up with.
Work on Writing:
-Listen as teacher explains activity for the day.
-Grab a bag of stuff and paper.
-Begin developing ideas of what a story with these things in it
could be about.
-Write story attempting to use as many of the things in the
bag as possible.
Meet with the Teacher:
-Listen as teacher begins talking about the beginning of class.
-Give examples of cause and effect in real life.
-Listen as teacher re reads the story aloud. Follow along with a
-Pay close attention to the T chart and what it looks like.
-Create own T chart.
-Participate in discussion of information that could go in the T

Once again, the class will meet on the carpet to discuss the days stations. This is the time where any behavior issues I
noticed throughout the time will be brought up. Students will be asked to review what they accomplished during Daily Five. I will
ask for an honest thumbs up or thumbs down in regard to their behavior. This is also the time students will have a chance to

share any work they completed, specifically something they wrote during Work on Writing. To limit the amount of time spent
sharing, two students will be able to share each day.
-Students who may struggle with having to work in close proximity to other students (at the writing center) may sit at their desks
to complete their Work on Writing activity.
-A para or practicum student (if available) can guide the Work on Writing station for those who may need assistance completing
their writing.
Content Knowledge:
For word work, students will need to remember what makes a sentence a good sentence (capitalization, punctuation, etc).
Teaching Methods/Strategies:
Independent Work
Small Group Work

Title: Day 4: Thursday
Your name: Ellie Rashid

Age or Grade Level:

Second Grade

Disciplines/Subjects: Daily

Time frame for

Lesson: 90 Minutes


LA 2.1.6.m Self-monitor comprehension by recognizing when meaning is disrupted and apply strategies to clarify, confirm, or
The students will be able to:
Read a story aloud, fluently to the teacher, monitoring throughout.
Running records will be kept using attached form.
Classroom library books, iPads, headphones, bananagram tiles, magnetic words (distributed in Ziploc bags), paper, pencils,
leveled readers, running record form

Anticipatory Set:
Students will begin on the carpet as usual. I will ask for a few examples of cause and effect to review from the day before.
Students may share examples of what they wrote on their chart or examples from the stories they have been reading.
Teacher will do:
-Review rules and expectations for Daily Five.
-Explain each of the different stations and what is
expected at them.
Read to Self OR Listen to Reading:
-Students will read appropriate book of choice to self
-Remind students that it is Tuesday and that means they
have the option of listening to a book on the iPad.
-Review rules about Listen to Reading
Word Work:
-Provide vocab list for the week.
-Provide bananagram tiles (enough for each students to
have a decent amount)
-Explain to students that they are going to start by
spelling their vocab words with the letter tiles. They will

Student will do:

-Listen as teacher explains expectations and guidelines for the
Read to Self OR Listen to Reading:
-Select appropriate book from their book bag.
-Read silently to themselves for the duration of the rotation.
-If choosing to listen to a book, quickly and carefully find a spot
to sit with the iPad. Choose one of the books already loaded and
ready to go.
-Listen to story and follow along on screen.
Word Work:
-Listen as teacher explains activity for the day.
-Use vocab list to begin spelling vocab words with letter tiles.
-After spelling all words individually, attempt to create chains by
using other random words to connect the vocab words.

then begin spelling any word they would like, but it has to
be somehow connected to their original vocab words.
-Have students try to connect as many words as they
can until they run out of tiles.
-If they run out of tiles, they can begin again and
attempt to create more words.
Work on Writing:
-Explain to students that they will each need to find a
spot next to something magnetic for this activity.
-Magnetic words will be placed in Ziploc bags so they
remain equally distributed.
-Students will use the magnets to create stories of their
-Explain that students must write at least one story down.
-Once they have one story down, they can create other
magnetic stories.

-Spell as many words as possible until you run out of tiles.

-Once you run out of tiles, begin again.
Work on Writing:
-Listen as teacher explains activity.
-Select bag of magnetic words and find a spot near something
-Create a story out of magnetic words.
-Write down story.
-Begin creating other stories.
Meet with the Teacher:
-Read story aloud individually to teacher.
-Answer any questions asked.
-While other students are reading, read quietly to self.

Meet with the Teacher:

-Ask each student to read the story aloud, individually.
-Students who are not reading aloud to the teacher will
patiently read silently to themselves, waiting their turn.
-At the end ask one or two questions for comprehension.
-Take running records.
Once again, the class will meet on the carpet to discuss the days stations. This is the time where any behavior issues I
noticed throughout the time will be brought up. Students will be asked to review what they accomplished during Daily Five. I will
ask for an honest thumbs up or thumbs down in regard to their behavior. This is also the time students will have a chance to
share any work they completed, specifically something they wrote during Work on Writing. To limit the amount of time spent
sharing, two students will be able to share each day.
-Students who may struggle with having to work in close proximity to other students (at the writing center) may sit at their desks
to complete their Work on Writing activity.
-A para or practicum student (if available) can guide the Work on Writing station for those who may need assistance completing
their writing.
Content Knowledge:
Teacher will be taking running record. Students will have done this before so this shouldnt cause any issue.
Teaching Methods/Strategies:
Independent Work
Small Group Work

Title: Day 5: Friday
Your name: Ellie Rashid

Age or Grade Level:

Second Grade

Disciplines/Subjects: Daily

Time frame for

Lesson: 90 Minutes


LA 2.1.6.d Retell major events and key details from a literary text and/or media and support a prompted theme.
LA 2.1.6.e Retell main ideas and supporting details from informational text and/or media
The students will be able to:
Read the story aloud with fluency.
Complete the short assessment with at least 75% success.
After reading the book a final time, students will complete a short assessment over what they have read. Assessment will
include details about the story as well as questions dealing with cause and effect.
Classroom library books, blend it game, paperclips for spinners, pencil, paper with area for a drawing,
crayons/markers/colored pencils, leveled readers

Anticipatory Set:
Each student will receive a notecard necklace with the beginning of a blended word on it (dr, br, cl, gr, bl, gl, tr, st, etc). They
will need to come up with the other half of the word. This must be a real word! Once students have their words, they will fli p
their card over and put their pencils down so the teacher knows they are finished. When all students are finished they will put
their notecard necklaces around their neck. They will then go introduce themselves to another person using their blend
name! Once they chat with three different people, they will return to their seats.
Teacher will do:
-Review rules and expectations for Daily Five.
-Explain each of the different stations and what is
expected at them.

Student will do:

-Listen as teacher explains expectations and guidelines for the

Read to Self:
-Students will read appropriate book of choice to self

Read to Self:
-Select appropriate book from their book bag.
-Read silently to themselves for the duration of the rotation.

Word Work:

Word Work:

-Explain to students that they are going to be playing a

game with one other partner during this time.
-Review partner rules
-Explain that it is a blending game and sort of like bingo.
-Model one play of the game to check for understanding.
Work on Writing:
-Explain to students that in this station they are going to
draw a picture then write about it.
-Make sure students understand that they cannot draw
the whole time.
-For this station, the group will have a special timer used
to alert them when It is time to begin writing. Halfway
through this station, a timer with a red light (and no
sound) will go off, letting them know they must begin

-Listen as teacher explains the activity.

-Find partner once in the Word Work station
-Read directions and begin playing game
-Record information when asked to.
Work on Writing:
-Listen as teacher explains activity.
-Begin drawing a picture with a story in mind.
-If still drawing when the light up timer goes off, begin writing.
-Write story about the picture they have drawn.
Meet with the Teacher:
-Participate in short review of the book.
-Take short assessment over the book.
-Once all students are finished, go over the questions as a

Meet with the Teacher:

-Review main points and ideas of the book.
-Give simple assessment over the book.
-Once all students are finished, go over the answers to
the questions.
Once again, the class will meet on the carpet to discuss the days stations. This is the time where any behavior issues I
noticed throughout the time will be brought up. Students will be asked to review what they accomplished during Daily Five. I will
ask for an honest thumbs up or thumbs down in regard to their behavior. This is also the time students will have a chance to
share any work they completed, specifically something they wrote during Work on Writing. To limit the amount of time spent
sharing, two students will be able to share each day.
-Students who may struggle with having to work in close proximity to other students (at the writing center) may sit at their desks
to complete their Work on Writing activity.
-A para or practicum student (if available) can guide the Work on Writing station for those who may need assistance completing
their writing.
Content Knowledge:
After reading the book several times, students should come with knowledge and background of the book. As this is the last
day they will be discussing these readers, they should be quite familiar with them.
Teaching Methods/Strategies:
Independent Work
Small Group Work

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