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ae ean There are 60 questions in this paper. 1. Which of the following pairs of animals is correctly classified ? The diagrams in this question paper are NOT necessarily drawn to scale, | i Animals Major Group Directions : Questions 1 to 3 refer to the drawings below which show a variety i { AL Rand W mammals B. Send V amphibians C Tandv reptiles D. Uand W birds 2. Which of the following is a correct matching 7 Animal Characteristic Feature AT slimy scales BoOOU webbed feet GQ ov moist skin | DOW feathers | 3. Which of the following pairs of animals carries out extemal fertilization ?, A. Sand T i B. Sand V Cc. Tand U 1 D. UandV 4, The table below compares three different plants : ‘Plant (1) Plant (2) Plant (3) | [eee [ease [mae nit) Mink) ans A in wena 91-CE-BI0 2 = 91-8810 n-3 2 EI ‘Which of the following features of the neurone shown in the diagram above are essential for the coordinating function of an organism ? (Q) possession of a nucleus 2) long cellular extension @)_ branched endings A. (1) and (2) only B. (1) and 3) only ©. @) and @) only D. (), @)and @) ‘Which of the following cells possess chloroplasts ? (1) a guard cell (2) a leaf mesophyll cell (3) an onion epidermal cell A. (1) and (2) only B (1) and Q) only C. (2) and (3) only D. (), @) and @) 91-CEBIO N-4 —3- 91-CE.810 -5 - The diagram «ow shows a single cell undergoing cell division : This type of cell division can be found A. inthe anther. B. in the testis. CC. at the root tip. D. im the bone marrow. ‘Which of the following statements concerning cell divisions are correct ? (1) Two daughter cells are formed in mitosis. (2) Chromosomes replicate once in mitosis and twice in meiosis. (3) The daughter cells formed in meiosis have the same number of chromosomes. A. (1) and (2) only B. (1) and (3) only CC. @)and @) only D. (1), @) and G) ‘Which of the following organisms occupies the lowest trophic level in a food. A. carnivores B. herbivores C. omnivores D. producers ' 10. Which of the following combinations is INCORRECT ? 12. In which country, do diary products make up the largest proportion of animal protein in the diet of the people ? Deficiency of Disease A. country I A. iron poitre Be county * B. vitamin B beri-beri | ©. country Ht C. calcium rickets | D. country 1V D. vitamin © scurvy \, 13. Which of the following foods provides the greatest amount of protein per unit Directions : Questions 11 and 12 refer to the bar chart below which shows the daily mass ? consumption of animal protein by people of 4 countries (I, If, Il and Iv): AL spinach B. potatoes C. mushrooms Key: meat and poultry D. soya beans Hh 229 products 14. The diagram below, shows the skull of « mammal = ess | Bis = "|: country It t | county I ‘a omni | - Which ofthe following are svtable foods for this mammal ? Daly conurgion of enim (1). bones @ carrots v @) mus AL. The daily consumption of fish protein is greatest in (4) meat A. country I. A. (1) and (2) only B. country Il. B. (1) and (4) only ©. country itt ©. @)and @) only D. country IV. D. @)and (4) only 91-cEBI0 8 —s- 91-c8.810 1-7 15. Bile juice helps in the digestion of fat because it contains A. enzymes, B. vitamins. C._ bile salts. D. bile pigments, 16. The woman in the photograph below is suffering from a deficiency disease, ‘Which of the following types of food is probably absent in her diet ? sea food green vegetables milk and cheese carrots and tomatoes por> 17. Leaves of the water lily floating on water have stomata found on ‘A. the upper side only. B. the lower side only. ©. both sides D. neither side. 81-cE-aI0 I-8 Ce 20. 91-cE-B10 9 ‘Which of the following are common characteristics of the respiratory surfaces of both frogs and man ? (1) a moist surface @) a thin surface (3) a surface with a rich supply of blood capillaries A. (1) and @) only B. (1) and G) only C. 2) and G) only D. (1), @) and @) ‘The following table shows two types of cells P and Q and the product(s) of anaerobic respiration in these cells : Celt Product(s) P Tactic acid Q alcohol and carbon dio Cells P and Q are most likely to be cell P cell A. ousele yeast B. guard cells liver C._ fiver muscle D. yeast ard cells Cigarette smoking is hazardous to health because (1) cigarette smokers eventually die of lung cancer. @) there is « high correlation between cigarette smoking and heart diseases. (3) tar from cigarette smoking is deposited on the surface of the alveoli thereby reducing the efficiency of gaseous exchange. A. (1) and (2) only B. (1) and (3) only C. Q) and G) only D. (1), @)and Q) EN Directions : Questions 21 and 22 refer to the graph below w . shows the ; exchange of carbon dioxide between a green plant and the ‘Atmosphere under different light intensities net uptake of carbon dioxide (arbitrary unit) net release of carbon dioxide (arbitrary unit) ' lik nena (abitary uit) HELE STH HH | HEE iE { 21. Which of the following can be deduced from the graph ? (1) Ata light intensity of 1 arbitrary unit, only respication takes place. 2) Ata light intensity of 2 arbitrary units, there is no net carbon dioxide taken in or given out, G) At a light intensity of 9 arbitrary units, the rate of photosynthesis is ‘greater than the rate of respiration. A. (1) and (2) only B. (1) and (3) only C. @) and (3) only D. (1), (2) and (3) 22. Ata light intensity of 5 arbitrary units, how many units of carbon dioxide are used up in photosynthesis ? D. 91-CE-B10 10 ~9- ections : Quesi 523 and 24 refer to a ringing experiment. A woody plant had a ring of bark removed and left to grow again. The diagram below shows the appearance of the plant after a few months : swelling formed aftera few months ating of Bark removed S77 // 23. The swelling may be due to (2) active cell division. 2) the accumulation of water. @) the accumulation of food. A. (1) and Q) only B. (1) and (3) only CC. (2) and (3) only D. (A), (2) and (3) 24. The plant may die eventually because A. water could not reach the roots. B. water could not reach the stem and leaves. C. carbohydrates could not reach the roots. D. carbohydrates could not reach the leaves. 91-CE-BI0 N14 —10— E> eee 25, ‘The wall of an artery is thicker than that of a vein becaus. artery (1) contracts rhythmically to transport blood forward. (2) possesses valves to prevent the backflow of blood (3) has to withstand high blood pressure. A. (only B. (3) only C. (1) and @) only D. @) and (3) only Directions : Questions 26 and 27 refer to the diagram below which shows the ed with the liver and the small intestine of a 26. Which of the following is correct ? Blood vessel I Blood vessel HI A. less oxygen more oxygen B. less urea ‘more urea C. valves present no valves D.,. thinner wall thicker wall 91-CE-BI0 N12 —u- 27. Which of the 28. Which of the following blood transfusions causes harm to the recipient ? | mnor’s blood group —_Recipient’s blood group. A A AB B. AB B c ° AB D. ° A 29. Which of the following descriptions about skeletal muscles are correct ? (1) They are attached to bones by ligaments, (2) Their activities are usually under voluntary control. 3) They become fatigued easily during exercise. ‘A. (1) and (2) only B. (1) and (3) only CC. @2) and @) only D. (1), @) and @) 30. In the fruit fly, red eye is dominant to white eye. A homozygous red-eyed ' fly is crossed with « heterozygous red-eyed fruit flys ‘The expected phenot ratio among the offspring is A. Lred-eyed : 1 white-eyed. B. 1 red-eyed : 3 white-eyed. C. 3 red-eyed : 1 white eyed. D. 1 red-eyed : 0 white-eyed. En 91-CE-B10 N13, -2- vections : . Questions 31 to 33 refer to the diagram below which shor section 32. Which of the follow. g characteristics shown in the diagram indicate that the of a flower : flower is insect-pollinated ? (1) Structures 2 and 6 are enclosed within structure 7. (2) Structure 4 occurs in small numbers. (3) Structure 7 is large and conspicuous, A. () and Q) only B. (1) and GQ) only I C. (2) and (3) only \ D. (1), @) and G) 33. Which structures ill usually wither after fertilization ? AL 1,2, 3andS B. 1,3, 6and7 C. 2,5, 6 and7 D. 3,5, 6and7 “34, The following events are involved in the process of giving birth toa baby : (1) The placenta is detached and expelled from the uterus. 2) The umbilical cord is tied and cut, G) The cervix ditates. (4) The baby is pushed out, (8) The uterus contracts rhythmically causing the amniotic membrane to rupture. Which of the following is the correct order ? Structures 1 and 5 are AL (Ds 8), Ms (5), @). Structure 1 Structure § B. (1), S), Gs (@, @). i © GB) @), ©), @. (. A. sepal style D. (5), @), (4), @), (1). BL petal stigma \ C. sepal stigma D. petal style cepion—14 -b- s1-ce 810 1-15 4 EE __ Directions : Questions 35 and 36 refer to the diagram below ..aich shows part of 37. Which of tn. following statements concerning a pregnant woman are true ? the male urinogenital system of man : (1) She needs more protein in her diet. @) She needs more calcium in her diet (3) She needs more ifon in her diet. x A. () and (2) only B (1)and 3) only C. 2) and (3) only D. (1), @) and (3) t 38. The following diagrams show plant cells which have been placed in sucros: solutions of different concentrations for 30 minutes : ¥ 35. Structures X and Y are : A B © D. Structure X ‘Structure ¥ ie ‘A. sperm duct urethra B. urethra sperm duct Which cell has been placed in the solution of the highest concentration ? C. ureter sperm duct o D. sperm duct, ureter 39. Which of the following occur in an ecosystem ? 36, If duct X is blocked, which of the following is true ? ‘ Q) cycling of energy ‘A. no urination | (2). cycling of materials B. * no sperm in the semen ! (3) interaction among organisms C. no sperm production (4) interaction between organisms and the environment D. no sex hormone production A. (1) and (3) only B. (2) and (4) only C. 2), @) and (4) only D. (Us @), (3) and (4) 91-c8-810 N18 —15— | 94-ce-810 n—17 6 — En tions + Questions 40 and 41 refer to the diagram below which shows the experimental set-ups used to study the growth responses of plant seedlings : light-proof box seedling ~} cardboard: beaker culture -] solution 40. After a few days, the appearance of the plant seedlings in the three set-ups would be ryt Setup] Set-up IL a Setup AL a BQ ce DS) 91-CE-BI0 I-18 @ @ a @) (4) @ o G) wo set-up Ill ©) | 41, The reat of stp demonsteates Directions : ane etiolation. eotropism. positive phototropism. negative phototropism, Questions 42 and 43 refer to the diagram below which shows th structure of a human ear : 42, Sea-sickness may occur while travelling on boats. This is due to repetitis stimulations of poR> structure 1. structure 2. structure 3. structure 4. ibrations i 43, Which of the following are functions of structure 2 ? | (QD). to transmit @) to amplify vibrations @) to equalize the pressure on both sides of structure 1 A B. c D. 91-cE-810 19 (1) and (2) only (1) and G3) only @) and (3) only (1), @) and (3) 18 Es Questions 44 and 45 refer to the graph below whici. znows the Directions : Questions 46 and 47 refer to the diagram below which shows a Nirections . changes of the lens thickness of a boy's eye within a period of tine : section of the human skin : t fens thickness (arbitrary unit) i 0 2 4 6 8 10 time (3) 46. Which of the following will happen when a man feels cold ? Constricts Contracts Inactive 4. What is happening to the boy's eye between the 2nd and 4th second 7 A. . The pupil is dilating. B. The ciliary muscles are relaxing. C. The suspensory ligaments are contracting. D. The tension on the suspensory ligaments is decreasing. pos> 5. Between the 6th and the 8th second, the boy is looking at 47. Which of the following are functions of structure 4? A. anearby stationary object. B, a far away stationary object | (1) energy reserve C. an object moving towards him. { Q) heat conservation D. an object moving away from him. He @)_ body defence ‘A. (1) and (2) only | B. (1) and (3) only 3 ©. @)and @) only ! D. 1), @) and G) 16-80 120 -19- ev-ce 10 121 = > "48. Which of the following can be deduced from the human growth curves shown below ? 80 60 Weight (ke) 40 20 0 ‘Age (years) ‘A. Between the ages of I and 10, boys and girls have the same height. B. Between the ages of 11 and 14, girls are heavier than boys. C. At the age of 15, boys and girls have the same growth rate, D, Between the ages of 16 and 19, males are taller than females. 91-cE-B10 1-22 —u- Directions : Questions 49 and 50 refer to the diagram below which shows a food web found in a woodland snake NN \ squirrel spider fly le 49. Which of the following are carnivorous ? 50. si. 91-cE-810 N-23 ‘A. spiders and birds B, spiders and snakes, C. snakes and fly larvae D. squirrels and fly larvae Which of the following correctly describes the relationship between birds and spiders ? C. competition and mutualism D. predation and competition Plants and animals living together in a certain area form A. a habitat, B. a community. C. a population. D. an ecosystem. —n- “52. ‘A soll sample is shaken in ajar of water and allowed to stand. The components 55. Which of the following methods of food preservation involve a heating sof the sample finaly settle as shown below : process ? | Q) canning Q) smoking G) pasteurization F i A. (1) and Q) only B. (1) and @) only ©. @)and GQ) only water D. (1), @) and (3) _ | 56. The diagrams below show an experiment to study the effect of an antibiotic on i the growth of 4 types of bacteria (P, Q, R and S) : Ss i Key : ----~ represents region Key : 2 represents region | with bacteria transferred with bacterial growth ‘The various components are ! P o oR s sterile agar plate A. humus silt clay sand P B. humus clay silt sand © silt “clay cand humus Q Q D. silt’ humus sand clay es R 53. Which of the following about humus is correct ? | ‘Ss A. It promotes leaching | | B. It improves soil texture, | paper soaked with antibiotic C. Itdecreases soil fertility. D. It reduces available sir spaces in soil. 54. Red tides may be caused by ‘A. _arapid growth of bacteria on the water surface. B. a sudden decrease in the oxygen content of the water. C. a sudden increase in the nutrient content of the water. D. a sudden increase in the turbidity of the water. Beginning of the experiment Alter a few days Which type of bacteria is the least resistant to the antibiotic ? poe> enon 91-cE-810 124 -3e 1 818.810 25 —4- En Questions $7 and 58 refer to the table below which shows the number of outbreaks of food poisoning caused by 3 types of bacteria (X, ¥ and Z). ‘The table also shows the foods associated with these outbreaks. Number of cases of food poisoning. Food Bacteria X | Bacteria Y | Bacteria Z Beef 6 7 1 Meat pies 16 B 1 Milk. 3 0 0 Rice 10 0 8 57. Which food is associated with the greatest number of outbreaks of. food poisoning pore ? beef meat pies milk 58. Among the outbreaks of food poisoning caused by bacteria Z, what is the percentage associated with beef ? A B. c. D. 91-CE-BIO N~26 0% 1% 8% 10 % Directions : Questions 59 and 60 refer to the diagram below which shows the structure of a kidney tubule and its blood supply : Key : = indicates direction of blood flow A. region 1 B. region 2 C. region 4 D. region 6 60, In ahealthy person, which of the following substances are found in region 1 but not in region 57 (1) urea 2) glucose @) proteins (4) mineral salts (1) and (2) only (1) and (4) only (2) and (3) only @) and (4) only pap> END OF PAPER 81-CE-BIO I-27 26 — 1991 Biology Paper II Question Ni Key Question No. Key 1 A 31. A a c 32, B 3. B 33. c 4. A 34 D 5. D 35. A 6 A 36. B 7. A 31. D 8 B 38, A 9. D 39, c 10. A 40, c a. A 41. A 12, D a2 c 13, D 43, A 14, c 44, D 15. € 4s. D 16. A 46. B 1. A 47. A 18, D 48, B 19. A 49. B 20. c 50. D 21 c Si. B 22. D 52, A 2B B 3. B 24. c 54, c 25. B 55. D 26. B 56. A 2. B 37. B 28. B 58, D 29. c 59, A 30, D 60. c

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