Mind The Gap Slim Program Final

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4:30 - 4:50


5:00 - 6:00


Room 2

Islamophobia in America

Room 3, P1

What are Women Worth?

Room 3, P2

Gender Inequality in America

Conference Room

Income Inequality & the American Dream: Do you get paid

what youre worth?

6:00 - 6:15


6:15 - 7:15


Room 2

Just Examining the Justice System

Room 3, P1

Societys Captivity: How Our Youth are Set on the Road

to Imprisonment

Room 3, P2

Are our Childrens Futures Dimming? An Analysis of

Educational Inequities

Conference Room

The Color of Cash

7:20 - 7:30

closing speech by claire lewis

in the courtyard
ted Talks & Spoken word art
5:00 & 6:20
5:15 & 6:30
5:30 & 6:40
5:45 & 6:50

Isaiah McGuire


Hunter Reinseth


Zach Bingham

For the 1%

Christian Tamayo

A Better Tomorrow for All

Kalea Miyoshi

Rape Joke

+ + P
All night

interactive graphs & statistics

Booths, graphs, infographics, giant board games and

more created and curated by our experts in a variety of
social justice concepts covered in our symposium.

5:00 - 6:00

Room 3 (P2)

John McCormick, Matthew Reichel, Jasmin Diaz,

Loren Li, Zoey Serebriany, Connor Tisdale, Kalea Miyoshi

5:00 - 6:00

Room 3 (P1)

Sophie Uribe, Frank Boensch, Xayna Melendez,

Leelee Nunn, Liam Chambers

5:00 - 6:00

Room 2

Nidhal Dawood, Sina Ghaffarnejad, Arjun Kraft,

Zoha Rashid, Gavin Wilson

5:00 - 6:00


Frida Diaz, Faris Livingstone, Bonnie May,

Roger Rolim de Moura, Apollo Torres, Erik Jarvis

Gender inequality in america

People living in America like to think that everyone is equal,
but this not the case. Gender inequality is an issue that is not
commonly addressed. This panel will be discussing the issue of
gender inequality in the United States. We will look more closely
at specific examples of gender inequality, such as the workplace,
lack of women in positions of power, transgender women, sexual
assault, and sexualization in the media.
Guest Panelists: Sean Davis, Professor at Mira Costa College
Lauraine Esparza, Board Chair of Leap to Success

What are Women Are Worth?

An examination of what is preventing upward mobility for women in the workplace. Just because the American Dream is true
for one person, it does not mean it is true for another. This
panel discusses women in the workforce of the United States,
including women of color in the workplace and how past events
of sexual violence impact promotion in the workplace.
Guest Panelists: Johnnie Lyman, Chemistry Teacher
Amy Peltekian, Sony Employee

Islamophobia in America
Is the War on Terror Really a War on Islam? Our panel will cover
the hardships normal and hardworking Americans go through
because of their beliefs. We will address the racial grouping
along stereotypes of Islam, the history of Islamophobia in America, the hatred that developed towards Muslims after 9/11, and
current resurgences of Islamophobia in the wake of the Paris
Guest Panelists: Prof. Rima Abbas, Chemistry Professor
Thomas Corley, Student at CSUSM and Veteran

income inequality & The American Dream

Do you get paid what youre worth? The American Dream is a
dream shared by millions: the hope for a better life for individuals and their families. Sadly, this dream is dimming. Poverty is
on the rise, and the middle class is slowly eroding away. This
panel will explore the struggle of migrant workers and those
who live in poverty, as they are unable to support their families
despite their hard work.
Guest Panelists: Roger Rolim, Painting & Restoration
Pascual Aguilar Jr., Facilities at HTHNC

6:15 - 7:15

Room 3 (P2)

Gillian Hooper, Nate Bogdan, Emily Chung,

Skylar Haynes, Demi Reeves, Santiago Vega-Albela

6:15 - 7:15

Room 3 (P1)
Issmene Flores
Zoe Ryan
Melina Aguinaga
Tristan Hayden
Khailil Stiemke
Mary Mendoza
Brandon Cruz
Gracyn Dimmitt

6:15 - 7:15

Room 2

Josh Breton, Travis Acheampong, Shany Cardenas,

Peter Fisher, Noah Jerge, Alex Hunter, Miguel Mendoza

6:15 - 7:15


Keegan Ellis, Daniela Garcia, Aaron Nugyen, Robert Amador,

Alaniz Enriquez, Lucas Kebow, Mathtieu Rada, Brian Gallegos

Are our Childrens Futures Dimming?

68% percent of prisoners in the US do not have a high school
diploma. This statistic is one of the harsh realities our country
is faced faced with today. This panel is focuses on educating
and informing our community on how our education systems
are setting our youth on the road for imprisonment.
Guest panelists: Merryl Goldberg, Professor at CSUSM
Tyler Hensley, Math & Avid Teacher at Ocean View High School
Jackie Whang, Humanities Teacher at High Tech High

Societys captivity
68% percent of prisoners in the US do not have a high school
diploma. This statistic is one of the harsh realities our country
is faced faced with today. This panel is focuses on educating
and informing our community on how our education systems
are setting our youth on the road for imprisonment.
Guest panelists:
Melissa Agudelo, Dean of High Tech High Media Arts
Dr. Kimberley Stiemke, Professor at the University of Phoenix

Just examining the justice system

The panel is discussing police bias and addressing different
views in the criminal justice system and law enforcement.
Topics such as jury bias, police enforcement bias, and war
on drugs. The panel will include statistics on incarceration in
America as well as arguments explaining the bias behind these
statistics. Some essential questions being addressed: How
does the criminal justice system affect the American Dream? Is
this a problem that requires change? How much of a priority is
this issue in the United States? These questions will be
discussed during the panel.
Guest panelists: Daniel Segura, Defense Attorney

The color of cash

Is there really racial equality in the American workplace,
allegedly the Land of Opportunity? The American dream is not
real, considering race is a factor in salary. We will be talking
about various topics in racial inequality in the U.S. labor force.
Do peoples races predispose them to lesser economic
Guest panelists:
Athenea Luciano, Immigration Solutions
Alejandro Tomayo, Public Speaker

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