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Week : 7

Mahmoud ElMahdi



Stream: MeD

Dr. Sufian A. Forawi

Module: 502

Students have varying learning styles and a teacher must embrace all the
styles to be the most effective teacher. By using technology in the
classroom, teachers can employ various resources and methods within a
lesson, rather than teaching in one manner to all students.
As children move through the hierarchy of learning, their studies should
progressively move towards developing higher order thinking skills, which
leads to positive outcomes in student achievement. Technology can facilitate
this process when integrated within an existing Math or Science curriculum.
In an era dominated by mathematics, science, and technology and in
preparing todays students to become tomorrows successful individuals,
Transforming the way we introduce science and mathematics to more
effetsare being taken now to redirect science and mathematics teaching fro
m the traditional methods to more student centered model. Integration of
science and mathematics refers to the approach of focusing on the scientific
processes, rather than on science and mathematics content, in other word,
developing science and mathematics education to distinguish the natural
and consistent interaction between the two subjects, subsequently, make
disciplines connected and meaningful to the learner
Using an interdisciplinary or integrated curriculum offers the students
opportunities for more relevant, less fragmented, and more motivating
experiences. Interdisciplinary teaching depends on influencing the teaching
of subjects, and the cooperative involvement of both students and teachers.
Problem solving is an area where frequently math and science are
Problem- based learning might be a successful instructional strategy for integ
ration. The critical role ofmathematics in interpreting the relationships
between scientific different concepts cannot be undervalued. In the other
hand, mathematics itself is very abstract; students often ask when we are
going to use this in real life. Problem-based learning invokes skills
development instead of rote learning. today's high-tech-world, it is important
that our young people grow to become confident in their ability to do
mathematics and science in an ever-increasingly high-tech globally
competitive society

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