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Week : 8

Mahmoud ElMahdi



Stream: MeD

Dr. Sufian A. Forawi

Module: 502

Albert Bandura (1994) defined self-efficacy as believing in ones own

capabilities to systematize and perform in a certain situation or reach an
intend goal. According to Bandura this faith is not separable by any means
from our thoughts, actions, and feelings. It is not something we acquire in a
partial part of our life as the result of definite circumstances
Drawing one's self-efficacy is a continues progress starts from the early
childhood with all the experiences we deal with and keeps on evolving
throughout life; with every new skill we learn
According to Bandura, there are four major sources of self-efficacy: mastery
experiences, social modeling, social persuasion, and psychological responses
Experiences mastery is definitely the most effective way to build up strong
sense of efficacy, while succeeding in accomplishing a task reinforce our
sense of self-efficacy, failure, without a doubt demoralize it. Helping learners
to gain self-efficacy by giving them a feeling of accomplishment is a crucial
role for educators, successful performance in their various school tasks make
them want to try more and push harder
Most students can probably identify their academic goals, but as a logical
result of their lack of experience; it might be a challenge for them to put
their plans into action, they need a good teachers modelling who can explain
and demonstrate how to achieve, and who can also build their faith in their
abilities by motivating and prompting A good modelling teacher must
encourage students to accept challenges not to avoid it, must convince them
that there is no task beyond their capabilities, and help them to overcome
their failures by focusing on their positive side instead of highlighting the
negative outcomes

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