MCT Feedback

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MCT Formal Lesson Observations Feedback

Student teachers name: Aysha Ahmad




E = Excellent, G = Good, S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal and US = Unsatisfactory

Competency Area



Planning for Learning (including Knowledge and

Understanding of Content)


Implementing and Managing Learning (including behaviour

management, language and delivery)



Monitoring, Assessment and Evaluation

Critical Reflection


Strengths of the lesson:

You have created a positive atmosphere in the classroom. Thank you.
Using positive reinforcement in the lesson e.g. giving a point to the group sitting quietly.
Pre-listening of vocabulary with actions.
Transitions organized and quiet.
Using song to reinforce the vocabulary- singing enthusiastically with them using TPR. You really show
that you are enjoying teaching the students.
Reminding them with facial expression and actions to raise hands.
Beginning to make them aware of recycling
Brainstorming the prepositions before playing the game.
LOs are clear on the plan (1 and 2) could have been joined).Doing division with the students to divide
the class in two (modelling) although 18=2x9 This activity involved reading as well as S&L.
Waiting for them to stop talking after the matching pair activity. Reinforcing by making them read their
word and this acted as a transition.
The students were very engaged, motivated by the activities and clearly enjoyed playing them. Now
need to get to the activities more quickly, where they are all engaged in S&L and possibly read and/or
writing that challenges them.
They responded positively to team points.
Getting students to give out the sheets.
Reading words together at the end of the lesson to reinforce the prepositions and practice reading.

Areas for development:

Maybe lower your voice a little as sometimes loud. E.g 1,2,3, eyes on me.
Grammar- What do you have Up your voice (speak louder or raise your voice)
Cup rather than glass.
Make sure uoi are filling the planning sheet in correctly as what you were doing with the whole class
could have gone in the warm up rather than independent activity e.g finding other half of picture.
Develop differentiation in the activities.
As above- less time on the warm up and more time on the activities where all students are engaged in
developing their language skills.( 35 minutes on these warm up activities).Could the last whole class
activity have been an independent activity after showing them briefly how to play it? They didnt have
time to do the worksheet as the bell went.
Plan for challenging activities that develops their reading and writing. Last activity of the lesson most of
them wrote on or in- quickest.

MCT FINAL ASSESSMENT REPORT B. Ed. Year 2, Semester 3 2a

Name of student: Aysha Ahmad
Name of preschool / school:
Mentoring School Teacher:
Absence dates / reasons:

Course: Teaching Practice 2a

Year: 2

General Context: Year level with which the student teacher worked, special characteristics, nature and
size of groups, and a brief description of what the student teacher did (e.g. specific responsibilities, content
areas covered; whole class/group work)

Observed Strengths:
You have incorporated reading (newspaper style text) and writing in the first activity - searching for the
words and writing them down. This did challenge them but you have scaffolded this activity as you have
given them a list of the words. To further scaffold you might have gotten them to highlight the words with
highlighters to check which ones they had.
You really have a good relationship with the students= positive and respectful and consequently there is
good behavior management.
You have made some very nice resources that are appropriate for the students- story, text to extract words.
Giving clear instructions.
The role play was a nice activity to reinforce the vocabulary and relationships.
You have several strategies for behavior management and have the class under control.
You have planned for group activities involving a variety of skills- be clear why each group is working on a
particular skills/activity.
You planned for writing in the last activity Open activity at the end allowing differentiation to come from the
children. (differentiation by outcome).

Areas for Development:

Who didnt have (who doesnt have one?)
Explain the differentiation clearly.

General Comments:
Excellent classroom management and a good rapport with the students. You have really acted
on previous feedback and this has been reflected in the lesson. You are planning active handson activities that motivate the students. Now think about developing differentiation.
Good job.

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