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Assalamualaikum and a very good evening to our lstening and speaking lecturer , miss

siti and my fellow friends . Today Ill talk about 7 tips on how to stay up after fajr .
First , go to bed early and sleep.
After the isyak prayer , Prophet Muhammad SAW would not like to engage in
unnecessary talk and would take to his home to go to sleep .
In other words , if you dont have some important things to do , just go to bed early and
get some good rest .
If you need to fit in more sleep , try taking a nap before or after zohor .
Second , untie your three knots
During your sleep , satan will untie the three knots at the back of your head of each of
you .
Now Ill tell you how to untie the three knots .First , celebrate the praises by saying :
Which is the dua after wake up from sleep .
Next , perform ablution .
After that , pray .
Then , after you have prayed , dont allow yourself to get back to your bed . Perhaps
splashing yourself with cold water , having a bit to eat or drinking some water or fruit
juice will help to brush off your drowsiness .
Third , perform the prescribed dhikr ater fajr .
If you still have the urge to jump back to your bed after fajr , remember that the best
extension of the prayer is the dhikr that you perform afterwards .
Plus , the longer you stay up , the less likely youll go back to sleep .
Aim to pray Dhuha
Dhuha prayer is an extra voluntary prayer that you can pray approximately 20 after
sunrise and 45 minutes before zhuhr prayer .
By the time it s allowed to pray dhuha , youll be more awake and have already complete
your morning dhikr .
Fifth , recite,reflect,and memorize quran .
After fajr prayer is an amazing tie to be alone with quran .
Before the distractions gets get you off, use the time to recite , reflect , memoriza quran .
Believe me , youll feel the benefits when you start your day rembering Allah .
Sixth , exercise
An early exercise of early wall will greaty ...
Have a list of tasks ready . For us , we already have a list tof asked and perform subh .

Have a list of tasks ready ,

For us ,we already

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