Assignment 01

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North American University

Education Department
M.Ed. in Educational Leadership
EDUC 5324 Integrating Technology into Education

Muhammad Farhan



Cite the reviewed article in APA format:

Chang, I-Hua. (2012). The effect of principals' technological leadership on teachers'
technological literacy and teaching effectiveness in Taiwanese elementary. Journal of
Educational Technology & Society, 15(2), 328-340.
Research Questions (if research questions are not specifically mentioned, what is
the theoretical background or overarching theme):
(a) What is principals view of the significance of technology?
(b) Do principals' view of technology contrast by years of experience and gender

Purpose of the research:

The motivation behind the examination is to discover whether primary technology
administration has an impact on educator technologic proficiency and showing
viability or

What is the methodology for the research or approach used to understand the
issue? Provide information regarding the following:

Participants: 310 principals (126 males and 184 females) from a large metropolitan
area in
the southwest region of the United States participated. 104 participants had 0-3
years of
experience, 82 participants had 4-7 years, 55 participants had 8-11 years, 32

had 12-15 years, and 31 participants had greater than 15 years of experience

Procedures: The survey was controlled by graduate student in the Educational

Leadership program at a noteworthy, urban doctoral-giving college situated in the
Focal area of the U.S. As vitals component affirmation course prerequisites, students
were prepared on the best way to oversee the instrument and needed to meeting a
Number of current government funded school principals. The overview instrument
Planned particularly for this reason and included both subjective and quantitative

Data Collection Methods/Data Source: Data collected by the survey that applied to
the teachers.

Data Source :The target population consisted of 1,000 teachers randomly selected
from 100
elementary schools within the following six metropolitan cities in Taiwan: Keelung
Taipei City, Hsinchu City, Taichung City, Tainan City, and Kaohsiung City.

Data Analysis: Analysis of the meeting information started with a procedure of

information diminishment. The members' reactions were perused a few times to get
comfortable with the information. The information was then coded into significant
classes. Once the classes were set up, another specialist autonomously coded a 10%
example of reactions to focus the coding's consistency. The between coder
unwavering quality results uncovered an abnormal state of assention.

Findings or Results (or main points of the article):
The principals' reactions for the significant elements of technology were assembled
into six classes. Around 33% (35%) of the principals demonstrated that technology
was utilized as an essential specialized device. More than one-quarter (28%) of

principals reacted that technology was coordinated in instructors' classroom

direction. The third classification was utilizing technology for information sharing and
administration (14%). Classification four was utilizing innovation as an asset to









assignments, for example, taking participation (10%). At long last, technology was
utilized for understudy learning (10%).

Conclusions/Implications (for your profession):
To assist educators with incorporating technology, school pioneers need to stay
aware of the most recent technology. At the point when overseers go about as
technology pioneers, the instructors and student coordinate and utilization innovation
all the more effectively (McNeil and Delafield, 1998). School pioneers' dreams for
their schools must incorporate technology (Paben, 2002). Heads require an expansive
arrangement of encounters; they have to add to a comprehension of how technology
can enhance instructional practices and a collection of techniques for supporting
instructors' endeavors to utilize technology in the classroom (Schmeltzer, 2001).

Students Reflections (changes to your understanding; implications for your
I would have inspirational demeanors towards technology and utilization of
technology since it would be seen by instructors as being strong of joining of
technology into the classroom. Along these lines I would be technology pioneers. I
would take an authority part in making arrangements for the buy and usage of new
technology since its helps in diverse courses as takes after;
Sending out pamphlets utilizing an email impact framework.
Teachers can email parents to convey in love enhanced way.
Communication inside of the building and inside of the area is speedier and more

Through coordinated effort between the PC educator and the classroom instructor,
direction can be made arrangements for to reteach specific taking in targets coming
from the classroom.
We can get to information speedy and quick and utilization it to settle on instructional
choices along these lines affecting student learning to improve things.
Technology diminishes an ideal opportunity to achieve assets furthermore expands
the quantity of assets.
It builds our productivity with record continuing, creating instructional materials, and
various administrative assignments.
For students, when used adequately, can give gigantic strides to learning, figuring
out how to discover data.

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