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PersonAll enables the Social Business Platform of your company A professional solution that is natural to all your collaborators The PersonAll Solutions s the professional version of the social services and portals that ev- eryone uses at home, ensuring the confidentiality and security of the information ¥ PersonAll Solutions is immediately adopted byall the users who aleready rely on home por- tals and other social services ¥. The portal of PersonAll gathers all useful and relevant information and programs; users naturally keep the portal at hand to quickly see information they needs, or start their pro- grams, thus reducing the open programs on their desktops The corporate messages, delivered in a customized environment, reach each collaborator more efficiently Anew dynamics to communicate, innovate and value your collaborators Y Communities, workgroups and personal networks bring all actors together, regardless of their location Y Identify skils and expertise through communities and intelligent tags around the world Y Favor creativity and value talents by making skilled people share their vision with experts and deciders Y open your communities to external actors (clients, partners, resellers, etc) and include them in the expert communities Y Boost sales and improve your company's image with new innovative communication means that allow clients and partners to get close to your collaborators Know your market better through communities, unleash the creativity of your teams, value initiative and value innovation in your company ISS @ Mercy 3): SCE Poe aed ‘www Creating the collective and dynamic intelligence of your company The involvement of all employees in the social networks in direction of a common goal creates the collective intelli- e gence of your company 0 YY Allcollaborators are sources of information: they clip and oe push relevant information found anywhere (Internet, docu- ment, pdf, email, etc.) to the communities identified by tags ‘on which all concerned teams will react and participate The communities allow your company to listen to all ideas and aim at goals built collectively and continuously The opening of the social network to clients and partners allow building customer understanding and satisfaction Make your documents and information alive VY Discovered by your communities, the documents and a valuable information are broadcasted, commented, a gpted, amended, rated and utlized; they have a dynamic life of their own mated, they are endorsed by the communities; Obsolete and weak documents are identified and collaborators avoid Useful documents are quickly identified amended and pro- x wasting time on them The management of your company undetstand the actual usefulness, needs and lack of information of the collabora- tors Documents management system utilization is boosted by their actual usefulness and value PersonAll Solutions helps to protect and organize the valuable and confi- dential information of your company ¥ PersonAll protects and controls the social information cre- ated in a company The tags can be used to ensure that information reaches the all the concerned recipients, even unknown of the sender, and that all confidentiality and access rights are re- spected ¥ PersonAll Solutions integrates with and complements the documents management solution ‘www Users understand the value they create and share Each user publishes valuable conversations, articles and commentaries about professional topics they are inter- ested in ; the information is continuously moderated and corrected by the community The information they create is commented, rated, recom- mended, showing the interest people have for their input Each collaborator is valued and their activities are mea- sured on PersonAll Solutions Your company reduces its costs, increases its productivity and innovation, and improves its image internally and externally. Personal Solutions assembles people with complementary expertise and skills around the world, creating value and ef- ficiency Creativity and innovation is greatly increased by making ex- perts meet and exchange ideas, and by making users and designers innovate and imagine together Y Clients and partners understand that they are listened to and valued; they appreciate being close to your deciders and part of your community ACCESSING PERSONALL SOLUTIONS Immediate access toa Deployment of Person- Deployment of Person- shared platform with All Solutions on a dedi- All Solutions on your an on-line subscrip- cated platform at Per- premises. The solution is tion per user : sonAll premises. The so- fully customizable and lution is fully customiz- administered by your IT able and administered services by PersonAll ‘www person Social Business Platform SERVICES PersonAll provides a wide range of services to assist you in the success of PersonAll Solutions at your company: * Functional Analysis expertise, deployment recommenda tions, addressing specific needs + Technical architecture design and deployment * Customized module and portlets developments * Integration of PersonAll Solutions within existing systems + Training FEATURES + User endings + imposed port pages and tabs noo paral customization of portal pages) + Proposed portal pags and tbs (default page) customizable by users + Mule abs pera page + Customizable abs ed modes + Mandatory tabs onthe poral page + Mandatory anchored or movable modules nthe poral page + Portal page customization using drag and drop oad remove and relocate ‘modules on page oon anther tab + ch module brary to choose taearé modules and programs + Generic modules used to bul persoaled portlets fom vaious sources imap, Google Gadget RS, tame, encapsulated HTML et) + Multingual capabites + Extensblityof the poral to del new customized moles Security and confidentiality nights are managed trough aos Actions on objects read create/modfy/delete) + Function (wit ares, ad alton create a community) + HTTPS enabled + WebssO enabled + Capability to lock modules and pages + Capablty to contol data access per use. grouse + Globalmanagement fags + Connection context allowing diferent nights Statistics + cual statics PersonaliColaborsts CERISE + Nanagementofcommuniies, workgroups nd personal networks 1 Share aries and information + Aah files documents, pictures, POF, spreadsheets et) tances + Sart and end date ofanatelefptona + Appropriation of ving articles to crete new aries + Appropriation of any information lated in any progrm (paral document, ‘web pe. peemal ete) + Ail commentaries (an be black select + Anil rating (canbe blocked selectively) 1 Ales on event ltd toa users interest + Alerts on atcles and messages tat are not read 1 Advanced information search + Impictinfomation sharing with communities Users and Profiles + leh user profile + Configurable userprofie elds + Unlimited number of users, 29 reserved or no) and ser groups Technologies + Server J2E serve or St container, SQL Database MYSQL or Hibernate compatible database) + Workstation: AIAKenabled + Sanda: Portet R168 an 286 FSS SRP, Google Gadget ml ame ‘alenaimap bookmark. article management + Mtingal: len enabled ‘www

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