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Initial Application *Renewal Application
*If Renewal, please indicate year: 2; 3; 4.
Fall Semester (min. 10 hrs/wk) Spring Semester (min. 10 hrs/wk)

Summer (Fulltime 8 weeks – Approximately 40 hrs/wk)

Stipend: $1,000/Semester $4,000/Summer

(Please Type or Print in Black Ink)
Name:___________________________________ _____________________________________ __________________
Last First Middle Initial

Local Address:________________________________________________________________________________________
Street or Dorm Room

______________________________________________________ _________ ____________________

City State Zip

Email Address:__________________________________ Local or Cell Phone:___________________________

Current Credit Total Credit Hrs
ID#:_______________ Major:___________________ GPA:______ Hrs. Enrolled:______ Completed:________

Faculty Mentor:_________________________________ Department:__________________________________

Faculty E-Mail Address:_______________________________ Campus Phone:_________________________

Agreed Project Title: ___________________________________________________________________________


Time Allocated to Project (Hrs./Week):____________ Location:_______________________________________________

Applicant Signature:___________________________________________________ Date:__________________

Faculty Sponsor Signature:______________________________________________ Date:__________________

*Please provide a brief description on a separate sheet(s) of paper (one paragraph minimum to maximum
three pages – typed & double spaced) of your research project. Be sure to include your role in the project.
If renewing, please include progress to date. Your sponsor must sign the description & this cover sheet.
Program Description:
All currently enrolled AMSTEMM students participating with a faculty member on an established research project
are eligible to apply for the AMSTEMM Research Stipend. There are a limited number of stipends available each
year for student research. Students receiving a research stipend are encouraged to attend the AMSTEMM Biweekly
Research Colloquia and present their research at one of the Colloquia.
Completed application should be forwarded to: Deadline: May 12, 2010

113 Bowman Hall
Lexington, KY 40506-0059
Fax: (859) 257-8734

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