Lesson Plan

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Bring Poems
to Life
Big Idea: Change
Jessica Faron

Lesson Overview

Grade level: 3rd

In this lesson, students will incorporate their prior

knowledge of Earths seasons in writing a poem that
tells a story about a season. Students will then turn
their poem into a digital form through the use of
Animoto. Students will share their published poem with
the class.


Content Areas Integrated

Visual Art (Animoto)

Literacy (limerick poem)

Science (Four seasons)

Key Concepts

Visual Art: Technology can be used to enhance writing.

The use of images, sounds, motion, and text helps the
reader engage in the writing.

Literacy: The correct form and structure of a limerick

poem consists of an AABBA rhyme scheme. Creating
figurative language and applying personification gives
voice to a piece of writing.

Science: As Earths seasons transition, changes in

weather, environment, and peoples actions occur.

Essential Questions

There are four seasons; think of one season and

consider: If you were a season, what changes would
you feel and express? (What month is it? What is he
weather like? What do the trees, grass, and plants look
like? What are people doing?)

How can you write a whole story in just five lines?

(limerick poem)

How does converting poetry into a digital form add to

the story the poem tells?

Lesson Objectives:

Visual Art: By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to
convert their poem into a digital form presentation. The students
will know how to navigate Animoto; they will be able to choose a
theme, add pictures, insert text, and publish the project.

Literacy: By the end of this lesson, the students will have written
a limerick poem that correctly follows the AABBA structure. The
poem will be told in the perspective of the season, making the
season a personified character.

Literacy: By the end of this lesson, students will differentiate

between qualities of an orally read poem and a published poem.

Science: By the end of this lesson, students will demonstrate

their knowledge of at least one of the four seasons by creating a
poems story based off of the current time of year, weather
patterns, and peoples activities for the chosen season.


Day 1) Present two examples of limerick poems on the

Smartboard to the class. Together, the class will read
poems and listen to the poems be read aloud. They will
decide on the rhyme scheme of the poem.

Day 2) The teacher will ask the class why poets publish
their work and what are variety of ways that writings
can be published.

Summative Assessment:

Students will present their published poems to the


Students will complete a quiz at the end of the lesson

to test their knowledge of their limerick poem and the
benefits of publishing writing (using Animoto).

Back to the Big Idea

CHANGE is expressed in the lesson:

Through the idea that seasons change

The weather, environment, and peoples actions change

Students will pretend they are the season and feel what it is
like to change

how publishing a poem (adding sound, motion, and images)

changes the audiences interest and understanding of the

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