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The students in the classroom will all be different for the most part when it

comes to age, goals, interests, academic ability level, and backgrounds. As

teachers, we have to be able to adjust to the students and differentiate instruction
through content, product, process, and the environment. This differentiation of
instruction is good for students and two groups of classes (heterogeneous classes
and remedial-level classes) present more frequent special challenges in the
These types of classrooms contain students with a wide range of
achievement levels.
In middle school which is my intended area, the level of achievement for a
math class can span over seven grades (for example, there could be students
with achievement levels of 11th grade while some students can have
achievement levels of 4th grade).
To aid with teaching, teachers must know how to do whole-class instruction
while providing special materials and activities to accommodate with the
different student abilities.
It would be helpful for me to examine these levels prior to instruction so the
proper planning can occur. Along with this, I can also figure out the needs
and interests to incorporate as early as possible.
A big key concept for differentiating the process, which is how you teach, is
using whole-group instruction, small group instruction, cooperative groups,

etc. Altering between these types of instruction will allow me to see which
types of groups work the best.
Teaching these classes can cause management problems, but the classes can
be ran effectively as long as I make sure student involvement is maintained
during different activities and as long as students are able to make progress
in the class. Students will do their work with a reasonable chance of success
I have to take into account the learner characteristics in the remedial class,
starting with their achievement level. Then I can take a look at things such
as low completion rate of homework, failure to make connections between
classwork and homework, or being poor readers.
Next, I have to establish a compact management system that will work for
my class. Im sure I am going to have to alter it a few times to get it right
and I will not stop until I am comfortable with it.
I will have to monitor these students behavior a lot more and give more
grades for effort and performance as well. Participation is a key element to
use in the remedial class. The planning and presenting of content for this
class would be more challenging, but I will carefully plan for each.
There are going to be opportunities where I am going to eventually have to
teach a special needs student(s) and the needs can range from students with
emotional/behavioral needs, students who are deaf, students with ADHD,
English Language learners, etc. I have to be ready for whatever is thrown

my way. I would make sure I use certain tactics for each special needs child
that is in my class.
For example, for students with emotional/behavioral needs, I will construct a
behavioral intervention plan with steps laid out to follow in order to resolve
the problem. I will be extra careful not to threaten the child with a
punishment in the heat of the moment because I do not want my credibility
undermined. A positive and supportive environment will be established for
these students. I will also enforce the concept of self-control to the students
who do outbursts.
Another example could be for students with ADHD, or Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder. First, I would try and get in touch with the students,
their parents, or past special education teachers to learn anything I can
quickly. I will be sure to make my rules and guidelines simple, but clear.
Even when giving directions to doing the work, the directions must clear and
brief. These students might try and speed through their work so they can do
something else, but I will constantly remind them that accuracy is more
important than speed. Lastly when reading, I will allow them to use their
finger or utilize a card to read so they do not skip lines.
I will try and establish similar plans for the other types of special needs

Inclusion with these students is very possible. I know I will do my best as

far as tending to each childs needs good enough for them to complete the
work successfully and learn something.

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