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1. What are Creative Commons licenses?

Explain some of the

permissions and restrictions. How are these licenses a benefit to us
as educators?
It is one of numerous public copyright licenses that allow anyone to use someone
elses copyrighted work for free. A CC license is used when an author wants to give
people the right to share, use, and build upon a work that they have created.
A person who wants to get a Creative Common license must go through a process to
make sure that their work is actually theirs and no one elses, then must publish it to
anyone they wish.
It benefits educators because when planning lessons/activities, there is always
helpful information online.
2. What is 'fair use' in reference to educators and students?
I believe that teachers and students deserve to both use CC in order to
complete specific tasks. Although, if a teacher requests that a student
gives their own opinion on something they should not be allowed to
use it.
3. What is the TEACH Act and why is it important for educators?
TEACH Act is also known as the Technology, Education and Copyright
Harmonization Act which allow educators to copy documents or use copyrighted
materials in a face-to-face classroom setting.
This is good for teachers/educators because when making/teaching lessons, they
are allowed to use someone elses work without getting in trouble for it.
4. Consider two copyright and fair use issues that you were familiar
with and two issues that were new to you.
There are 3 layers of CC: legal code, human readable, machine

TEACH only requires "government body or an accredited nonprofit educational

There is no registration to use CC.
Instructors may use a wider range of works in distance learning environments if using TEACH.
5. Explain and share any surprises, concerns, past experiences or
issues regarding copyright and fair use.
I have always been taught to create a works cited page at
the end of a presentation or paper in order to give credit to
someone that I used their work.
Teachers now require students to submit their papers/work in
to turn it in website so the teachers can see if they copy and
paste without documentation of where they got their

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