Fa 15 Ounit 4 Essay 4 Assign

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Diablo Valley College

Fall 2015: English 122-5460, 2017, 3278

Freshman English: Reading and Composition
Unit 4: Essay 4 - Argument
Unit 4 Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
A. In writing and discussion, demonstrate their ability to read carefully a variety of
non-fiction essays, including such skills as identifying and restating the thesis in
their own words; evaluating the nature and quality of a reading; and assessing
whether the author has successfully supported the thesis
B. Write a well-structured, college-appropriate essay using a writing process that
includes pre-writing, drafting, responding, revision, and publication. This essay
will be free of serious sentence errors, focused on a specific topic, and contain
an introduction, conclusion, thesis, a variety of support, and sense of style and
voice. The students will write well-developed, coherent paragraphs that use
complex transitions to achieve coherence.
C. Include research appropriate to their purpose and be able to find support for their
ideas in the library and other appropriate sources (personal interviews, personal
experience, online resources, etc.).

Essay 4 Assignment/Grading Rubric:

Write a 1500-1750 word essay. This essay is graded on a 100 point scale. There are five
grading points some build on skills developed in Units 1, 2 & 3. Each grading point has
a total possible of 20 points. The closer your essay comes to achieving the grading
standard, the higher the points earned in that grading category.
1. Focus on a single topic and central argument that convinces the reader of the
importance of a selected subject, and include both pro and con arguments in
your consideration of your topic
2. Reference the assigned sources with paraphrases, summaries and quotes: 1
visit, 2 30-minute interviews, 3 DVC library sources
3. Use literary devices, a strong personal writing voice, and relevant supporting
evidence to draw the readers attention to the thesis or central message of the
4. Use an overall structure, paragraph structure, and transitions appropriate to the
content (rather than connecting a string of sources, create a thematic
presentation of information that supports the thesis)
5. Submit an essay that is free of major grammatical and fluency errors, and is
formatted in the MLA format including in-text citations and a Works Cited section

Essay 4: Directions/Requirements
You will write about a controversial topic that interests you; your job is to present both
pro and con sides of an argument and to convince your reader that they should agree
with your point of view on this topic.

Introduce the topic by disclosing how you became interested in

it and presenting the pro and con sides of the controversy.
Your thesis will explore:

Why this topic is important and why your reader should care about it,
The root of the controversy and the pro and con sides of the argument
Why your opinion should be trusted why you should be considered a trusted
authority on your topic

Visit a place of activity that relates to your topic

Record the actions and details of the environment.

Be sure to include sensory detail and figurative language in your notes.

Interview at least 2 people associated with your topic 30

minutes minimum

Be sure to capture some direct quotes exactly what was said to include in
your essay.
Also be sure to capture descriptive details about your interview subjects and the
environment in which you spoke with them.
You will use your interview subjects as sources of information by using direct
quotations. To do this, you must use the MLA format for in-text citations and
include your interview subject on your Works Cited page I recommend you use
the Noodle Tool linked to the DVC library page for incorporating your sources and
formatting your Works Cited page.

Reference 3 library sources on your subject

These sources must be accessed through the DVC library (live or electronic)
you will read many more sources than you will reference in your paper
Incorporate some of the important information you gather from at least three
sources into the body of your paper.
Utilize the MLA citation format for in-text references.
Include a MLA formatted Works Cited section that cites the 3 sources referenced
in your paper again, I recommend that you use the Noodle Tool for
incorporating your sources and formatting your Works Cited section.

Conclude your essay showing your reader

Why this is a compelling topic (your thesis will be embedded in this analysis) and
why your opinion on the controversy should be trusted
What you learned in the process of your research and deeper thinking about your
What you want the reader to have learned about your subject (and maybe about

Do not chunk your essay:

Give your essay a flow integrate your sources thematically rather than going from one
source to another. Show how the information from your experience, sources, and
interviews interrelate.

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